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-Ambers POV-

     I woke up to an empty couch. I sat up quickly and looked around. "Oh good morning pebble" Kirishima smiled walking from the kitchen. The smell of coffee, bacon and pancakes filled my nose. "Oi shitty hair get in here" I heard Bakugou yell. He appeared in the door way of the kitchen. Him and kirishima were wearing aprons and kirishima had his hair pulled back in a pony tail. Bakugou's eyes locked with mine, "oh good morning. How did you sleep" he asked leaning on the door frame. "Considering the nightmare it was fine" I smiled getting up from the couch. "Well good. We are making breakfast come on" he huffed turning to walk back in the kitchen. Kirishima reached his hand out for me and I grabbed it. He pulled me into the kitchen where Aizawa was sitting at the table sipping a cup of coffee. Kirishima pulled my chair out for me and then pushed me in when I sat down. Bakugou handed me a cup of coffee, "thank you. What is all this about?" I smiled taking a sip. "Well since you've been through so much. We wanted to do something nice for you and I haven't cooked for you in a hot minute" Kirishima smiled flipping a pancake. "Hey your doing it wrong" Bakugou yelled snatching the pan for kiri as he glared at him. I laughed and watched the boys finish cooking. "Well thank you guys I get breakfast and a show" I smirked over at kirishima. He stared at me for a minute before his cheeks turned red and he quickly turned back to the counter. "Hey none of that flirty shit while I'm in here" Bakugou huffed. "Flirty?" Aizawa perked up at those words. "Oh yeah these two have a thing going on. It's weird though they aren't together but they act like it" he shrugged turning to Aizawa. "Bakugou" Kirishima and I yelled at the same time. "What ! It's not like it was some big secret you guys make it obvious" he defended. I slowly looked over at Aizawa but he was already staring at me. I smiled nervously before looking back down at my coffee. "You guys do make it pretty obvious so I already knew. If you were to ever date anyone I would want it to be kirishima so I'm okay with it" Aizawa smiled taking a sip of his coffee to hide it. I looked over at kirishima and our eyes locked. Our faces turned red as we quickly looked away from one another. "Well we are still just friends. There has been too much going on lately to focus on anything else" I smiled. "And that's perfectly fine too" Aizawa nodded.
     I slipped my hero suit on and threw my white hair up in a pony tail. Today we are doing combat training with All Might. Aizawa is still having me hold back but he won't be here today so, what he doesn't know won't hurt him. I skipped out to the rest of the class and found kirishima and Bakugou waiting on me. "Hey guys your ready for today" I smiled up at the two. "Hell yeah" Kirishima shouted. I giggled before I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned and my blood ran cold. "Shinsou?" I whispered. "I see your still stuck up red riots ass" he eyes kirishima and then his eyes traveled over to Bakugou. "And you got a hot headed tag along cute" he smirked before looking back down at me. "What do you want" I growled. He has no right to just show up out of no where and start insulting my friends. "I just wanted to see how you were holding up" he crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm fine" I copied his movements. His eyes traveled my body, his eyes lingered on my scars. "You don't look fine" he commented. "I said I'm fine" I shouted. "Okay we will see about that during the combat training" he smirked stepping towards me. I was about to step towards him but kirishima and Bakugou both stepped in front of me. My heart skipped a beat as I stared at the two boys. "It's time for you to go" Kirishima said calmly. "Yeah beat it extra" Bakugou barked. Shinsou smiled before his eyes traveled to me. "I'll see you on the field.... pebble" his eyes landed on kirishima. Kirishima's face twisted in anger and his fists balled. "Hey who the hell do you think you are" Kirishima yelled. "Just the ex boyfriend" shinsou laughed before walking away. "I'm going to beat the shit out of him" Kirishima growled before turning to me. "Pebble is my nickname for you" he grumbled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I laughed and patted his chest, "it still is calm down".
