17. The Science Behind Broken People

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The unsteady state of a soul when it's between worlds
Don't move... you might trip
Balancing by threads that bind you('ll )
Rocky floors that tremble when you step
Don't slip

                It's hard getting back up

Don't move
Don't move.

That's what happens when a soul meets another

The fear of failing, the fear of falling
Two halves of two worlds who fear the waves of love
Two body's that don't know any better
Two souls afraid to be together.

It's a standstill, it's in mud
Frozen on the spot
Don't panic, don't do anything
They will be gone soon

            Knock, knock.

That's what happens when a soul is broken
The way they think is too
It's fight or flight ! Before anything is spoken
Don't wait for them, nobody will come to you.

What shall happen when a soul finds peace in being alone...
Finds safety,  finds the center.
That's when everything around them shall freeze.
Time feigns existence, so does life.
Like water splashing on hot coal,
The fire burnt out, leaving hard exhales where life used to be.

Passion was forgotten, as well as love.
The company of another became fictional and extinct thereof

So you see, nobody could be blamed
For love not being a certain way
Being broken didn't always have a cure
Chivalry and romance wasn't dead...
it's just our souls that were.


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