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       When the smoke cleared, I stood to my feet stumbling a bit. My body was still engulfed in flames as I looked around. Bakugou and Aizawa were surrounded by villains, All might was down. I looked down at my mother to see her unconscious. I threw my hands up in the air causing concrete bars to come from the rubble of the buildings around us. They wrapped around the villains surrounding Aizawa and Bakugou. Aizawa looked over and his face fell and twisted in fear. "Amber" he yelled. I watched as his eyes started to glow red and his hair flew wildly, he was trying to erase my quirk, but it wasn't working. I heard him yell something but I couldn't quit make out what he said. I turned my attention to All for one. "Ah see All might look at her in all her glory" All for one boomed as he turned to me. All might looked up and his eyes widened. "Young Amber" All might coughed trying to stand. "Have you finally decided to end this and join us my dear" all for one asked as I walked closer. I didn't answer, I raised my hand in the air, several pillars of concrete flew into the air. I snapped my finger causing them to come flying down onto All for one. He was crushed under the pillars. All might stood up slowly and wiped his mouth. "Get out of here Amber. That won't hold him" he coughed. "No I'm ending this" I growled as I threw my hand towards All Might causing him to fly backwards. A rumbling sound was heard from the ground causing me to snap my head towards All for one. "Amber" I heard my name being yelled but it was drowned out by the creaking of the pillars. A huge explosion happened causing the pillars to burst into pieces. I threw a wall up to block me from the blast. All for ones laugh filled the air. "Amber honey. That was a cute try" he laughed as he flew towards me. I was ready to attack but All might jumped in front of me blocking All for ones Punch. "Work with me young Amber we can defeat him together" All might yelled.
     All might punched him causing him to fly back. I used the air around him to throw him up in the air and slung him back down to the ground. Everything started to become hazy as I stumbled a bit. "One more time young Amber" All might yelled. I shook my head and quickly threw him back up in the air. All might flew up towards All for one and grabbed him by his throat. I used the air around All might as he flew towards the ground with All for one to make him go faster. He hit the ground hard, when the smoke cleared there was a huge hole in the middle of the rubble where All might had smashed All for one into the ground. "This is over" All might breathed. All for one was knocked out cold. My flames disappeared as my knees gave out. "Amber" Aizawa yelled falling to his knees next to me. He grabbed my shoulders and looked me over. "I'm fine dad" I coughed as I looked up at him a smile on my face. "Good I'm gla-" Aizawa's words cut short as his body went stiff. His eyes widened and he fell to his side. A blade was sticking out of his back. "Dad" I screamed as I crawled over to him. I snapped my head up when I heard my mother laughing. "I told you I would kill that nasty hero" she laughed as she struggled to stand. My hand print was burned into her neck, she had big gashes up and down her whole body. Her right eye was swollen shut. My eyes widened as anger coursed through me. "You bitch! Die" I screamed lunging at my mother. I slammed her into the earth by her throat. "You will pay for that" I growled as I slammed my knee down into the ground. A sharp knife like pillar of dirt shot straight through my mothers body. Slicing through her like butter. She tried to scream but nothing came out. "I hope you burn in hell" I growled leaning closer to her face. Her eyes never left mine as I slowly watched the life drain from them. Her body fell limp and I stood up. I quickly ran back over to Aizawa. "Dad" I whispered as I placed his head in my lap. "I'm fine. She didn't hit anything vital. It just hurts" he coughed. "I bet" I laughed. Soon the area was swarming with cops and ambulances and fire trucks. Hero's were rescuing people from the fallen down buildings. "Go talk with the police. I will be home soon" Aizawa coughed as he was loaded up into an ambulance. I watched as he drove away. I looked around after Aizawa was gone and seen Bakugou getting loaded into the back of a cop car. "Hey wait" I yelled, All might stepped in front of me. "He is going to be questioned. You can see him after" he coughed as he looked down at me. I looked back towards the cop car and Bakugou's red eyes were piercing through mine. I opened my mind and Bakugou's voice filled my head. "Thank you" a small smile played on his face as the car door was shut blocking my voice from traveling to him.
     All might and I spoke to the police on everything that happened. "Thank you again All Might and...." The officer looked over at me. "Zodiac. My hero name is Zodiac" I smiled brightly. "I will update you guys when we investigate the scene and get all the villains in custody" the officer nodded as All might and I walked out of the building. My heart stopped as I seen Bakugou standing outside leaning against a wall. My eyes widened as all the pent up emotions I had been holding back came flooding through me. Tears welled up in my eyes as Bakugou looked up and smiled at me. My feet quickly reacted and I ran towards bakugou. He opened his arms ready to catch me. I jumped into his arms wrapping my arms around his neck tightly. "I'm so sorry" I sobbed as he held me tight. "Shut up its not your fault" he whispered as he ran his fingers through me hair. "I'm just so glad your okay" I took a deep breath as Bakugou set me down. "I'm perfectly fine except a few scrapes and it's all because of you princess" he smiled down at me. I smiled brightly at Bakugou. "Young Bakugou, young Amber. It's time to go back home" All might stepped up and sighed. "Despite everything you guys still have classes bright and early tomorrow" he smiled. "Yes sir" Bakugou and I said in unison as we all walked back to my house.

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