The beginning

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     Kirishima and I scanned the Aisles looking for what we needed. After we got everything we needed we checked out. I grabbed some bags out of the buggy before kirishima grabbed them from me. "Hey I can help you carry stuff. You don't need to carry it all especially with the walk" I pouted looking up at him. "I can handle it. Besides it's not that far of a walk" he smiled as we started walking. We made it back home and unpacked the groceries. I pulled out the pans he needed before hoping up on the counter. "So I'm going to have an audience" he looked over at me smiling. "Yes! I've never seen you cook before" I smiled kicking my feet. He started cutting up the vegetables and get the pans heated up when an idea popped into my head. I quietly hopped off the counter and grabbed my moms apron. I threw it over him when he stopped cutting vegetables and tied it around his neck. I quickly tied it around his waist before hoping back up on the counter. He looked over his shoulder at me a smirk on his lips. "Jokes on you I look so hot and manly in this thing" he smirked as he flexed his arm. I laughed loudly as he threw a vegetable at me.
     "That was actually really good" I sighed wiping my mouth and leaning back in my chair. "Thank you. I think I'm the whole package" he smirked at me. I raised an eyebrow as I looked at him. "I mean I have good looks, a nice body, I can cook, clean and I know how to treat a girl right" he smiled at me as he grabbed our plates and put them in the sink. I laughed as I shook my head. "Yeah I guess so" I smirked getting up and hoping on the counter again. "Hey I'm not doing these dishes by myself" he yelled. "I will put them in the dish washer later. Let's go watch a movie" I smiled pulling him to the couch. The movie ended and I stretched, yawning as I did. I looked down at kirishima who at some point ended up with his head in my lap. Soft snores came from his mouth, I sighed and swirled my fingers lifting him gently in the air. I got up and walked up stairs, kirishimas sleeping figure floating up the stairs behind me. I pulled the covers back on my bed and let him fall gently on the bed. I covered him up and smiled when he didn't wake up. I walked to my bathroom and got dressed for bed. I threw on a baggy t-shirt and some shorts and crawled in bed. I pulled the cover close to my face and sighed happily. I closed my eyes ready for sleep when I felt kirishimas arm snake around my waist and pull me closer to him. He snuggled his head into my neck and continued his soft snoring. I could tell there was a deep shade of red on my face as I played with his fingers that were resting on my stomach. I thought he said it would be weird, but here he is cuddling me. I got comfortable again and closed my eyes falling into a deep sleep.
     I woke up on a hard floor I looked around and realized I was back in that room. Is this my dream again. I got up and walked forward only to be pulled back to the wall. I looked over and seen my hands were bound by chains connected to the wall. Panic started to set in as I tugged on the chains. A door opened and a tall figure stepped into the room. It was dark so I couldn't make out who it was. "Amber" the voice walked closer and my eyes widened. "Kirishima? Hurry get me out of here" I shouted pulling on the chains more. A smirk came to his face as he leaned on the opposite wall from me. "I can't do that love". I looked at him confused but the longer I stared at thin the more he didn't look like him. "Who are you" I growled. "Why I'm your best friend. Just a better version of myself" a sly smile came to his face as he looked over at me. "The hell you are. I know what my best friend looks like" I yelled. In the blink of an eye kirishima had me pinned to the wall by my throat a knife being pressed to my neck. Tears came to my eyes as I stared into his red eyes. "You know how easy it would be to kill you right now" he growled in my face. I closed my eyes tightly trying to calm myself. It's not real amber. I opened my eyes again as a blonde stood in front of me. "I told you, you weren't kirishima you dumb bitch" I growled bringing my knee up hard into her stomach. She yelled in pain as she stepped back from me. "H-how?" She gasped looking over at me. "Who are you" I yelled. She ran towards me knife drawn. She held it to my neck getting ready to slice my neck open when the door opened again and a voice spoke. "Enough toga" Dabi's voice sounded bored. "Awe I was just starting to have some fun" she whined pushing my head back into the wall hard. I groaned looking over at Dabi. "Why do you guys keep appearing in my dreams" I asked lowly as Dabi walked closer to me. "You know as fast as you figured out togas trick, I thought you would have realized that this isn't as much of a dream as you think. See me, toga we are real. Everything else is in your dream. "So I ask again why are you here" I growled as my heart started to race. I can't show fear they will take it as a sign of weakness and take it as they are winning. "Like I told you the other day. We want you to join us" he smirked leaning his hand on the wall next to me. "And like I said the other day you can go to hell" I spit on his face. He stepped back shocked wiping the spit from his cheek. "You know your really going to regret this" he growled punching me in my face.
     I sat up in bed quickly holding my cheek where Dabi had punched me. It stung, a hand landed on my thigh and I looked over to see a sleepy kirishima propped up on his elbow looking at me. "Hey is it another bad dream" his sleepy voice deep and raspy. "Yeah. I'm fine though go back to sleep" I half smiled. "Not until you lay down with me" he sighed pulling me back down to the bed wrapping his arm back around me tightly. "I thought you said this would be weird" I whispered playing with his fingers again. "Yeah it's not as weird as I thought. It's actually quite nice" he sighed happily pulling me closer to him. "Yeah it is" I whispered as I laid there playing with his fingers. Kirishimas snores filled the room shortly after but my mind was running a hundred miles a minute. Do I need to tell someone about these "dreams"? Why do they want me to join them? How are they getting in my dreams?
     I woke up to the sun shining through my window. I rolled over expecting to find kirishima but he wasn't there. I got out of bed and headed down stairs. The smell of fresh coffee and bacon filled my nose and I peaked my head into the kitchen. Kirishima was standing at the counter fixing two plates and two cups of coffee. He placed them at the table before turning and locking eyes with me. A smile spread across his face as he waved at me. "Good morning pebble! I made us breakfast" he rubbed the back of his neck. I tilted my head and looked at him. "Pebble" I asked placing my finger to my chin. "Oh uh it's a new nickname I came up for you. Since you know I can basically turn my whole body into rock, I guess it's a cute little pun. I don't know I won't call you it again if you don't like it" he sighed. "No I like it" I smiled sitting at the table. "Well good" he laughed sitting with me.
     I plopped down at my desk, laying my head in my hands. "Oh hey amber" I looked up and seen Mina. "Oh hey Mina" I smiled. "So my birthday is in a couple days and I am having a party and I'm inviting everyone in class if you and kirishima wanna come. I know you guys are like a package deal" she smiled. "Oh yeah sure! Just text me the details and we will be there" I wrote my number down on a piece of paper and handed it to her. "You and kirishima are cute by the way" she smiled taking the paper from me. "W-what do you mean ? We are just friends" I stuttered placing my hands on my cheeks. "Oh come on childhood best friends split apart just to reunite in high school at the dream school they always talked about going to?? It's fate amber" Mina smirked. My eyes traveled over to kirishima who was standing and talking to Denki and Bakugou. He glanced over at me, we made eye contact and a slight blush came to his face as he smiled at me. I smiled back turning my attention back to Mina who was looking between me and kirishima with a smile. "See, what I tell ya" she winked before walking to sit at their desk.

