💖💔Lost Memories pt.2💔💖

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I stared at my memories, now unrecognizable. What the fuck do I do now!? I looked around, where the fuck even was I? Shouldn't I be in the castle? Why did I even have picture memories in the first place? They were so fragile!

"Hunter?" I heard an unfamiliar voice say and I looked over to see a boy with green hair and golden yellow eyes staring at me in horror.

"What- how do you know my name?" I asked and the boy walked towards me slowly.

"Because I know you Hunter. You don't remember because...." Both of us looked at the destroyed photos and grimaced. 

"How am I supposed to trust you? You could easily just be trying to take advantage of my weakness!"

He was silent, like he was trying to figure out how to convince me when I felt my eyes starting to close and fell to the ground as everything blurred.


I looked at Amity, who had used a strong sleeping dust on Hunter.

"Amity what the heck!?"

"Would you have rather he do something stupid without any memories of the last year?"

I was silent and she looked at me.

"Come on Edric, when this happened to Willow we were able to fix it, all we have to do is fix it again."

"Still you didn't need to knock him out."

"Whatever, we need to get him to the Owl House so we can fix this crap. Lets grab Luz and Willow on the way as well."


Hunter was lying passed out on the couch and Eda stared at him before looking at us.

"So you need to go in his mind and fix his memories like with Willow?" She asked looking at Hunter.

"Yep, from what Edric saw it seems that he had dropped them in the chaos of the bell ringing and they got ruined by the students." I said looking at Hunter. I could still remember how nervous he had seemed about me seeing his memories. And about the memories he had hidden from us. What was he so scared of us finding out?

"Well then, luckily I know a potion we can use to get you in and out. I was able to buy it on a discount in case something like this happened!" Eda took out two potions seemingly the same other than the shape of them. One was much thinner and longer while the other was wider and smaller.

"Which one is which?" Willow asked looking at them.

"The thin one is the way in the fat one is the way out." Eda stated. "Anyway we have a bit of a problem though."

"What do you mean? two of us can just enter his mind, fix the memories, and get out!" Amity said annoyed.

"Please answer this question then, how many of these memories are you a part of?" Their was silence, Eda raised a good point. "How are you supposed to fix something if you don't know what's wrong?"

"We can't just leave him like this!!" Both me and Edric practically yelled at the same time.

"I never said we would. In fact I'm thinking you two are the ones I'll be sending in." Eda pointed at me and Edric.

"Luz because she has done this before and I trust her, Edric because he seems to be the other best choice. Especially because of his crush~" I watched as Edric's face went red. It was pretty obvious that Edric had a HUGE crush on Hunter, Hunter was too oblivious to notice though.

"What are we going to do about not knowing what's wrong?" Willow asked and Eda smiled.

"Simple, I think I have the perfect remedy." Eda took out a different potion that was a dark purple. "When your in his mind pour a little bit of this on each of your arms. This'll lead your hands to the thing you need to fix. I trust you're smart enough to figure it out."

"What about his inner self?" Amity asked. "When we were in Willow's mind her inner self was extremely angry."

"Think about it. Willow's inner self was angry because of how you treated her and the fact you burned the memories." I stated proudly, "I'm sure Hunter's inner self will welcome us with open arms to fix his memories! So lets get going!"


"So you're here." Me and Edric both flinched at the sound of the voice behind us and looked to see Hunter's inner self there. Like all inner selves he had a 'glow' I guess you could call it. It was a golden color. Hunter's was in his Golden Guard uniform without his mask and his hood over his hair.

"Hey Hunter-" I started and he cut me off.

"I know why you're here. I don't need you to explain." He stated in a serious voice looking at both me and Edric.

"So you're ok with us doing it then?" Edric asked seeming a little nervous.

"Just promise me something... don't tell anyone what you're about to see. I need it to stay between the three of us until I'm ready. I'm only letting you guys do this because I know I need to remember."

"Easily! It's your memories, I'm not going to tell everyone if you're not comfortable with it!" I stated and Edric agreed almost immediately. So with Hunter's inner selves consent we entered the first memory.

Everything was gray like with when Willow's memories were messed with in it Hunter lying on his bed, he seemed frozen in place and I took out the purple potion.

"You ready Ed?" He nodded and I poured a little bit on both of our hands. I watched as Edric suddenly started walking in a direction, his hand out until he looked down at a frog plush that seemed to have fallen to the ground. Edric picked it up and put in under Hunter's pillow and the memory burst into life, regaining color and all that jazz.

Hunter in the memory sighed, "I can help." He stated. "I just need to know more." Their was a tweet outside the window and Flapjack was standing on his windowsill.

"You!" He explained and picked up Flapjack. He squeezed the bird a little to hard and Flapjack chirped in complain. Hunter dropped him and looked down sadly as he started petting the bird.

"You shouldn't be here, Belos would be mad if he saw you." Flapjack then turned to his staff form in Hunters arms and he looked at the staff. "I... wasn't expecting that." He said softly and walked over to his window and looked out.(Yes I wrote their first meeting because I really need it. I still hate that Flapjack die

We went from memory to memory and some were familiar, like the memories of Eclipse lake, Hunter and me during the palismen incident, Hunter and my first meeting and the memory of when Hunter joined Flyer Derby. Others were unknown to both of us. Memories of Hunter's life inside the castle, missions he had gone on, and things that Belos had done to him that made our blood boil. Not to mention some of the things Hunter had done to himself. All of these memories were just in the past year, I didn't want to think about what his entire life must have been like. Eventually we had finally fixed them all, and before we left we decided to talk to Hunter's inner self.

"Hunter?" Edric asked and he looked at us.

"Are you finished?" Hunter asked softly and we both nodded. "Why are you still here then?"

"Are you ok?" Edric asked touching Hunter's inner selves face. "The things we saw were... messy to say the least."

"I know we promised not to say anything, but are you sure Hunter? Maybe if you talked to the others-"

"No! I'll tell them when I'm ready, if I'm ready!" hunters response was expected... but worrying.

"Alright, we'll see you when you wake up the Hunty!" I said trying to be playful.


1308 words. cool. Anyway hope you enjoyed I'll keep this part 2 train rolling tomorrow. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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