This is normal... right?

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I'm sorry but I have a lot of emotions I'm getting out right now. This is nothing like what I went through, but I need a way to process my emotions better. I was never raped. But I was... molested by my uncle for over 2 years. Please remember though this is nothing like my experience.

Hunter ran through the halls giggling, a small 8 year old child just having fun. He had a small flowing cape made just for him.

"Hey kid." Hunter turned to see an older scout, much larger than him.

"Yes?" Hunter asked looking at the older scout with curiosity.

"I have this game I would like to show you, it's really fun!" The scout said, his mask making it impossible to know what he was thinking. "In fact you're the only one I've ever wanted to play it with! 

"Really!?" Hunter's eyes shone. He felt amazing knowing this person wanted to play a special game with him.

"Of course! There's one big rule of the game though." The scouts expressions were impossible to 

"What is it?" Hunter asked with excitement.

"It has to be a secret. When this game is played it is kept in between the two people who play. Can you do that for me?" Hunter nodded, "Alright just follow me!"


Now 11 Hunter roamed through the halls. He couldn't keep his thoughts from roaming to him. Ever since he was 8 a certain scout would ask Hunter to 'play his game' as he put it. The game made Hunter extremely uncomfortable it got increasingly worse as time went on. It started off touching certain places. Then it slowly became worse and worse. The scout continually assured Hunter it was a harmless game, that Hunter was stupid to believe that their was anything wrong with it, that it was completely normal for people to play this game. Hunter believed him, Uncle did things that scared or made Hunter uncomfortable and it was normal and ok, so this was probably too. The scout also continuously reminded Hunter that the game was a secret. When people played this game no one else could know, that was why is was never talked about. Because it was played in secret.

Yet Hunter dreaded when the scout would ask to play it, he was so uncomfortable and hated playing the game. Yet he was already lonely, playing this game gave him a friend.... right?


Hunter sat in his room sobbing, he was barely 12 and crying hysterically. His uniform was a mess and looked like it has been hastily put on, Hunter's hair was a mess and he shook uncontrollably as he sobbed. It had been horrible, Hunter now realized what the scout had been doing all this time and couldn't stop thinking about how much of an idiot he was! He shouldn't have been so stupid!! The scout had done it to him and he was horrified. Hunter was in pain as well, he hated what the scout had done to him. Just the though of seeing the scout again made Hunter terrified.


Years had passed and Hunter was now 16, he could never stop thinking about those times he had been so ignorant and stupid. It definitely the scout still worked in The Emperor's coven, and all it took was hearing his voice to make Hunter spiral. Hunter had never told anyone, how could he? He would be admitting how stupid he had been, while also talking about how easily that scout had manipulated him for so many years. It was a lose/lose situation for Hunter and it broke him. Hunter had never told anyone, and it was killing him inside. Now he roamed through the halls silently, sucked into his own thought on the subject and wishing he could forget everything.

"Are you alright little Prince?" Hunter flinched as he looked up to Darius looking at him with curiosity. Darius had always been one of the few grown-ups in the coven who didn't hate him, and Hunter was almost certain hearing how stupid he was would make Darius join the 'hate on Hunter train' plus... would he even believe him? That had never occurred to Hunter, would they even believe him? Or would anyone he told just assume he was making it up?

"Hunter?" Hunter flinched and looked up to Darius, who's confusion had changed to concern. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing! I'm fine Darius. Just thinking about something that happened a few years ago. It's stupid." Hunter moved to walk away but Darius blocked his path.

"It's obvious that it's bothering you little prince. If it's not that important just tell me." Shit. He had Hunter cornered. If he didn't say anything Darius would know something was wrong, but if he told him....

"I can't tell you." Hunter said looking at the ground. hoping he would leave it at that.

"And why not?"

"Because I just can't!!!" Hunter pushed past him and ran off. He would probably hate Hunter after this but it was better then telling him and him thinking he was a stupid liar, or even worse... Darius actually believing him and thinking he was just a weakling.


A few hours later Hunter was sitting in his room quietly. He was rethinking everything and just stared at his feet. A knock on the door came and Hunter flinched when Darius's voice talked from behind the door.

"Hunter? Can we talk about what happened earlier?" Hunter was silent. He hadn't expected Darius to try talking to him again.... Looks like he couldn't avoid it any longer. Hunter just hoped Darius didn't hate him afterwards.

"Yeah... I guess we can."


924 words. Welp, I'm gonna watched some superhorrorbro and work on my FNaF story coming up. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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