The Art of War

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    They're training much the same as I am, there's no problem with hitting them. At least Yukino is on my team, I don't think I could live with myself if I hit her. Hopefully that's not sexist...

     Matthew joined the rest of his team at the left side of the grounds entrance, where Shirogane was leading the strategizing. Given her relatively non-combative quirk, he figured it was only fair she be the one to take up the leadership mantle. "Alright, priority targets? Kouya, Tama, and Taihou... and maybe Hado, though that depends." Shirogane's gaze narrowed on Matthew as she donned a smug grin. "Ah, Clouse! Nice of you to join us! Done checking out the other girls?"

     "What, jealous?" Shirogane sputtered for a moment, not sure on how to respond.

     "W-were you actually...?"

     "Of course not, that would be Taihou if anyone. Can we get back on topic now?"

     "R-right. Anyways, Taihou's quirk is literally massive shoulder cannons, so taking him out early is a must before he takes us out from a distance. Taking Kouya on in a 1-on-1 is a total wash unless someone can glass her without really hurting her, and Tama's headbutts are probably a 1-hit-KO. Can anyone reliably fight from range? Actually, hold it, let's establish everyone's quirks first. I'll start, my quirk, Cosplay, allows me to store up to 5 people's or character's appearances and copy them near-perfectly, except voices, so I can't copy boys reliably. We'll go clockwise, so Yurei, you're up." Shirogane's hero costume was a simple white dress shirt and orange bow in place of a tie, with a pale blue blazer and matching pleated skirt which reached down to her knees (with shorts underneath, sorry Mineta).

     To Shirogane's left was Yurei, dressed in a comically stereotypical white robe, fitting for a ghost in all kinds of folklore. A little on the nose, no? "I'm Yurei Takeshi, my quirk is Obake. I can take the form of a shapeshifting ghost, though my attacks while using my quirk all fade through things, so I'm best for recon and scare tactics."

     Next was Fujiwara, who was dressed in a black compression shirt, adorned with brown canyon-like streaks down the chest and back, massive metal braces running from his shoulders to his wrists, with matching black pants and boots. "Fujiwara Kyoukoku here, my quirk is Chasm! When I touch things with my hands, I can create chasms down, and even through them if I go deep enough. The aftershocks strain my wrists and arms, which is what these braces are for. Pleased to work with you all!"

     To his left was Yukino, who sheepishly stepped forward a little. She was adorned in a beautiful blue yukata with golden and white snowflakes, though black athletic wear was visible underneath when she moved. "I'm Yukino Fuyuki, my quirk is Blizzard. Within a 50-meter radius I can conjure snowstorms of varying intensities in a specific spot or across the entire range. I tend to chill easily, so I prefer to not use my quirk around myself." She reminded Matthew of some kind of Japanese folklore he had read about, perhaps a Yuki Onna?

     Yukino politely gestured to Iha, who stepped forward. He wore a suit of red and gold Samurai-inspired armor and helmet, with multiple bladeless katanas clipped to the belt. "I'm Iha Surudo, my quirk is Bladesmith. I can take metal objects and reforge them into select blades of my choosing, though I have to touch them with my bare hands. That's what these are for, if you're wondering." At that last part, he gestured to the hilts clipped onto his belt, after which he gestured to Hina, as if to say go ahead.

     Hina stepped forward, tripping slightly on Matthew's right foot (which they both apologized for in kind). She wore a set of red shorts with a matching sport jacket and fingerless gloves, a white tank top underneath and black utility belts around her thighs and waist. "M'name's Hina Kawaita, pleased to meet'cha! My quirk's called Dry-Out, which allows me to drain certain properties from whateva' I get m'hands on, like moisture, temperature, or even flavors from food. I look forward to working with y'all!" Hina looked to Matthew after finishing with a big smile, gesturing for him to go ahead.

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