The betrayal

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     My heart clenched at his name. I sighed wiping my tears rolling over to grab my phone. I went to my contacts and scrolled to his name. I hesitated for a minute. Is he mad at me? Does he think it's my fault too? I shook my head and clicked the call button. It rung a few times. "Hello" Mina answered the phone. My breath got caught in my throat and my heart hurt. The feeling of jealousy grew inside making my blood boil. "Uh hey Mina is kirishima there" I croaked trying to hold back my tears. "Uh yeah but he's in the shower at the moment" she giggled. "O-Oh okay." I was shocked. Mina is at his house, with him alone. "Do you want me to get him" I heard her shuffling around. "Uh no. It's fine" I sighed before hanging up the phone. I threw my phone across my bed. A frustrated scream left my mouth as I started punching my pillow over and over. "Hey kid are you okay" Aizawa bust through my door and froze. My eyes were probably all red and puffy as the tears fell freely down my face. "I call kirishima like you wanted dad! And he's with fucking Mina" I yelled. Aizawa took a step back and raised his hands in defense. "Um... why is him hanging out with Mina a bad thing. I'm confused" he looked at me raising an eyebrow. "I- I don't know! But I don't like it and I don't like the way it's making me feel right now" I sighed shoving my head in my hands. "Are you jealous" he asked slowly sitting on the side of the bed. "N-no.... Maybe" I sighed. "She was at his house... with him alone... while he was in the shower... and then she tried to go in the bathroom with him while he was in the shower!!!" I yelled. "Maybe you should go actually talk to him face to face and see what's going on" he suggested. "Maybe your right" I sighed.
      I walked up to kirishimas house slowly and knocked on the door. "Oh hey Amber" kirishimas mom answered the door. "Hey um can I talk to kirishima" I asked rocking back and forth on my feet. "Yeah of course he is up in his room with Mina" she smiled allowing me to walk in. I slowly made my way up his stairs and reached his door. It was quiet on the other side. I took a deep breath, I reached for the door handle with a shaky breath. Come on Amber what is wrong with you. I quickly opened the door and walked in. "Kirishi-" my words caught in my throat. Mina was straddling Kirishimas lap, kirishimas hands wrapped tightly around Minas waist. Mina quickly pulled away from kirishimas lips and they both looked at me shocked. My eyes widened as Mina quickly got of kirishima and threw his shirt back over her bare body. "Pebble" Kirishima shouted. I was frozen in place as I stared at the sight in front of me. "Amber I'm sorry" Mina whispered not even being able to look me in the face. My two best friends, betrayed me. Mina knew I liked kirishima a lot and she knew kirishima liked me. Well I thought he did. We had a mutual agreement that I was his and he was mine. I guess that wasn't true anymore. I quickly turned on my heels and ran down the stairs. I couldn't contain the tears that fell down my face as I ran out of his house and out to the side walk. "Pebble wait" Kirishima yelled grabbing my wrist. I quickly jerked away from him and turned to face him. "Don't ever call me that again" I growled. "Look I can explain" he looked around trying to find the words. "There is nothing to explain kirishima" I whispered. "Look I was upset about Bakugou and I was worried about you and I invited Mina over to talk to her about it... and things just kinda escalated" he rubbed the back of his neck looking up at me. "You were worried about me ??? No the fuck you weren't if you were worried about me you would have came to check on me! All you did was text and call! If you really cared about how I was you would have showed up" I yelled. The hurt and betrayal I felt had now turned into anger. My blood was boiling and the anger I felt right now was like no other emotion I had felt before. "Amber look I'm sorry okay. It was a mistake" he sighed. "You know what it doesn't even matter. Go back inside to Mina. We are just friends remember" I started laughing. I don't know why but it seemed to be the only thing I could do. "What? You know I'm yours pebble" he tried to step towards me but I stepped back quickly. I shook my head, "not anymore your not. You made that extremely clear. Go have fun with Mina" I sighed. I quickly walked away before kirishima could say anything else.
