13.No peace, just time

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I've made peace with time
An hour didn't feel so long
A day wasn't too far gone.
Time kept me moving, to pass as much as I could handle
Before my thoughts shatter me and I am dismantled.

Once again
Being teased by the universe.


hinting or hiding ?

Had I been an archive, the truth cloaked.
The tragedy of life peaks behind the veil

Is time going after me ?
Will you speed up my doom or pause
Is there a punishment for my stunt or an applause

Where's my prize for unlocking the door
Will time stop to take a bow
Give me a hand, or mend my core.

Is there a meaning to anything!? Was my suffering worth this mess ?
This minute felt small, but this hour weighed much less.
This minute was all I had, why hadn't it passed yet?


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