4 Days and They're Both Out of Patience

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     A/N: Hi everyone! It's been a while, huh? Being an author is a lot of hard work, especially rewriting your whole work y'know! I'm just kidding, is "Destiny 2's 'The Final Shape' dropped" a valid excuse? Elden Ring's DLC? How about having a job? That's up to you guys, please throw tomatoes at your discretion. That said, I really did rewrite a solid 4/5s of the story thus far. I really just wanted to put a new coat of polish on it, because on a reread... yikes. The first few chapters REEKED of "First Time Author" syndrome, I was trying way too hard to be funny. The general plot is the same, there's no real major changes to anything you haven't already read, I just went over and polished some moments and dialogue I thought could use a new coat of paint, so to speak. 

     With all of that aside, I really do want to apologize for the extended downtime. My last full chapter was in mid-March, and it's now just turned July. There really isn't any justifying it beyond multiple spells of no-motivation-disease and writer's block. I plan on getting back on schedule beyond this, especially now that I've got the rest of my story in a place I'm comfortable with. It's much easier to write knowing my writing style is at least consistent across the entire work, y'know? Enough from me though, thank you all so much for waiting on me! Much love, Crazy_Diamond.

     In Matthew's head, it was a constant countdown. 13 days until the sports festival, 12 days until the sports festival, 11 days and so on. Midnight shut off the projector at the front of the room as the final bell for the day rang, signaling everyone to pack their things and head home. Matthew, as usual, had all of his belongings packed and ready so he could leave as soon as possible; despite this, he remained in his seat staring ahead absentmindedly. Ugh, its a week and a half until the sports festival and I haven't gotten any training done. Indeed, Matthew had spent his weekend lazing at his apartment, having not gone on so much as a light jog; how could he? The only thing he had been able to think about for the last 4 days was that night at Hado's house. 

     Yes Matthew, I like you too.

     Her words had been on repeat in his mind, day and night. Her endearing expression as she said it flooded his mind, turning his ears a flushed red. He stood up and ran a hand through his hair, trying in vain to clear his mind. Exchanging goodbyes with his classmates, he was abruptly accosted from behind by a strong hand on his shoulder. 

     "Yo, Clouse!" That voice sounded like...

     "C-can I help you?" Taihou had been the one to accost him, firmly rooting him in place with a single hand.

     "Hell yeah, you can! Me and some of the guys got permission from Midnight to use the Gym here, so we're gonna start training for the sports festival. You down?" Taihou smiled brightly, almost reminiscent of Togata. On one hand, Matthew was confused as to why Taihou had even bothered to ask him. The most they had talked was when he was Taihou's slave-tutor at Yukino's house, wouldn't he be better off asking someone he was more friendly with? On the other hand, Matthew saw an opportunity. Not only did he have an excuse to start training his physicality, he could probably get closer to some of the guys in his class. As it was, he was on good terms with most of the girls, but really only had terms with two, maybe three guys. 

     "Sure, I appreciate the invitation." Taihou released his hand, pumping his fist as he waved over his shoulder.

     "Awesome! C'mon guys, we got another!" Fujiwara hurtled towards the two, followed loosely by Noki and Osuru as they all threw their arms over Matthew and Taihou's shoulders. 

     "One of us! One of us! One of us!" Just as Matthew was about to get in on their little display, a pencil case and 3 spider legs flew across the room and pelted 4 of the boys on the backs of their heads. Matthew was inexplicably left unharmed, until a stray pencil bag hit him on the side of the head soon after, courtesy of Hado just wanting to mess with him. The two exchanged a quick smile and wave goodbye, Hado raising a hand to her ear with a phone motion so as to say call me later? Matthew nodded with a small smile, before turning back to see Shirogane standing over the 5 of them (despite being shorter than all of them, intimidation factor maybe?).

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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