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This is an AU where Hunter, Luz, and Vee are all siblings. Luz and Vee are identical twins while Hunter is there older brother. In this they are all witches. However only Hunter has a palismen, Vee is the only one who can use magic normally, and Luz is the only one who can use Glyphs. They all were adopted by Eda and consider her their mom. As well as Lilith their aunt and king their little brother.

This is basically just memes, TikTok, Vines, incorrect quotes that kind of stuff.

Ships(other than Goldric)
*Emira X Viney

️⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️
*Mentions of Eating disorder
*Mentions of depression

Vee: *looked at Luz*
Luz: *blushing and talking to Amity*
Vee: *Looks at Hunter*
Hunter: *Blushing and cuddling with Edric*
Vee: *sighs* Why am I so single?


Luz & Vee: *wearing the same clothing, put hair in the same style, standing next to each other*
Almost everyone: Which is which!?
Eda, Hunter, & Amity: Luz is on the right, Vee is on the left.
Luz & Vee: *In unison* correct!


Hunter: *lost in a crowd* Where is Edric?
Eda: *Flies in on her palismen* Hunter I told you to stay healthy!!
Lilith: *somehow teleports into existence* don't test me I'll force feed you if I have to!
Vee: *runs up to them through the crowd* How could you brother!?
Edric: *randomly appears* Hunter I swear I told you not to skip meals!
Luz: found him
Hunter: *facepalms*


Luz: Brother you've grown mad with power!!
Hunter: Of course I did! Have you ever tried going mad without power? It's boring!


Hunter: I feel depressed
Edric: *kicks the door open*
Edric: *Picks Hunter up bridal style*
Edric: *sets him on couch*
Edric: *gets Flapjack and has Flapjack cuddle with Hunter*
Edric: *grabs hunters favorite snacks, drinks and movie*
Edric: *sits on couch and cuddles with Hunter after dropping of the food and Turning on the movie*


Lilith: Eda admit you like Raine
Eda: I don't like Raine!
King: That's a lie
Hunter: That's a lie
Luz: That's a lie
Vee: That's a lie
Amity: That's a lie
Edric: That's a lie
Emira: That's a lie
Viney: That's a lie
Willow: That's a lie
Gus: That's a lie
Matt: That's a lie
Hooty: That's a lie HOOT!
Raine: That's a lie
Everyone: *Looks at Raine who's face goes red*


Luz: We all have one thing in common
Hunter: that is the fact
Viney: That we all date a Blight


Vee: I'm so single *looking at Luz and Hunter with there respective Blights*
Willow: Me to *Looking at Gus and Matt & Emira and Viney*
Lilith: Me to *Looking at Eda and Raine*


Hunter: sup shorties
Luz, Vee, Gus, Amity & Willow: >:0
Edric: *Is much taller than Hunter* Your one to talk


Hunter and Emira: *Having a staring contest*
Emira: *blinks*
Hunter: HAH! I win!
Emira: *pouts*


Luz: How to get a Blight to date you! *Pulls up a PowerPoint presentation*
Hunter and Viney: *have a notepad, pen, and are sitting on the floor ready to take notes*


Hunter: *just finished watching don't hug me I'm scared and is currently rocking back and forth traumatized*
Vee and Luz: *Eda said they were to young to watch DHMIS and are currently looking at Hunter with concerned confusion*


------------------------------------------------------------------570 words. Their will be a part two to this, until then. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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