MLB au sample material

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This is a sample of the MLB au. It is still a work in progress and I haven't even started the first chapter yet. I am making this to give my readers a taste of what this next story will be like. Also, I would like you all to tell me your opinions, changes you want, ideas for villains and storylines, things you'll want to see, and more. This will remain open after the story begins, and something similar to the beginning of this oneshot book will be on the MLB one. If you want me to credit your villain to you simply write, "Credit ze villain" at the end of your comment or else I'll probably forget. One of the biggest reasons I'm doing this is so you can all decide for yourselves if you want to read this story or not. If you choose that it isn't your cup of tea that's completely fine. Especially tell me if one of my ideas is cringy. Criticism is welcome and expected as usual.

Also all of the hero names are a work in progress. So I won't be using any in this PLSSSS give me some all of my ideas for hero names are shit. Also Ships that will be in the book will be at the bottom of the chapter, Enjoy!

Hunter walked to the field. He had already changed into his gym outfit. Today was Sports day where Hex high and Justice Prep went against each other with their best athletic kids. Hunter, and the rest of the team, were going against Justice's best. As Hunter entered the arena he felt someone throw a foam ball at his head and turned to see his two least favorite people in the world. Edric and Emira Blight.

The Blight twins were the same age as Hunter, that being 16, and they were annoying, bratty, and loud like most of the Justice Prep students. Both twins seemed to make it their personal mission to bother Hunter every time they ran into each other. It got on Hunters nerves to no end. It didn't help that while Hunter was on Hex Highs sports team, they were on Justice Preps.

"What do you want!?" Hunter snapped, annoyed they were doing this right before the games started.

"Oh come on Blondie, you know you enjoy our company~" Emira said with a wink. Hunter stuck his tongue out. 

"I would enjoy being chased by rabid dogs more than YOUR company." Hunter snapped. "Anyway you should be focusing on working with your team to be prepared for the games. Unless you want to lose Blights."

"Well you have a point." Edric said and Emira continued, "So we'll see you when Justice Prep wins the games."

Hunter sighed with annoyance as the two left. He then turned and met the rest of the sports team.

Firstly there was their captain Willow. She was by far the best in their team. She was smart, strong, the nicest girl in school, and independent. No one messed with Willow park. Secondly there was Viney. She was very nice and could tame any animal. Even the more dangerous ones. Thirdly there was Augustus, though all of his friends called him Gus, Despite being only 12 he was a natural speed demon and could outrun almost everyone. Not to mention he was great at distracting others and optical illusions. next there was Skara. She was well known for how athletic and talented she was. She was one of the smartest students in their school. Finally there was Hunter. He honestly didn't see why they needed him, he wasn't nearly as good as they all were at things. At least that's how he saw himself. If you asked any of the other members of the team they would say Hunter's one of their most important members. He's a real sweetheart once you get to know him, and he is the best at predicting what might happen, not to mention he was their best fighter and knew how to think like the other team.

Hunter glanced at the other team. He recognized Edric and Emira but knew nothing about the other members other than that the entire team was friends with one another like Hunters team was. He didn't even know their names. The two teams stretched and made their game plans. Each year there were 5 games. One for each member of the team. The games were different each year, and they would have to choose the member that would be doing the challenge after it was announced. The team was talking about what the possible games would be when suddenly an alarm started going off and an announcement came with it.

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