     I sat down on a bench in a near by park. It was dark outside and the park was empty.  "Why is everything falling apart" I sighed, I placed my bag down next to me on the bench and leaned down on my knees. "Hey there little lady are you alright" a deep voice I didn't recognize spoke. I looked up quickly and immediately felt uncomfortable. A tall man with dark features towered over me. He had a black hoody on and some jeans. "Um yes sir I'm fine" I smiled weakly. "Do you mind if I sit here. I've been walking a long way and my feet just need a rest for a minute" he asked. I nodded slowly and scooted over grabbing my bag. The man sit down right next to me and put his arm around me, pulling me into his side. I glanced over and there was enough room on this bench to fit 4 people on it. Why did he decide to sit right on top of me. "Um sir could you let me go and scoot over" I asked trying to pull away from him. His grip tightened around my shoulders, "no I think I'm good doll" he leaned down to my ear and whispered. My body started to shake, "please sir. Let me go" I whispered quickly trying to stand up. I got out of his grip and tried to run but he grabbed my by my hair and pulled me back to him. "Where do you think your going" he smirked. "I just want to go home. Please let me go" I cried as I struggled to get his fingers out of my hair. "I don't think I wi-" his voice got cut short as I fell to the ground. I watched as what looked like an octopus tentacle slid past me. "She said let her go" a tall boy with dark hair was standing next to me and the octopus tentacle turned into his normal hand. I stared shocked I have never seen a quirk like that before. "I suggest you beat it kid" the tall man stood up from the ground. "No I suggest you beat it" the boy growled. They both stood staring at each other before the tall man backed down and started to walk away. "Stupid brat getting in my way" the man mumbled as he walked away. A hand appeared in front of my face and I looked up to see the boy who saved me. "Are you okay" he asked as I grabbed his hand and he helped pull me to my feet. I rubbed the back of my head, "yeah I'm fine. Thank you" I smiled taking my hand from the boy. I grabbed my bag and sighed as I looked down. "I'm tamaki" he held his hand out as a light blush came to his face. "Amber" I grabbed his hand and he leaned down and kissed my knuckles. A blush came to my cheeks as he let my hand go and stood back up smiling at me. "Can I walk you home? Just in case that guy is lurking around the corner" he asked quietly. "Um yeah I would like that" I smiled. "Well then lead the way princess" tamaki smiled holding his arm out. I slowly linked my arm with his as we started walking towards my house.
     "So Tamaki... can I ask about your quirk" I asked looking up at him. He was taller then me, he was maybe even taller then kirishima. "I have never seen a quirk like yours before" I smiled shyly as he looked down at me. "Oh my quirk is called manifest.  Basically I can take on any physical characteristics of anything I eat" he looked down at his free hand and it turned into a clam. I gasped in shock as it turned back to normal. "That's... actually pretty amazing" I smiled up at him. "What's yours" he asked looking down at me. "It's called manipulation. I can control any element I want. Including someone's mind." I shrugged . "That's cool. Way cooler then mine in my opinion" he smiled down at me. "No yours is so amazing. Way cooler then mine" I laughed. We walked up to my door, "well this is me. Thank you for walking me home" I smiled up at tamaki as I pulled my arm from him. "Your welcome and it was really nice to meet you Amber. It was the highlight of my day" he smiled at me. "It was nice to meet you too. It was also the highlight of my day" I leaned forward and gave Tamaki a hug. I heard the front door open and I pulled from Tamaki to see Aizawa. "Tamaki?" He looked over at the boy. "Mr. Aizawa" Tamaki said shocked. I looked between the two of them confused. "Wait you two know each other" I asked. "Um yeah. Tamaki is apart of Class 3-A and he is apart of the big 3" Aizawa looked between the two of us. "Wait how do you two know each other??? Tamaki is a upper classmen" Aizawa's face twisted. "Um I ran into her at the park and she seemed upset so I stopped and asked if she was okay and I offered to walk her home because it was dark" Tamaki smiled. "Oh well thank you Tamaki" Aizawa stood there for a minute before he closed the door. "Aizawa is your dad?" Tamaki blurted. He placed his hand over his mouth as a blush came to his face. "I'm sorry" he whispered. "No it's fine but yes he is my dad. Don't tell anyone though. The school board wants it a secret for right now" I sighed looking down. "Hey your secret is safe with me. Lemme see your phone" he held his hand out towards me. I quickly pulled my phone out and handed it to him after unlocking it. He started typing before handing it back to me. "Text me later. I would like to hang out with you again" he smiled before hugging me. "Okay. I would like that" I blushed as he waved and walked away. I turned to the door but quickly turned back around. "Tamaki!" I yelled. He turned around, "thank you again" I smiled. "Anytime princess" he smiled before waving again and disappearing into the night.

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