-kirishimas POV-

     "Hey Denki, hey bakugou" I smiled walking up to my friends. I watched as amber went and sat at her desk. "Hey man!" Denki smiled wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "So what's up with amber? Did her and her boyfriend break up yet" Denki asked looking over at me. "Uh yeah actually why" I asked raising my eyebrow. I had a weird feeling start to grow in my chest, I don't know what it is and it's bugging me. "Oh maybe I can swoop in and take my shot" he smirked going to walk towards her. I quickly reached out and grabbed the back of his shirt pulling him back towards me. "I don't think so" I growled. My eyes widened and so did Denki's. "Dude I'm sorry" I shouted holding my hands up. "If you call dibs just say so man" he chuckled rubbing the back of his neck. "N-no she's my best friend" I argued. "Oh come on shitty hair. I see the way you look at her. And the way you just acted towards this dumbass says you want her as more then just your friend" Bakugou smirked at me. I could feel the blush coming to my cheeks as my eyes traveled over to where Amber was sitting. To my surprise she was already staring at me making my blush even deeper. I smiled at her as she flashed her perfect smile back at me. "I don't know man. I don't want to ruin what we have. And I mean I just came back into her life like what a month ago" I sighed looking down at my feet. "Oh come on man just be your self chicks dig that" Denki smiled as the bell rang. We all scrambled to quickly get in our seats just in time for Aizawa to walk in the room. "When the bell rings even needs to be in your seats" he shouted before looking over the class to see everyone sitting perfectly straight in there seats. "Okay down to business then. The sport festival is in a couple days. And since the USJ attack security will be raised. This is a chance for you all to show off your powers and show all of us hero's how well you have progressed. There will be a lot of pro hero's there scouting you students for internships" he stopped as Ida raised his hand. "But sir internships are for upper class men we are only first years" Ida shouted. "You are correct but your class of first years has had an actual encounter with real villains and held your own and protected your classmates very well. So we made an exception" Aizawa sighed. The rest of the class was just Aizawa sleeping and all of us talking about the sports festival. My eyes kept going over to amber who was sitting and laughing with Jirou. My heart skipped a beat as her laugh filled my ears.

-Mystery POV-

     I stood and watched the girl master wanted. She was laughing with her classmates. Those retched children were going to get in the way of masters big plan I can feel it. Dabi and toga were doing there part, messing with the girls dreams. She was a lot more resistant and aware then anyone else we have ever tried this trick with. The phone in my pocket rang as I pulled it out. "What Dabi" I sighed crossing my arms. "The master has said we make our move after the sports festival" Dabi grumbled. "Perfect" I laughed as I jumped from the tree and walked the opposite direction from the school. This is going to be fun.

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