      I was on a team with Ida, Bakugou, and Denki. Our opposing team was a couple kids from class B and Shinsou. Kirishima almost lost his mind when he heard I was against shinsou. "Alright ida and I will go this way and Bakugou and Denki will go this way" I drew a makeshift map in the dirt. "Uh no way your staying with me" Bakugou growled. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Fine ida and Denki will go this way and Bakugou and I will go this way. If anything goes wrong we meet back at this spot" I smiled proudly. "Sounds good to us" ida smiled. The horn blared and we took off. The objective of this training exercise was to capture the opposite team. Who ever captured 3 out of 4 people from the opposite team won. "That purple headed weirdo is going to come straight for you. That's why I wanted you with me" Bakugou growled as we walked. "I know. But remember his quirk is brainwashing. If he asks you a question or says something to you don't respond" I urged. "How are we suppose to communicate" he asked looking down at me. "Simple. Just like this" I smiled up at the boy. His eyes widened when he realized my mouth didn't move but he still heard my voice. "Talk in your head dummy. I've been working on this with Aizawa it's apart of my mind manipulation quirk" I laughed. "Can you hear me" Bakugou thought. His mouth didn't move as he looked down at me. "Yes silly" I smiled. We were pulled from our conversation when a rope shot out and wrapped around me. Bakugou's head snapped in the direction it came from, standing a few feet away was shinsou. "Remember Bakugou don't say anything to him" I shouted into his head. He simply nodded his head. "I have your precious little princess Bakugou" shinsou smirked before he yanked the rope back towards him and I went flying into his arms. He made sure to wrap my hands up so I couldn't use my quirk against him. " Bakugou I can't use my quirk he wrapped my hands up" I sighed. "Damnit. I'm going to have to fight him" he growled. "Blow him to shreds sparky" I smirked towards him. A smirk formed on his face as explosions left his hands propelling him forward. He hovered over us, he was getting ready to pull the pin from his Grenades when his voice filled my head. "Blind him with visions" his voice shouted. I closed my eyes and quickly opened them as my eyes shown red and my hair flew around. "Don't you dare" shinsou yelled. The hazy quickly covered his eyes and he quickly dropped me. I rolled away from shinsou and Bakugou released the pin. Shinsous scarf retreated back to him and I stood quickly. Bakugou landed next to me. "He's out cold" I heard his voice but it wasn't in my head. "Good" as the words left my mouth my whole body went stiff. What the hell. Shinsou laughing filled the air and he slowly stood from the ground. He had a black mask around his face. "Your now under my control pebble" he smirked. His voice wasn't his though it was kirishimas. He had a support piece that distorts his voice into other peoples! "Damn you" Bakugou screamed. He went to run towards him but my hand shot out and stopped him. My quirk was activated and I was raising Bakugou in the air. I have no control over my body right now. I stared up at Bakugou as he yelled for me to put him down. "She can't dumbass. She's under my control. She will do anything I want her to do" shinsou laughed. "Kill him" he smiled. My body reacted, I flew up in the air until I was level with Bakugou. "Amber don't do this. Fight it I know your stronger then this Damnit" Bakugou screamed at me. I couldn't speak, my hands started to move slowly towards the sky as two giant pull oats of concrete flew towards us. They stopped on either side of Bakugou. "Amber! Come on princess. Fight it! Your stronger then some dumb brainwashing quirk" Bakugou yelled. I could see the anger and fear in his eyes. It was killing me, I can't control anything. The pillars of concrete slowly moved towards Bakugou. "Pebble" I heard kirishimas voice yell. I forced my head over to the side. Wait I have some control over my head! I seen kirishima standing on top of a building near by. His face was filled with anger, "pebble" he screamed again. "Put him down" he yelled. Shinsou growled down below. "Damnit stop it red riot" he yelled. "Amber can you hear me" Bakugou's voice filled my head and I looked back over to him. "His quirk has a time limit. You have control over your head and mind! Which means you will have full control soon. Act like your still under his control and crush him with the pillars" his voice was frantic but happy. I slightly nodded my head and a smile spread across his face. "Amber hurry up and kill him" shinsou yelled. A smirk came across my face as I raised the pillars of concrete higher in the air. I quickly threw my hands down and the pillars went flying towards the ground where shinsou was. "What the hell" he yelled as the pillars crushed him. I put me and Bakugou on the ground gently as I snapped my fingers and the concrete retreated back into the ground. Shinsou was knocked out cold and his mask was broken. I quickly used his scarf to tie him up and we threw him in the make shift jail.
     Bakugou and I ran further into the makeshift city when a giant hand slammed down in front of us. Bakugou grabbed my arm and pulled me back. My eyes traveled up the arm and found a girl named kendo from class 1-B. "What kind of stupid quirk is that" Bakugou yelled. I stomped my foot and her entire hand got covered in a thick layer of dirt. Bakugou flew towards her, getting ready to blast her when her other giant hand came up and grabbed him. She laughed loudly. "Appearently a quirk that can capture you" she smirked before yanking her arm and her hand bust through the dirt cage I made. Dirt flew everywhere as I covered my face. "Bakugou" I yelled as kendo took off in the opposite direction of me. "Amber" I heard Ida yell. I turned behind me to see Ida and Denki running towards me. "We captured the rest of the team" Ida huffed. "Then she's the last one and she has Bakugou" I sneered as we all took off towards her. Ida took off catching up to her quickly. "Risipro burst" Ida yelled as he kicked her across her back. She fell on her face and Bakugou rolled from her arms. I swirled my fingers as I ran closer and picked him up, having him come flying towards me. He landed on his feet. "Guys back up" Denki yelled. Ida grabbed me and Bakugou and took off the opposite direction. I turned in ida's arms, "10,000 volts" Denki yelled as electricity flew towards Kendo. It hit her body and I watched as her body twitched around. "Ida we are good." I yelled. He quickly switched directions and Bakugou shot an explosion causing him to fly up in the air. He quickly tied her up and Ida grabbed her and ran to the make shift jail. We all caught up and just as Ida was shutting the door the buzzer went off.
