First Day Jitters: Part 2

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     "H-holy shit..." Matthew's legs were locked in place, his mind moving at a million miles an hour. She was totally flirting with him! She was really, really pretty as well. He could still feel the impact of her hand on his chest, a slight tingle remaining. He continued to think about the girl for another minute until the first bell rang, signaling that classes were to start in 5 or so minutes. Forcing his legs to move, Matthew set aside his thoughts about that girl and started running into UA's main building after realizing he still had to find his classroom. He had no idea where class 1-A could've been, the first years' hall was absolutely massive. Passing door after door in a hurry, he eventually came to a stop in front of a comically large door with a massive "1" printed on it in red.

     Matthew took a moment to stand in front of the door and draw in a deep breath. Inside this room were his classmates, the people he'd be spending the next 3 years with. He hoped he wouldn't stick out too much, what with being very visibly not Japanese (and his mediocre language skills as well). First impressions were everything, at the very least he hoped for an easy 3 years with people he got along with. No use thinking about it too much though, he was wasting precious time. He quickly brought his hand up to the door and yanked it open, almost as if he were ripping off a bandaid. A multitude of conversations stopped for a moment, only to resume a second later. They didn't seem to think much of him, that was probably for the best.

     He stepped further into the room, spotting a few empty seats around the classroom. One of which was next to... the girl from earlier. The two noticed each other, both of their faces turning red as they did so. Matthew looked away, immediately seeking the seat farthest across the classroom from her to avoid the situation. She sat in the back left corner from the door, placing Matthew at the farthest corner from the door. As he sat down he immediately regretted his decision, having realized he could be sitting next to a girl that found him handsome. Even so, he hadn't so much as gotten her name. Where were his manners?! Check a girl out and not even so much as ask for her name? So much for first impressions... Overthinking it wasn't going to be of any help now, at least sitting away from her gave him some distance from the situation.

     He took a moment to survey the room, seeing a few more students file in over time. One guy had... cannons on his shoulders? What kind of quirks did these people have?! Being unable to help himself, Matthew began fretting over his quirk and how it would compare to everyone else's. Sure it was flashy and all, but for all he knew it could be the weakest quirk in the class. These people had to have some kickass quirks to make it into UA, after all. His self-induced anxiety gave way to a stomachache, which he tried to soothe by laying his head on his desk and shutting his eyes. He remained like this for a short while until a strong hand tapped him on his back, presumably one of his classmates. Opening his eyes, he wearily looked up to meet two comically simple eyes. Seriously, they were just blue ovals with pupils.

     "Hey buddy, you okay? You look a little pale there!" The guy was tall and well built, with a simple face and blonde hair with a cowlick at the front.

     "A-ah, yeah..."

     "First day jitters?"

     "You could say that..."

     "No worries, everyone gets nervous. I'm Togata Mirio, nice to meet 'ya!" Matthew smiled, finding comfort in how friendly his classmate was being. Maybe making friends here wouldn't be so hard.

     "I'm Clouse Matthew. If you want you can just call me Matthew."

     "Oh! Are you American?"

     "Yeah, was it my face or my Japanese that gave it away."

     "Both!" The two shared a laugh, Togata giving Matthew a hearty slap on the back. "Hey, you should meet my friend Tamaki! You remind me of him."

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