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The Princess's personal guard walked through the castle, their uniform hiding every part of their body. Partially to protect them from harm, partially to protect them from being recognized. There were many guards in the halls. They all bowed their heads to The Guard to show respect as he walked through. Their armor was a golden color and a white cape covered most of their head, the mask covered the rest. The guard knocked on the Princess's door and it was opened to reveal a young girl, no older than 14. She had dark skin, dark brown hair, and hazel eyes.

"Hey Hun-." She was interrupted by The Guard putting his finger on her mouth and shushing her.

"You know not to use my name when we're not alone!" The guard snapped and the princess giggled a little.

"Alrighty, why don't you come in then?" She moved to the side and The Guard entered. She gave him a look until he took his mask off with a sigh. Revealing a young boy who couldn't be older than 16, yet he had two huge scars. One on his face, the other on his ear. His eyes were a soft brown(yes I'm using post-possession Hunter design with his golden guard uniform. Deal with it.) and he watched as the princess sat on her extravagant bed. She had a beautiful dress on that complemented her eyes and she smiled at The Guard.

"You should really be more careful Luz, one of the conditions when I became your personal guard was that no one would know who I really am." The guard said to the Princess.

"Sorry Hunter, I forgot. I'm so used to calling you by your name, I keep forgetting that I'm not supposed to know your name. Or your face." Hunter sighed as Luz apologized They both knew how much trouble both of them would get in if the agreement was broken.

You see, Hunter was a prince of a kingdom much more powerful than Luz's. After his fathers death and his Uncle taking over the kingdom his legitimacy as the heir was in question. So it was decided as part of the treaty between the kingdoms Hunter would become Luz's personal bodyguard from the time he was 14-18. This was meant to prove he was a proper heir to the throne. However there were many rules made when it was decided. Until then he would not be considered royalty. If any were broken Hunter and Luz would lose their claim to being heirs to the thrones of their respective kingdoms. Part of that agreement was that Hunter and Luz would keep a strictly business like relationship out of fear they would fall in love as Luz was already betrothed to princess Amity and Hunter was to be betrothed to one of Amity's older siblings after his legitimacy was proven. Luz wasn't even to know Hunter's name or face. The thing was Hunter and Luz started off like that, but soon grew to be good friends. Their was no attraction either between either of them anyway. They grew to have a sibling-like relationship that they had to keep under wraps due to fear of losing their respective thrones.

"It's fine, but please be more careful. I don't want you to lose your legitimacy." Hunter said with a sigh.

"Hey I don't want you to lose yours either! I'm excited for us to finally be able to have fun together in public! I can't wait to be able to mess around with you to my hearts content!" Luz said happily.

"Me too. Only two more years Luz, only two more years."


Both Princess Luz and Hunter rode in a carriage with Queen Camila. King Manny had died a couple of years ago in battle and Queen Camila was left to run the kingdom all on her own. Luz was her only heir and that was the biggest reason Camila enforced the rules that had been made. She couldn't risk her only child losing their legitimacy to the throne. The three of them were going to the kingdom where Luz's betrothed was the youngest of three and therefore the least likely to gain the throne. So it was decided that she would be betrothed and rule along someone in a different kingdom. So it was decided to ensure the treaty between the two kingdoms that Princess Amity and Princess Luz would be betrothed. Hunter was to be betrothed to one of the twin older siblings of Amity, and the other would rule that kingdom while the other would rule alongside Hunter in his kingdom. Due to this Hunter was required to spend time with Prince Edric and Princess Emira while Luz was with Princess Amity. Not that he didn't like it. Hunter was looking forward to being able to spend time with Prince Edric, the one he had fallen in love with a year ago and was just as head over heels as he was the first time he realized he was in love.

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