     Bakugou and I parted ways with Ida and a short circuited Denki. "See you guys back in class" Ida smiled guiding Denki to recovery girl. I waved and continued walking with Bakugou to go find Kirishima. "Pebble! That was awesome" Kirishima yelled as he ran up and picked me up. He wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me around. "Oh yeah cause she did all the work" Bakugou huffed. I hugged Kirishima back and he set me down. "You did awesome too bakubro" Kirishima laughed. "Yeah whatever" Bakugou clicked his teeth and looked away. "Besides I wasn't awesome at all. Shinsou was smart enough to brainwash me and Denki and Ida had to save Bakugou from Kendo. I didn't do much but get in the way" I sighed looking down at my feet. "Hey you still did great. We wouldn't have been able to beat them if it wasn't for you" Bakugou sighed placing his hand on my shoulder. "You could have but thanks" I smiled. "I'm going to go change into my uniform. I'll see you guys back in class" I quickly walked into the changing rooms and changed into my uniform. I don't know what happened to me out there. Shinsou really fucked with my mind, or could it be the fact that the very first dream I had with Dabi in it shinsou was there? Is shinsou working with the villains? My mind started to reel with questions and ideas. Did shinsou help kidnap me? No he couldn't have because he came and checked on me. Maybe he was just being an asshole? "Amber" momo yelled shaking my shoulders. I shook my head and looked up at the tall girl. "Are you okay" she asked tilting her head. "Uh yeah I'm fine. Was just thinking about something" I smiled. "Okay I just wanted to make sure you were so zoned out" she smiled. "Yeah I'm fine thanks" I smiled before quickly sliding around her. My mind was set on one thing, finding Shinsou and learning the truth. It's the only way my mind will be quiet.
     I quickly walked through the halls. My eyes landed on Shinsou's Purple hair and  I quickly walked up to him. I grabbed his scarf and pulled him into an empty class room. "What the fuck amber" he shouted. "Are you working with the league of villains" I yelled glaring at him. His eyes widened before he shook his head. "What the hell are you talking about?"he laughed. "You know exactly what I'm talking about Shinsou" I growled as I stepped towards him. "Oh are you talking about the dreams" he smirked as he stepped towards me. My eyes widened as I stopped. He kept walking towards me a evil smirk on his face. I quickly backed away from him until my back hit a wall. His scarf quickly flew out and wrapped around my throat. "The dreams where Dabi warned you that we were coming. The ones where we tried to get you to join us with torture before we even laid our physical hands on you" he stopped right in front of me. My eyes were wide with fear as he leaned in close to my face. "I have no idea what your talking about. If you breathe a word of this to anyone I will personally put an end to your precious little rocky and sparky" he growled as his scarf let me go and he quickly left the room. I fell to my knees as tears welled up in my eyes. My hand traveled to my throat as I coughed. Shinsou is apart of the league of villains and I can't tell anyone because I have to protect kirishima and Bakugou.
     The last two weeks of school flew by quickly. Everyone who failed the exams still get to go to the training camp they just won't be able to participate in the fun activities only the training one. I have avoided Shinsou like a plague. Anytime I see him my body tenses and fear courses through me. I haven't told anyone about what happened in the classroom that day. I must protect everyone, it's me they want so no one needs to get hurt because of me. "Hey pebble! You ready for today" Kirishima pulled me from my thoughts when he ran up to me. We were all lined up outside the school getting ready to board the bus. "Yes nervous but ready" I smiled up at the red head. I looked around and noticed a certain hot head was missing. "where is sparky" I asked still looking around. "He's somewhere around here" he started looking around as well. We both looked up as the sound of explosions echoed through the air. "I was running late" Bakugou growled as he landed on his feet next to us. "Well someone knows how to make an entrance" I laughed as I ruffled his hair. He huffed and crossed his arms but didn't swat my hand away. "Students get on the bus we have to go" Aizawa yelled. Everyone slowly started to board the bus, kirishima, Bakugou and I took the two seats in the back. Kirishima slid in the seat and I sat next to him, Bakugou sat across from us. "Be ready for me to level up way past you nerds" Bakugou smirked as he looked over at us. "We will see about that sparky" I smiled.

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