💔🎀Frozen pt.5🎀💔

141 4 19

"I missed you so much, Hunter."

"I missed you to Edric."

Hunter and Edric sat in their special hiding at the top of the castle, looking out to the stars. Neither of them had noticed the fact that their hands were on top of each other as they looked at the stars. Edric and Hunter had escaped the party at one point, and Edric had excitedly led Hunter to their old hiding spot. The spot was dusty and covered in cobwebs from neglect for over 11 years, and Hunter had explained that without Edric around, he didn't see a reason to visit the spot. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth either.

At the moment, the two were simply sitting in comfortable silence as they stared at the sky.

"Why haven't I been able to see you for so long?" Edric asked softly, looking over at Hunter, "You know my family would never put you in danger, Hunter. Don't say it's because of King Belos either. Your parents stopped letting me see you over a year before they died, and Belos became ruler."

Hunter was silent for a moment. The truth was Edric and Emira were allowed to continue visiting him even after the incident for about a year until he got a spike in his magical ability. It was the start of his room turning into the cold prison it had become. As he had accidentally covered one of his walls in ice without meaning to. He knew he couldn't tell Edric that and sighed softly.

"It's hard to explain Ed. A lot of things were happening at once, and my parents just didn't have the time or energy to set up play dates anymore. After Uncle became king, he decided it was too risky to allow you guys to come over. I'm sorry, Ed." Hunter didn't look at Edric despite feeling his gaze. He felt guilty lying to Edric but knew that it was for the better. The truth was a secret that had to be kept no matter what.

"I see...." The two fell silent again as they sat in the all-consuming silence. Staring at the night sky until Hunter looked at the time.

"We should go downstairs, Ed. The gala ends in less than an hour."

"Guess you're right, Hunty." Hunter smiled at the old nickname Edric had made for him all those years ago.

Hunter offered his hand to the greedhead and helped him get down from their hiding spot. The two walked down the hall together in comfortable silence, holding hands without even realizing it. Eventually, they got to the ballroom, and Hunter felt Edric's grip on his wrist tighten.


"Promise me we'll see each other again after this."

"What -"

"Promise me that after this, I'll see you again. I don't care how. I don't care if I have to climb up the gates. Promise me we will see each other again after this."

"I can't do that, Ed."

"Why not!? You said it yourself! You missed me, and I missed you! There's no reason we shouldn't be able to see each other after this Hunter!"

'It's more complicated -"

"No, Hunter, it isn't!"

"Let me go."

"Not until you at explain why Hunter!"

"I just can't!"

"That's -" Hunter started struggling, and in the hype of the moment, Edrics grip loosened enough for Hunters hand to come out... without the glove.

Hunter stared in horror at his hand, which was slightly bruised as he slowly walked away from Edric.

"G-get away." Hunter said, feeling the dread start to fill his body.

"Hunter -" Edric started walking towards Hunter, holding the glove.

"I said go away!!" As Hunter sreamed this, he waved his ungloved hand, and a long line of pointy ice came out much to Hunter's horror.

It was as if everything froze in that moment. Everyone at the gala stared at Hunter in what Hunter could only interpret as horror. His breath started to quicken as frost started covering everywhere he stood. Before he could think he started running. Ignoring the voices screaming for him as he ran through the courtyard, continuing to run as fast as he could as tears fell from his face. When he came up to the lake, he hesitated, then ran as fast as he could across the lake as it froze in his steps. He didn't know where he was going anymore. All he knew was he needed to get as far away from the kingdom that would surely kill him now that his uncle couldn't protect him anymore.

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