Uncle Wayne

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Your POV

It had been a few hours and so far nothing seemed to have changed... no Vecna, no creatures.. no more gates. Eddie, Kali and El felt much better. After resting and eating their energy was restored and they were ready for battle... if that's what it came to. Hopper decided that it was time to leave. You and your friends unblocked all the doorways and carefully made your way outside. It was eerily quiet considering there were gates open. You wondered how Vecna had done it this time. Last time he had to murder people for a gate to open... this time.. who knows.
Hopper signalled for you all to follow him. He led you through the thick cover of the trees heading for his cabin in the woods.
"We're gonna re load there, and come up with a GOOD plan with different scenarios... we don't know what's going to happen so we need different ideas" Hopper explained. You all bundled into the cabin and Dustin and Steve instantly started scrounging for food. Eddie dipped out for ten minutes to grab a 'takeaway', but when he came he looked full of ambition.
"I wanna go see my Uncle... I need some questions answered and I think he should see me at least once more just in case..." his words trailed off. You asked to go with him and he said it was ok. Hopper didn't think it was a good idea but who was he to say what Eddie could and couldn't do? You agreed to be back within two-three hours and if anything happened, you would come rushing back. Eddie still had his vampire abilities so it would take no time at all to zoom back if needed.
You left the cabin and Eddie motioned for you to hop onto his back. His uncle had moved since last year.. since Eddie went 'missing'. Like everyone else in Hawkins that hadn't had any interaction with the Upside Down, he had forgotten. He had no idea there was anything supernatural in the world and only knew that Eddie had vanished, along with the other hundreds of people. You told Eddie exactly where to go as you had been checking in with Wayne throughout the last year anyway.
Eddie stopped just outside of his Uncles flat. He seemed a bit reserved, and you had to nudge him towards the door. He knocked three times and you both just stood there waiting. When Wayne opened the door it was like he didn't register who it was at first. The last year of Eddie being gone had taken its toll on him... he looked tired; his eyes had sunken in and he seemed smaller.
"Hey Uncle Wayne" Eddie said softly, smiling at him.
"Eddie? Eddie is that really you?!" Wayne exclaimed, throwing his arms around his nephew, "I thought you were gone! I th-thought you were dead!"
"If you let me and Y/N in... we can explain everything" he replied soothingly. Wayne moved to the side to allow you both to enter. You walked straight into the living room. It was modest; a double  couch that was fraying at the corners, a small television set, and some old rotting cabinets. Wayne went into the kitchen to make some drinks, but shot Eddie a worrying glance before doing so. When he came back, he set the drinks out on the table and clasped his hands together.
"So, let's talk about the elephant in the room", he motioned towards Eddie, "what's with your eyes and pale skin?"
"Let's start from the beginning shall we? Then you're more likely to understand" Eddie responded.
Eddie delved into his story, starting with his involvement in what happened last year. He told his Uncle what happened to Chrissy... and how it all just went downhill from there. He went over how he died in the Upside Down trying to protect his friends. Wayne's face showed such an arrange of emotions. Confusion turned to anger, and anger turned to sadness. When Eddie started talking about this past week, how he woke up and was under Vecnas control. How he set out to kill his friends and how he overcame it all. He also told him about the current problems and how you were all at a crossroads, not knowing what to do.
"Well shit... I don't even know what to say. That all sounds so unbelievable.. and yet, I believe you" Wayne exasperated. It was quiet for a while as Wayne took in all the new information. He rubbed his chin in thought before speaking again.
"When I served as a private in the Vietnam war... we came across some unbelievable things. We thought the opposition had created some mutant snake-like humans... because what we saw.. it was unreal. Eddie, I saw a tall, pale man rip one of my soldiers in two.. and then h-he started devouring him. When we inched closer to get a better look, we saw that this thing had fangs. He striked over and over again. He was drinking his blood!" He reminisced, so lost in his thoughts. Eddie had told me once that his Uncle suffered from PTSD from the war.
"I didn't want to believe that they were.... Vampires. But it's clear that they were... Eddie! Have you killed anyone? You can never come back from that!!" Wayne exclaimed.
"No, no I haven't! I've been drinking from animals in the woods... and only little bits at a time so I'm not killing them either!" Eddie retorted, clearly offended to be asked such a thing, "I don't know where those other vampires came from Uncle, but I'm different. I was made by Vecna... and er... if he dies, I'm guessing I die again too". Eddie looked as though he didn't want to tell Wayne that.. but as he was being honest about everything else.. why not. He also didn't want to put his Uncles hopes up that he was back for good, because he might not be.
"Now that you know everything... I have a few questions to ask you. I know that was a lot to take in but I'm begging you to be honest with me now. As much as we dived into my memories... there's still so much I don't know or understand" Eddie pleaded.
"Shoot! I've got nothing to hide Ed, ask away" Wayne replied, his eyes seeming sorrowful. You think he knows exactly what's coming.. and he seemed worried. Maybe that Eddie would reject him? Maybe that Eddie wouldn't understand?
"When I went far back into my memories with El, I found out that I was a part of a child experiment regime right here in Hawkins. And when I woke up in hospital, I couldn't remember a thing. You were there; you told me I'd been in a horrific car crash and that my parents had died. I know now that's not true. So what I'm really asking... is are you actually my Uncle? How did you know I was in hospital? Why did you take me home with you?" Eddie blurted out everything quite quickly, but Wayne held onto every single word.
"Eddie, can I start by saying I love you. I love you so much as if you were my own child. Please always believe that" Wayne pleaded with him, "I knew about Hawkins Lab. I was a part of the clean up crew that the military brought in. We were there to cover all tracks of what was going on. I promise I never knew about it beforehand- only when I was called in to cover it up". You couldn't imagine being a part of the clean up team. How horrific it would've been to see dead children sprawled everywhere.. in such an aggressive manor.
"I found you Eddie. You were still alive... but barely. Me and a few of the guys cleaned you up and two of us rushed you to the hospital. They saved you.. but whilst you were out cold some government agents came in and we were ushered out of the room. When you woke up and couldn't even remember your name... I just knew that they had wiped your memory. I was honestly surprised that they didn't kill you.. they just left you. You would've ended up in an orphanage not ever knowing who you were or where you came from. That's when I decided... I couldn't leave you like that..." he choked out, tears streaming down his withered face.
"Eddie... I hope I gave you a good life... I tried my hardest," Wayne sobbed, "But no, to answer your question... I am not your Uncle".

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