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"Kirishima" I yelled running up to the red headed boy. "Amber" he yelled back as he wrapped his arms around me. Our moms walked up to each other and hugged. "Alright you two go play" my mom smiled down at us. "Yes mommy" I smiled as me and kirishima tan to the play ground.
     Kirishima and I did everything together growing up. He was my rock and my right hand man. Until one tragic day he moved away and I never seen him again. "I don't want you to move away" I cried hugging on to my best friend. "Don't worry amber I will come visit you" he sniffled trying to hold back his own tears. "You better" I smiled. That was when we were 6 and now I am 16 going to U.A high. Kirishima and I always had the dream of becoming hero's together. I hope he is going to a hero school by his new home.
     I walked into my home room class and took a seat in the back. "Hey there" a voice spoke next to me. I looked over and seen a blonde guy with what looked like a black lightning bolt through his hair. "Uh hey" I smiled. "Name is Denki" he smirked holding his hand out. "Amber" I laughed placing my hand in his. "And I'm mineta" a short guy with purple balls on his head popped up next to me. "Nice to meet you guys" I laughed. "You know your really pretty maybe we can go out sometime" Denki winked at me. I looked at him before busting out laughing. "I would be honored but sadly for you I have a boyfriend" I laughed holding my stomach. "Awe man all the hot ones are taken" Denki sighed. "But I will be your friend" I smiled placing my hand on his shoulder. "Awesome!" He smiled pumping his fist in the air. I laughed again watching as the room filled with students. I sighed leaning my elbow on my hand closing my eyes slightly. "Hey Denki! I didn't know you were coming to U.A too" a voice rang in front of me where Denki was sitting. It sounded oddly familiar. "Dude! My mom moved us here just so I can go to U.A" Denki hollered. "Mine too" the other voice yelled. "Hey guys no offense but it's kinda early to be yelling like this" I groaned opening my eyes and looking up at the guy standing next to Denki. He was tall and lean, he had alittle muscle, his eyes were a bright red  and his hair was just as red. My heart skipped a beat as we locked eyes. "Hey uh everything okay there" he asked rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh yeah sorry you just look like someone I used to know" I sighed as my heart hurt. "Oh well my name is kirishima it's nice to meet you" he held his hand out for me to shake it. My eyes widened even further as my mouth hung open. "Hey amber are you okay" Denki asked shaking me a bit. Now it was Kirishima eyes who went wide and his mouth hung open. He had definitely grown up, a lot. He still looked the same but he didn't at the same time. "Amber..." Kirishima looked down at me. "Kirishima" I smiled. "Denki" Denki yelled. We both looked over at him before I pushed his face away standing up. "Dude. You grew up on me" Kirishima looked down at me. I looked up at him, "I can say the same about you" I laughed. "We'll come here. I have missed you" he smiled pulling me into a hug. It was different from when we were kids. He towered over me now and he was crushing me in his strong arms. I hugged him back tightly. "I can't believe you are back and going to U.A" Kirishima smiled. "We can finally become hero's together" I smiled looking up at him as he let me go. "You remember that" he asked looking down at me. "Of course I do" I smiled taking my seat. He took the seat beside me.
