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-Ambers POV-

      My eyes widened as I fell to my knees staring up at bakugou. "No. Katsuki. Please ... leave" I whispered as I looked down at the ground clenching my teeth. "Shut up" he yelled. I snapped my head up towards him. "You think I'm going to let them take you again. You must be brain dead. They will have to kill me before they get there hands on you again" he growled as he got into a fighting stance. Dabi stood to his feet and smirked over at bakugou. "That can be arranged" he laughed as his hand ignited into flames. Dabi shot a streak of fire from his hand towards bakugou. "No" I screamed. Everything happened in slow motion. I grabbed and used my quirk to throw him far from Dabi's blast. He hit a tree landing on the ground hard. Dabi's fire hit me in the back, a blood curdling scream filled the air as my body arched. My body fell to the ground, I was unable to move. My body was in so much pain. My eyes landed on Bakugou, he wasn't moving. I hope I didn't hurt him. "Dabi! We have to go!" I heard togas voice fill the air. "Fine" he scoffed as he slowly walked over to me. I watched as a portal opened behind Dabi. Toga and the rest of the villains walked through it and vanished. Dabi grabbed me by my hair and pulled me to my feet. "I'm going to have fun with you" he whispered in my ear and he started dragging me towards the portal. Tears stung my eyes as I watched Bakugou stand to his feet. His eyes widened as Dabi's body traveled through the portal. I closed my eyes and let my thoughts travel to Bakugou. "Don't. I'm doing this to protect you" I opened my eyes as I let a tear slid down my cheek. My body started to travel through the portal. I closed my eyes letting the darkness consume me. My body hit the ground hard. I opened my eyes expecting to be laying in the middle of the villains head quarters but I was staring at the woods. I quickly looked up to see Bakugou being swallowed through the portal. My heart stopped as I quickly got up. "No" I screamed running towards Bakugou. "Princess" he whispered. I jumped towards him but the portal quickly disappeared and my body landed on the ground hard. I looked up to be met with nothing but the dark and the forest. Tears flowed down my face as I slammed my hands down on the ground. Giant spiked peices of the earth shot into the sky surrounding me. A scream left my body, my body shook and my heart was completely broken. "Amber" a voice breathed. Feet appeared in front of me and I looked up slowly to see Sero and Todoroki.
     Todoroki, Sero and I emerged from the woods. We were all shocked at the sight in front of us. Ambulances and cops surrounded the camp. Firefighters were busy trying to put out Dabi's fires. My heart dropped, all this damage and destruction because of me. Todoroki and Sero ran over to a couple of our classmates laying on a stretcher. I watched as everyone rushed around helping others when a voice pulled me away from the scene. I turned and seen Aizawa running towards me. His eyes were watering as he ran towards me quickly. "Amber" he shouted. My eyes started to water as my feet quickly started running towards him. "Dad" I yelled. I jumped into his arms as he wrapped them around me tightly. "Oh my god. Thank god your okay" he breathed. He set me down and quickly started checking me for injuries. "Dad. They took Bakugou" I whispered as I stared at the ground. "What?" He stopped and turned me around to look at him. "Dabi had me. And Bakugou pushed me and Dabi took him instead" my voice was quiet. Bakugou's fear filled face playing over and over again in my head. Aizawa took a deep breath as he stood up straight. "Okay. Go find kirishima" he patted my head and placed a soft kiss to my forehead. "Him and some of the other students are in the resting area of the camp. Go there now" he pushed me forward.
-Kirishimas POV-

