The Purple Storm

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Your POV

The winds were howling; guttural screeches that shivered down your spine. It reminded you of last year, when life in Hawkins was turned upside down. Flashbacks of that horrific night filled your head, when you found yourself sobbing uncontrollably at the news that Eddie Munson didn't make it back.
You pull your coat in closer, trying to find comfort in something familiar.. yet it does nothing to ease the pain in your heart. The rain had just started to fall.. a slow crescendo of icy pitter patter drops hitting your windshield, reminding you of the first time you met him.
You try to block out all thoughts and memories of Eddie as you start your car to go and meet the gang. For an old banged up Chevy she still roared to life and purred heavily as you headed to Mikes.
The drive was smooth and easy going. As you pulled up outside of Mikes house, you felt a tingle down your spine.. apprehension? Nerves? What was there to be nervous about? Maybe because it was the first D&D gathering since... since.. *SIGH* you brush the thought away.
Mrs Wheeler opened the door after you banged loudly three times. You weren't sure if anyone would be able to hear you knocking as the storm had started to peak and was becoming deafening.
"Y/N, sweetheart, you look chilled to the bone!" exclaimed Mrs Wheeler, "hurry inside, I'm just making hot cocoa for you all. They're downstairs waiting for you".
Taking off your coat, you felt the instant warmth of the Wheelers home envelope you... making you feel a little better. As you opened the basement door to head downstairs, you could hear Dustin chattering away.. but there was an edge to his voice. You paused to listen.
"We need to make sure Y/N takes it easy. She hasn't been the same since.. I know none of us have, but it's been so much harder on her.." Dustins concern touched you. He's always been the kindest of your friends.
"It'll be fine Henderson, it's just a game.. what could go wrong? Maybe it will actually bring some comfort to her" explained Steve.
Steve only joined Hellfire a few months ago. You don't think he ever really wanted to join, you believe it was to keep us all close. A big old safety net of who was left of us.
You carried on downstairs and was greeted by a crowd of big, somewhat nervous smiles.
"Hey everyone! Sorry I'm late, the storms really picking up outside.. had to drive slow ya know?" You said as you sat opposite Will.

Mid Game

"Kas the bloody handed withdraws his sword and in one fell swoop.. STRIKES Vecna at what he thought was his weak spot" exclaims Will excitedly, "do you roll to potentially die, roll to end him, or do you admit defeat".
You all huddled together.. and after 10 long minutes of arguing back and forth, you decided it best to end the session. You did not have enough defence or attack to roll, but you did not want to admit defeat. The campaign will continue next Wednesday, same time, same place.
Considering it was the first get together since.. You were surprised to find that Will continued on with Eddie's Campaign. Maybe he thought to do it in Eddie's memory, or maybe he just really liked the campaign. Either way, it was nice to feel like Eddie was with you... but it also hurt.
Packing up to go home, you waved goodbye to Mrs and Mr Wheeler, although Mr Wheeler was snoring obnoxiously loudly in the living room. You were going to drive Dustin home as it was late and the storm was still thrashing Hawkins.
As the two of you rushed to the car to avoid getting drenched, a streak of purple lightening lit the night sky above.
"Woooooah!" Uttered Dustin, "I've never seen PURPLE lightening before... I am seeing purple right? That was purple... right?".
"Yeah... I think so" You nervously replied.
You hopped into the car and just as you started the engine, another flash of purple illuminated the whole street, but in that flash you saw a figure standing just behind the Wheelers house.. it looked like a person, lingering menacingly.
"Dustin did you see that?"
"See what?" He replied, concerned.
"It looked like someone was over there" You pointed to where you saw the figure.
"No I didn't see anything.. should we wait for the next flash?" He asked.
So you did. It took precisely 23 seconds, but it felt like the longest 23 seconds of your life.
"Shit, who is that?" Exclaimed Dustin.
"Eddie?" You whispered.
Your mind was in pieces, your heart was fluttering. You're convinced it was Eddie. The hair.. the clothes.. his smirk. But that's stupid right? Eddie is dead. Dustin saw him die. It's not possible.
The next flash of lightening came so quickly and suddenly with a roar of ferocious thunder that it made you jump out of your skin. The figure was gone.
"Y/N.. no.. you know it's not him. I'm sorry. It's probably some dumb idiot playing a prank or something, let's get going".
You were too numb to argue. You shifted the Chevy into gear and started the drive home. You and Dustin didn't say a single word for the rest of the drive. As he opened the car door to get out, he looked like he was going to say something.. but he stopped himself.
As you got home, you were in such a mental battle with yourself. The logical side was telling you that you saw nothing; you imagined it because of your grief. Eddie is dead. Eddie is dead. EDDIE IS DEAD.
But... the unlogical, longing side of your brain just kept telling you 'what if'. What if he didn't die? Others have come back right? What if he somehow made it out alive? What if it was him and he needs our help? What if he needs ME? What if....?

Eddie's POV

In the dark silence of the forest, Eddie stalked back and forth.. a kind of longing begging him to rush after her, but he was now filled with so much uncontrollable anger that he knew he had to stay away. Stay away from them all. He had been sent here for one job and one job only. He repeated his mantra over and over and over, until it was the only thought consuming his mind.

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