     The bell rang for the last time today. I gathered my books and walked out the class. "Hey amber" I heard kirishima yell. I turned around and smiled at the red headed boy ran up to me. "Can we maybe hangout today and catch up" Kirishima blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck. I smiled, "yeah of course". "Awesome" he smiled linking his arm with mine. "I can't believe we are actually going to U.A together" he beamed as we walked down the side walk. "I can't believe I'm actually seeing you again. I never thought I would see you again" I sighed looking up at him. "We would have seen each other again eventually" he smiled down at me. "I thought you had forgot about me" I sighed looking up at him. I came up to about his shoulders so I had to look almost all the way up to look at him. "How could I forget about you??? We did everything together growing up" he hollered taking his arm away from me."I don't know I'm easily forgettable" I shrugged playing with my fingers. Kirishima stopped walking and looked down at me. "Don't ever say that about yourself again. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. And when I moved I met a lot of people." He smiled down at me. A small smile came to my lips as I looked up at him. "I... thank you" I smiled looking back down at my feet. "So how has life been since I've been gone" he asked as we continued walking. "Terrible. I don't have any friends except for my boyfriend but he's an asshole half the time" I sighed slumping over. "Boyfriend?" He looked down at me. "Uh yeah. His name is shinsou" I looked away from him. "Uh huh I'm going to have to meet this guy. Maybe teach him a lessen for treating you like shit" he growled slamming his fist into his palm. "Hey no! I'm a big girl" I laughed. "Yeah I guess so" he sighed wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "You know you used to be taller then me. Now look I'm a good foot taller then you" Kirishima laughed. "Hey I can still kick your ass" I pouted. "Last time we seen each other we didn't have a quirk" Kirishima looked down at me. "Yeah your right what is your quirk" I asked looked up at him. He looked down at me with a smirk. He closed his fist and flexed his arm. I watched in amazement as his whole arm turned into what looked like rock. "Whoa"I breathed running my finger down his arm. He was hard, suddenly his arm turned back to normal and I was just running my finger along his bicep. A blush came to my cheeks as I quickly pulled my hand away. "That's really cool" I looked away quickly trying to get the blush to go away. "Yeah it's called hardening" he smiled. "What's yours" he asked. "Oh mines not as cool as yours" I shrugged. "Oh come on I showed you mine now you have to show me yours" he looked down at me with a wink. My body tensed as another blush came to my face. He has really turned into a flirt. He is really cute too. "Um okay" I waved my hand at the ground causing his shadow to come alive and grab him. It caused him to stop in place and then I stomped my foot into the ground causing kirishima to fly into the air on a Pillar of concrete. Then my eyes turned red and my white hair flowed wildly in the wind as I made flashbacks of our childhood flash in his mind. "Dude" Kirishima whispered as I waved my hands again. The concrete pillar slowly retreated back into the ground along with his shadow and the hazy that came over his eyes disappeared. He stared at me in shock as I hugged my self and looked away. "Dude !!! That's so not fair !!! Your quirk is way cooler then mine" he whined stomping his foot. A smile came to my face as baby kirishima flashed into my mind doing the same thing. "It's called manipulation. I can basically control any element I want. From the air" I swirled my fingers causing kirishima to float up into the air. "To even the smallest amount of water" I flicked my finger as he landed on his feet. A drop of water that was sitting on a leaf flew up and hit him in the nose. "Dude that really badass" he smiled wiping the water from his nose. "Thanks" I smiled as we walked up to his door. He opened it and bowed dramatically. "My lady" he looked up at me and winked. I laughed as I walked in, following kirishima to the kitchen. "Hey mom you won't believe who I ran into today" he smirked while leaning against the doorframe to the kitchen. His mom had her back to us as I stood anxiously waiting for her to turn around. I miss them both so much, his mom was like my bonus mom. "And who would that be honey" she turned around wiping her hands on her apron. She looked up and her eyes widened. "Oh amber honey look at you!!! All grown up" she gushed as she rushed towards me and wrapped her arms around me. "Hey ma" I laughed hugging her back. "Oh I just can't believe it" she smiled pulling away to look at me. "I couldn't believe it either. When I seen kirishima I almost didn't recognize him" I smiled nudging his arm. "I'm not gonna lie I didn't recognize you at all" he laughed wrapping his arm around my shoulders. He smiled down at me as I smiled up at him. I heard a click and we both looked over to see his mom taking a picture. "Have you went and seen ambers mom yet kiri" his mom asked looking over at him. "No not yet I wanted her to come see you first so I could tell you where I was going" he rubbed the back of his neck smiling at his mom. "Well it's fine now go" she pushed us both out the door.
     I walked inside my house kirishima following behind me. "Hey mom" I hollered as kirishima closed the door. "I'm here love" I heard her sing. I followed her humming to the kitchen where she was cooking dinner. "Uh I have a surprise for you" I smiled. "Okay what is it dear" she sighed turning around. I grabbed kirishima arm and pulled him around the corner. "Ta-Da" I said dramatically waving my hands in front of him. My mothers eyes widened as she ran forward and wrapped him in a hug. "Oh my gosh it's been what 10 years? Look how big you have gotten" she basically screamed. "Hey momma" he laughed as he hugged her back. "Oh I'm just so happy you two are back together. Amber was just absolutely lost without you! She didn't make a single friend until she met shinsou" her nosed scrunched up at the name and kirishima laughed. "I guess mom doesn't approve" he looked down at me and nudged my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and huffed crossing my arms over my chest. "She refuses to listen to me when I tell her that boy is no good. But she has always been hard headed" my mom sighed looking down at her feet. "She will learn the hard way ma" Kirishima flashed a smile. "And I will be there to pick the pieces back up and we will both say I told you so" he smirked over at me.
