Class 1-A

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     Heyo! Author here, I figured with the recent chapters featuring more of the reader's class I should write out a profile and description for each classmate. This'll include the main 4, but mostly for the little quirks of their personalities (since of course you all know their designs by now I'd assume). 

     1.) Clouse Matthew, Quirk: Explosive Touch. Able to apply distinct explosive properties on anything he touches as well as himself, using oxygen as a resource. Born on October 6th. Stands at around 5'11", with medium brown hair that curls at the ends and large hazel eyes. If you asked anyone, his defining feature would be the tuft of hair that somehow always curls down and around his left eye. Amicable, if not unassuming on the outside, and is good with pleasantries. Despite his exterior, he harbors a large amount of self-loathing he misconstrues as self-awareness. Has a crush on Hado, but does not plan on pursuing it due to being in Japan temporarily. Has a massive sweet tooth, but also loves bitter foods and drinks like dark chocolate and unsweetened tea. Always drinks his coffee black, without exception.

     2.) Hado Nejire, Quirk: Wave Motion. Able to fire yellow, spiraling energy waves from anywhere on her body, using her energy as a resource. Shares a birthday with Matthew, also being born on October 6th. Stands at around 5'4", her defining feature being her long periwinkle hair that extends down past her waist, twisting into a half-helix at the ends. Matthew would argue her eyes are just as interesting, being a rare shade of deep royal blue. Infinitely curious about other people's quirks, everyone that knows her has been interrogated at least once. She's self aware about how she comes off, and is even self conscious about it, but only after the fact when she worries she's annoyed someone. Has a crush on Matthew, though she does not plan on pursuing it in favor of her studies. Has a soft spot for anything caramel-flavored, as well as savory foods. Her favorite drink is jasmine tea, though she does enjoy coffee with milk and sugar every so often. 

     3.) Togata Mirio, Quirk: Permeation. Able to permeate his body through all solid mass, though this restricts his senses and ability to breathe as he does so. Born on July 15th. Stands around 5'11", with short blonde hair featuring a cowlick at the front. His defining feature is his comically plain face, his blue eyes being oddly beady and lacking definition. That, or his terrible wardrobe management, something his mother or Hado usually coach him on. Always smiling, his sense of humor goes beyond just corny, almost wilting some of his classmates with terrible puns. He takes inspiration from the comedy specials he enjoys, as he wants to preserve people's smiles as he saves them. His favorite food is ramen, any and all kinds. He doesn't drink coffee, citing it as "too bitter to smile while drinking." 

     4.) Amajiki Tamaki, Quirk: Manifest. Able to manifest the features of any animal which he eats a part of on his body for as long as the food is in his system. Born on March 4th. Stands around 5'10", with scruffy indigo hair that sticks out behind his head and similarly colored eyes. His defining feature is his ears, which are long and pointy, which Hado describes as "like an elf's." Many find him intimidating due to his tired eyes and weary expression, but in reality he's just terribly shy. He can hardly handle conversation with classmates, usually avoiding eye contact or hiding his face completely. Despite this, he finds Togata to be an inspiration, and wants to live up to Togata's encouragement. A major foodie, Amajiki isn't particularly picky about what he eats due to his quirk, though he has a soft spot for seafood (especially octopus). Togata pranked him with extra bitter coffee once when they were younger, and he's too scared to try coffee again. 

     5.) Kimura Takeumi, Quirk: Ankle Wheels. Has two yellow, metallic discs on her ankles that extend down and allow her to ride them like rollerblades. Born on September 9th. Stands at 5'5", with short, messy jet black hair and sharp, brown eyes. Her defining feature(s) are her wheels, which are always present on the outside of her clothes due to being too big to fit under any pants (Kimura refuses to wear a dress or skirt unless she absolutely has to, like for school). A tomboy inside and out, those who know her would say she's the most headstrong person they know. Harboring a love for biking from her father, she knows her way around motorcycles like the back of her hand. Kimura wouldn't admit it, but she loves sweets almost as much as Matthew, always keeping a pack of bubble gum on her to chew when stressed or focusing. She is an outright caffeine addict, only drinking coffee black (also like Matthew). 

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