      All of us were escorted down to the common area of the camp. "The villains are gone" Aizawa walked into the room. His head was bleeding and he looked extremely worried. "Is amber okay" I quickly asked. I walked up to Aizawa as everyone else sat down. His face dropped as he looked down shaking his head. "No. I'm concerned that grabbed her again because they left so abruptly" he whispered. My heart sank, "I'm sure she's okay. Bakugou was out there" I tried to reassure him. In all honesty though I was trying to reassure myself. "Is everyone here okay" Aizawa spoke up. "Yes sir" Mina sighed hugging her body. "Okay you kids stays here. A lot of your classmates were injured so I have to go handle that. I will come back when it's clear for everyone to leave" he sighed and turned walking back outside. I sighed in frustration as I started to pace the common area. "Do you think they got her" Mina whispered. I stopped pacing and looked over at her. "I hope not. They will have bell to pay if they did" I growled. "Damn straight" Denki whispered as he pulled Mina in for a hug.
     Some time has passed and still no sign of Amber. I was starting to get extremely worried. The door to the common area opened and I snapped my head up to see Sero and Todoroki. "Are you guys okay" I yelled running over to them. "Yeah we are fine" Sero sighed. The worried looks on there face made me uneasy. "Have you guys seen amber" I asked. Todoroki and Sero looked at each other and then looked down. "Uh yeah. She's fine.... But um... we'll we will let her explain" Sero sighed and he stepped around me along with Todoroki. The door opened and Amber peaked her head in. My eyes widened, her eyes were all red and puffy, her body was shaking violently. "Pebble" I shouted as I grabbed her arm and pulled her into my chest. She pushed away from me quickly and backed away. She hugged herself and avoided eye contact with me. "Pebble what's wrong" I whispered stepping towards her. She closed her eyes tightly and looked away from me. "I couldn't save him" she whispered as her voice cracked. "He was right there and I couldn't save him. He's such an idiot. They had me why couldn't he have just let them take me" her back hit the wall and she slid down pulling her knees to her chest. I kneeled down slowly in front of her. "Save who" I asked. I knew the answer though. I knew he would do everything in his power to protect her. "Bakugou! I told him don't try and save me I was letting them take me to protect everyone, But in the end I couldn't protect anyone" amber hid her face in her knees. Her body started to lightly shake as her cries filled the room. "It's going to be okay. We will get him back" I sighed reaching out to place my hand on her knee. She quickly stood slapping my hand away. I fell backwards, staring up at her in shock. "No it won't be okay! The villains told me they were planing on killing you and Bakugou! Dabi even said he was planning on killing you and Bakugou before they took me! Everything I have done... everything I have kept a secret to protect you and him have been for fucking nothing! All because of me and my stupid quirk! What's so special about my quirk! Nothing!" She screamed. The room was silent, no one dared to move or speak. Amber started to pace, pulling at her hair. I stood up slowly, "Amber. It's not your fault. It will be okay and we will get Bakugou back" I sighed trying to reach for her. She pulled back and turned her back to me. "Just... leave me alone" she whispered before walking away. My heart stung as I watched her walk away. I have never seen Amber like this. She was so tore up and she's blaming it all on her self. "Students. It's time to go. Your parents are at the school waiting for us" Aizawa sighed. He now has a bandage around his head. "Yes sir" everyone said getting up and leaving the room. I stood in place though staring at the room Amber went into. "She will be okay. She just needs some time" Aizawa sighed placing his hand on my shoulder. "She's blaming it all on her self" I whispered looking down and clenching my fists. "She will be okay. Go get on the bus" he turned me around. "Yes sir" I sighed in defeat.

-Ambers pov-

     When Aizawa and I got home, I went straight to my room and slammed the door. I didn't even know how to feel. I feel guilty for the way I acted towards kirishima but I didn't want to hear him tell me it will be okay. No it won't be okay! Bakugou is probably going to die now because of me! I can't even do anything to save him. Aizawa would kill me if I even thought about going to give myself up. I sighed deeply plopping down on my bed. It's all my fault.
     "Hey kid" Aizawa knocked on my door. "Go away" I yelled curling myself into a ball on my bed. I haven't left my room for a week. Everyone knows it's my fault by now. Everyone hates me, I can't go to school and feel the judgement and hate from everyone who is suppose to be my friends. I heard my bedroom door open and I felt the bed dip next to me. "Amber. Please at least get out of bed and shower" Aizawa sighed placing his hand on my back. "No" I whispered. "Okay can you at least talk to me" he asked. I groaned and sat up in bed. "What's going on kid. You haven't left these 4 walls for days" he asked facing me. "It's all my fault dad. Bakugou is probably going to die because of me. Everything I have done to protect everyone was for nothing. Dabi told me he was willing to take Bakugou and kirishimas life for me to join there league. When they attacked the camp... I was giving myself to them to save everyone. But Bakugou pushed me and they ended up taking him instead. He's such an idiot" I sighed throwing myself back on the bed. "It's not your fault. And I'm grateful for what Bakugou did. God only knows what they would have done to you if they would have gotten their hands on you again. Myself and the teachers are doing everything we can to find him and we will get him back here safe and sound" Aizawa tried to reassure me. "He's not going to be okay! They don't want him they want me. His safety is not guaranteed" I yelled throwing a pillow over my face. "Amber they are going to keep him alive and use him as leverage against you. He may not stay unharmed but they will keep him alive" he sighed. I didn't respond I just rolled over covering my mouth to keep my cries quiet. I felt Aizawa get up off the bed, "at least call kirishima he is worried about you" he sighed before I heard my door close.

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