     A knock sounded on the door while kirishima and I were watching a movie in the living room. I groaned and got up and looked through the peep hole. My eyes widened as my hands started to shake. I opened the door slowly and put on a fake smile. "Hey babe" I smiled brightly at my boyfriend. "What's up. Is your mom home" he asked looking past me. "Uh no she went out to go run some errands but I do have a-" I was cut off by shinsou grabbing my wrist and pulling me inside. He headed towards the stairs, I tried pulling against him. "Hey shinsou wait" I grunted yanking my arm out of his grip. He was holding me to hard, the force from me pulling against him made me stumble backwards. My feet slipped from underneath me and I braced my self to hit the hard wood floor. I landed in someone's arms though and I looked up to see kirishima. He smiled down at me helping me back to my feet. "You must be shinsou" he smirked crossing his arms in front of his chest and glaring at shinsou. "And who might you be" shinsou glared back looking between me and kirishima. I quickly stepped between the boys. "Uh babe this is my childhood best friend kirishima. The one I always talk about" I chuckled nervously. "Oh you mean the one who left you just like everyone else" he sneered, his eyes never leaving kirishima. My heart stopped as I looked up at him. "I-it wasn't like that. He didn't have a choice" I whispered looking down. I glanced over at kirishima and anger had taken over his features. "Now just wait a damn minute! We were 6 it's not like I could say hey mom I'm staying here! You think I would leave her on purpose !!! Maybe I should have so she wouldn't have ended up with someone like you" Kirishima barked. "What is that suppose to mean" shinsou stepped towards kirishima. I quickly jumped in front of him but just as fast I was on the ground sliding against the hard floor. I looked up finally realizing that shinsou had pushed me out of the way. Kirishima's eyes were wide as he looked over at me. He quickly snapped his head back towards shinsou. He stepped up to him they were now face to face. "I suggest you leave before I physically put you out of here" Kirishima breathed. His voice was deeper and you could almost quite literally see the steam coming from his ears. "I'm not going no damn where" shinsou barked back. "Guys please" I pleaded as I got up off the floor and tried to pry the boys apart. It was no use. I tried to think of something anything. Then it finally clicked. I swirled both my hands towards the boys using my quirk to lift them both in the air. I flicked my hands opposite ways of each other. Shinsou hit the wall hard and kirishima landed on his feet by the door. I held shinsou where he was though. "Will both of you just stop it" I growled. "I'm not just gonna sit here and let this guy treat you like this amber!!! He literally pushed you so hard you went half way across the living room" Kirishima shouted. I let out a deep sigh. "I know kirishima but I have put up with it for a long time I know how to handle myself" I looked over at him. His face fell, "that's the thing you shouldn't have to deal with it" he sighed. I let shinsou down, not as gently as I did kirishima though. He fell to his knees before glaring at me. "What did I tell you about using your quirk on me" he yelled. I flinched slightly, quickly recollecting myself. "Look I don't give a damn it was the only way to separate you two! Shinsou, kirishima is my best friend and I finally got him back after 10 years. I'm sorry but he's not going anywhere. And if you can't handle that then maybe we should break up" I whispered looking away from both the boys. "So it's red riot over here over me. I didn't leave you amber! I have never left your side since middle school. Without me you would have no one. You would be the same lame loser you were when we became friends! Do you really want that" he barked walking towards me. "He didn't leave me. And besides the fact he's here now. That's all that matters." I barked back at him. "You may have not left her but in return you treat her like garbage. That's your girlfriend dude. Your suppose to treat her like a queen. Your suppose to hold her up when she gets knocked down. Not the reason she's getting knocked down. And even if you do leave her she has me and I'm not going anywhere ever again. Even if my life depends on it" Kirishima whispered the last part looking over at me. I couldn't help but smile. "Whatever I'm out of here" shinsou growled pushing past me and bumping shoulders with kirishima on his way out. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding and slumped over on to my knees. "Hey are you okay" Kirishima asked as he placed a hand on my back. I nodded slowly, I stood up and smiled up at my best friend. "That went way better then I thought it would. I really did think you were going to kill him for a second though" I laughed as we plopped back down on the couch. "I'm still tempted to" he growled wrapping his arm around my shoulders pulling me into his side. I cuddled closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

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