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     I was leaning my head on kirishimas shoulder. "Hey pebble" Kirishima whispered as he readjusted in the seat to where his back was leaning against the window and I was laying on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and placed a soft kiss to my forehead. A small smile spread across my face, "yeah kiri" I sighed. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me" he whispered. I sat up slightly looking at him my eyes wide. "Wh-" I was cut off when the bus came to a stop. "Everyone off the bus" Aizawa shouted. A smug smile was sitting on his face and it made me feel uneasy. "Come on princess ladies first" Bakugou barked as I laughed. "Well at least he's trying to be a gentleman" Kirishima laughed from behind me. "What do you mean trying to be damn shitty hair" Bakugou yelled and slapped his hand down on the back of his head. "Hey dude come on" Kirishima whined. I finally hopped off the bus and stretched. My eyes widened at the view. We stopped on a cliff, as I looked over the cliff all I could see was a huge forest. The sun was shining bright and I watched as birds flew around chasing one another. "Kiri look how pretty it is out here" I shouted running to the railing on the side of the cliff. The sound of a car coming to a stop filled the air and I snapped my head over. 4 people jumped out the car and my mouth dropped. "Your feline fantasies are here. We are the Wild Wild Pussy cats" they all shouted in unison. "Now everyone the training camp is just at the base of that mountain" one of them smirked and pointed. "It is now 9 in the morning. If you hurry you may make it there by lunch" Aizawa smirked as my stomach dropped. "What do you mean" I whispered as I looked between him and the pussy cats. "Everyone back to the bus" Denki yelled. Everyone started running towards the bus but one of the pussy cats jumped in the way. "Who ever doesn't make it by 12:30 doesn't get lunch" she smirked before she leaned down and the ground beneath our feet started to rumble. "What the hell" Bakugou yelled as the earth beneath our feet gave way and we all started to fall down the hill. Kirishima grabbed me and wrapped me in his arms holding me tight as he hardened his body. When we reached the forest floor below we hit hard and rolled a few feet. "See you kids soon" Aizawa yelled down, an evil smirk playing on his face. "Did one of the pussy cats say this was the beasts forest" deku whispered as we all turned towards the tree line. "I don't care I have to pee" mineta yelled as he ran towards the trees. Just as he reached the tree line a giant dirt beast stepped into view. My heart dropped as my whole body started to tremble. "What is that thing" I yelled, taking a step back. "I don't know and I don't care! Die" Bakugou screamed jumping in the air and blasting the beast to pieces. "Don't just stand there ya damn extras help me fight these things" Bakugou yelled as more dirt beasts appeared. Kirishima and I ran behind Bakugou as he cleared a path. "Princess" bakugou screamed as kirishima grabbed me. A dirt beasts foot landed right where I was standing. I swirled my fingers causing the beast to fly up in the air and I snapped my fingers. The beast began to fall from the sky rapidly and hit the ground hard turning into dust. "That's my girl" Bakugou smiled as we made our way through the forest.
     Bakugou, kirishima and I were the first ones to reach the camp. Aizawa and two of the Pussy cats were standing outside waiting. My body was weak and my vision was blurry. I can feel the blood dripping from my nose. Aizawa's eyes landed on me and I watched concern fill his face. "I'm fine" I breathed as I fell to my knees in front of him. No one in our class knows Aizawa is my dad expect for Bakugou and kirishima. Aizawa kneeled down and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure. You look like you have over used your quirk" he whispered. "Yeah I did but I'll be fine" I huffed slowly standing to my feet and wiping my nose with the back of my hand. I stumbled a bit but two strong arms wrapped around either side of my body. Bakugou and kirishima wrapped my arms around there necks and nodded to Aizawa. "We got her" kirishima whispered. Aizawa simply nodded as more of our class started to emerge from the woods. "Get her inside and sit her down" Aizawa ordered.
      The next couple days of the training camp was extreme endurance training on our quirks. Aizawa had me focusing on using all my quirks at once no matter how bad my body hurt or how much I bled. He was also having me focus on switching quickly between each element. I let out a scream as a paralyzing pain shot through my back. I fell to my knees clenching my teeth. "Come on Amber. You can do it. Push through the pain" Aizawa shouted as he walked up to me. My breathing was heavy as I watched the blood drip from my nose, forming a puddle beneath me. "I can't" I breathed. He kneeled down placing his hand on my back. "Yes you can. I know you can. You are a lot stronger then you think. You just have to push yourself past your limits to unlock that strength" he whispered as he stood back up. "Come on up keep going" he shouted. I rolled my eyes and huffed. Aizawa is a great dad but when we are surrounded by the class he can be a real pain in my ass. He tries his best to take it easy on me but in a way that the other students don't notice. It's still a secret that he is my father and the school board wants to keep it that way. I stood to my feet slowly as I glared at Aizawa. "Quick a villain is coming towards your hiding spot. If he sees you, your dead and the whole mission is blown" Aizawa yelled. I quickly closed my eyes and focused on making my body invisible. AizWa walked towards me like he was a villain and I quietly but quickly moved to the side. He walked right past me and looked around. "I can hear your breathing" he smirked as his scarf shot out towards me. I quickly swirled my fingers and made my self fly up in the air. I was still keeping myself invisible. I opened my eyes, they turned red as I caused visions to flash through Aizawa's mind. He froze in place as I quickly hit the ground and used his scarf to tie him up. My eyes turned back to normal and the haze that came over his eyes disappeared. "Good one" he smiled at me. "Thanks" I smiled proudly. "Alright students! It's time to have some fun! After all the hard training you guys have been doing, let's relax and play a game" one of the pussy cats yelled. "Yeah" Kirishima yelled appearing beside me. "Not so fast! The group of 5 students who didn't pass the exams will be coming with me" Aizawa shouted as his scarf quickly wrapped around Mina, Denki, sato, mineta, and kirishima. Kirishima's eyes widened as he looked down then back at me. "Awe have fun" I smiled blowing him a kiss as Aizawa dragged them away. It was day 4 of the camp so we all had 3 days left of intense training. The camp is in a top secret location and only the teachers who are here know where it is. Appearently the teachers and the school board think there is a leak in the school who is telling the villains things. "Alright class you will be grouped up into groups of two! Class B will go hide in the woods and class A will follow the trail after all of class A has walked through we will switch and the class who scares the most people will win" the blue kissy cat yelled. Everyone from class A grab a number and find your partner! Class B go hide and get ready to scare everyone" she smiled. I grabbed a slip of paper out of the jar she was holding and read it. Team 3. I looked up to see Sero smiling at me. "Hey" I smiled. "I guess we are a team" he rubbed the back of his neck. His eyes travelled to my neck, slightly widening before he looked back up at me and looked away. "Sorry" he whispered. "It's fine. It's apart of me now and I've gotten used to people staring" I sighed. "Alright teams line up in order! Every 3 minutes the teams will go" the pink pussy cat squealed. "Hey sticky switch partners with me" Bakugou's voice filled the air. Sero and I turned to see Bakugou and Todoroki walking up to us. "Sorry dude it's apart of the rules we can't switch partners" Sero smirked crossing his arms over his chest. "Says who" Bakugou yelled. "Me" the blue pussy cat popped out of no where. "Fine" Bakugou growled as he walked away with Todoroki. I laughed with Sero as we lined up.

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