🎀💖Emotionless pt.2🎀💖

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The dance was here. I looked around for Edric, Emira had taken him to get reayd and said they would take a bit getting ready and to meet Edric outside the gym the dance was being held. Here I was, and he was nowhere to be seen. I wondered if he had stood me up, it had happened more times than I could count. Some random person would ask me out, stand me up, and go laughing to their friends about how the stupid emotionless kid actually though they had wanted to go out with them. I could care less. I didn't expect it from him though, he didn't seem the type. Especially since the others would probably be angry at him for it, which I didn't really see why they cared so much. It was just a stupid dance, and it wasn't like I cared if I was stood up or not. My thoughts were proven wrong when I heard Edric's voice from behind me.

"You look amazing!" I turned to see Edric staring at me, his face was red. Darius had come here just to help me get ready. He had helped me get dressed and all of that. He always helped me get ready for dances, so I kinda expected it.

"You look good too." I stated blankly, it was true. He was in a yellow and white suit that complemented his eyes. From an objective point of view he looked what many people would consider attractive and I had no problem imagining that a lot of people would be staring at him tonight, probably asking him to dance. Whether or not he would take those offers I could care less. So what if I was his date? He would probably get bored of dancing with me and find someone else who actually cared,

"Thanks Hunter! Are you ready to dance?" He offered me his hand and opened the doors, the loud music reaching our ears.

"Sure." In response he took my hand and brought me inside.

We danced quite a bit, I didn't ever feel tired and he had quite a bit of energy. Eventually he told me he needed to go to the bathroom and left me alone, He asked me to wait for him next to the snack tables. So I did. A few minutes after he left a girl walked up to me. The darkness and flashing lights of the dance made it hard to see her face. However she seemed... angry.

"Do you need something?" I asked dully.

"Actually I have a bone to pick with you emotionless freak." She was definitely angry. "What are you doing being Edric's date!? You should've asked someone who was just as unfortunate as you are when it comes down to it. Not one of the hottest boys who has multiple people who could be his date who aren't broken like you!"

I shrugged. "I didn't ask him, he asked me. I could care less what happens anyway. If he chooses to dance with someone else or just leave I really don't care. Go ahead and ask him to dance when he comes back. Let him choose what he wants."

"I won't believe that he asked you until I see it. Also I was already planning to ask him. I don't care how you feel." She snickered and started to laugh. "Oh right you can't feel! You never will either because no one wants to kiss an emotionless freak!" She started laughing even harder until a girl Hunter recognized as Luz punched her across the face.

"No one talks to my friends like that!" I looked and saw Luz standing there with Amity. The two's SoulMate conditions had both been connected to emotions. Whenever Luz felt angry she would punch the one who made her mad. Amity's was that when she was scared she would only calm down once someone she trusted touched her. However neither one was affected by it any longer. The two had their first kiss and were SoulMates. However only the friend group knew this. Luz and Amity still pretended to have them so Amity had a get out of class card whenever she was scared by something and Luz could still punch people who made her angry. Hunter didn't really care and agreed to keep it a secret along with everyone else.

"You bitch!" She screamed and both girls rolled their eyes.

"You're forgetting my girlfriend can't control herself when it comes to things like that." Amity said with a smug voice.

"Then how about you two kiss and figure out if you're meant to be together or not so we have a possibility of this brat no longer having an excuse to assault people!" She said sharply and Amity glared at her.

"I recommend you leave before my girlfriend gets angry again at you insulting her like that. Also my brother can choose who he wants to be with. I hope you like coming second place to someone who can't even feel~" Amity said it in a way that made the girl go red and walk away and both girls looked at me with.... worry?

"Are you ok Hunter?" Luz asked in a soft voice. It was weird how emotion made someone change so much in an instant. I didn't, and couldn't understand it. Nor did I care if I ever did.

"I'm fine." I stated blankly looking at her. "What brings you two here? I though you would be enjoying yourselves."

"We were, but we saw that bitch badmouthing you and we decided to interfere." Amity stated seemingly proud of herself.

"No one messes with our friends and gets away with it!" Luz smiled as she said it.

"You know you don't need to right? I don't care."

"We know!" They said it at the same time cheerfully, both smiling. Why? I couldn't tell you.

The three of us talked a bit, looking around all of the bad looks we were getting were enough to know that the girls were basically keeping people from approaching me and doing that again. I knew if I asked they would deny it. I didn't care either way though. They could waste the time they could be using having fun on this if they decided that was what they wanted to do. So I let them. It didn't matter to me. Eventually Edric came and asked to talk to me in private, I agreed. Why not?

The two of us stood in the hallway next to the gym, his face was red like earlier. He breathed in and out like he was going to say something, but the just looked down nervously. I just waited for him to talk.

Edric spoke at first in barely a whisper. "Hunter... can I kiss you?" He then sped up and his face was even redder than before. "It's totally fine if not! I just want to see if theirs a chance I can help you! If we are soul-"

"Ok." I interrupted since he was probably going to go in a tangent if I didn't just respond. I didn't really care if he kissed me, I was almost certain nothing would happen.

He went silent and breathed in and out, then he quickly pressed his lips against mine and pulled away a blushing mess. For a second nothing happened... then it was like my senses went from 0 to 10 in a split second. Everything was two much. I was feeling everything on max after feeling nothing for my entire life and hated it.

My legs gave out from beneath me and I felt Edric catch me, but I didn't care. I shut my eyes tight and covered my ears. It was too much, I couldn't handle it.

"Hunter! Fuck are you ok!?"

It hurt having him scream into my ear. How did people deal with having to feel!? Wait... I was feeling. I was feeling! I didn't like it either. 

"Too much, it's too much!" I was barely able to get it out with how overwhelmed I felt.

"It worked." Edric seemed to just notice it like I had. "Oh my gosh it worked!!" He then was quiet for a moment. I still had me eyes shut so I couldn't tell what he was doing.

"Shit. Come on Hunter... let me help you get used to it. We have a long way to go, don't we?


1381 words, I thing I did pretty good all things considered. No. I'm not making a part 3, deal with it. I was barely able to think up what I wanted to do for part 2. Anyway I'll be working on all of the part 2's I need to do, I will have at one out every day in the proper order. Look out for that, k? Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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