The Beginning Of The End

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Your POV

When you woke up you felt a bit delirious. Where are you? What's going on? You try to rub the sleep from your eyes to no avail. "Y/N... you will dieee alonee" came an eerie voice from the shadows. Shadows? Darkness? Why couldn't you see? "All your friendsss will die. I will kill them one by oneeee as you waaatch". What the hell? Who is that? You thrash around, trying to feel for anything, see anyone. What's that? In the distance you can see a figure... it's coming closer. Closer still. Vecna? SHIT! You run, as fast as your legs will allow... into nothingness. There is no where to go. Nowhere to run to. He's right behind you. You can feel him touching you. You scream. No noise comes out. This is it. This is death.
"Y/N wake up! Please!" You hear Eddie shout. You feel yourself shaking. You open your eyes to see Eddie and your friends surrounding you. Eddie is shaking you.. oh. It was a dream... a nightmare.
"You scared us... you were screaming and thrashing about in your sleep" Dustin commented.
"Err.. sorry about that. I dreamt of... Him. He told me he was going to kill you all... and then he got me" you whimper, as you try to hold in your tears.
"It's ok Y/N, I've got you. It was just a dream" Eddie soothed as he cradled your head in his lap, "deep breaths".
Great.. you go to sleep dreaming of your wedding and end up in a nightmare containing the very real monster you were going to fight. Fantastic.
"Well, after that little fiasco, let's say we get some breakfast and start training?" Kali stated to the room. Very blasé. But fair.
After you'd all eaten breakfast, you packed up and headed for that little open spot in the woods. It was such a warm but breezy day; the perfect kind of weather. On the way there, you all checked in with your parents.. ya know.. just letting them know that you were alive. You can't remember the last time you actually spent any time at home.. or with your parents. Well, you weren't that bothered, and it was apparent that they weren't either. The joy of being an only child at this age is that you get forgotten about.. you were ok with that.
Kali made Eddie and El practice together for about two hours. By the end of it, they had managed to build up a huge barrier that was completely solid- Kali could not see them through it. It was amazing progress. They had a break every hour and came to sit with the rest of you. You ate some food, drank some water and prepared some make shift weapons. You decided to replicate Eddie's shield that he used last year. A large round metal bin lid was perfect.. you found it behind the Wheelers house. In the supplies that you brought you found a load of different sized nails, which you used a large chunk of tree bark to hammer into the lid. Just like Eddie's. When he joined you for food he held it up, looking like a warrior.. looking like the saviour of Hawkins. This was some major De ja vu... and you wasn't sure if you liked it. It was all too familiar, all too worrying.
Nether the less, he gave you the biggest, cheesiest grin which showed his approval.
"I love it Y/N. It's perfect" he beamed at you.
The next round of training was for the 'Power3' to work together. Eddie and Els training had come along so well... add Kali into the mix and surely they would be able to pass by Vecna unnoticed. You all gathered in front of Eddie, Kali and El and prepared to face whatever they may bring.
It started off slow... a low vibrating sound that made you wobble on your feet. It felt almost like the start of an earthquake.
"Keep at it guys, vision it, believe it, do it!" commanded Kali. Gosh she was a powerful woman. It just emanated through her body. A thunderous crack snapped you right out of your thoughts, as the earth shuddered beneath your feet. Glancing over at Dustin and Will, you could tell that they were feeling and seeing it too. You looked down and noticed the earth splitting in two.. right between you and your friends. You stare in awe as the ground starts crumbling next to your feet. It keeps growing, slithering along the ground like a serpent, up until it reaches Eddie. Wow.
"What are you seeing?" Shouted Kali.
"The ground has split! Right between me and Mike!" You yell back.
"Amazing! More guys, more!" Beamed Kali.
You felt a little scared, even knowing this wasn't real.. it truly felt like it was happening. You stare down at the gaping crack in the earth... it very much reminding you of the four gates that Vecna opened last year. You were all but expecting fire and black vines to start crawling out.. but instead, you watch in pure fascination as the complete opposite happens. Gorgeous green vines started to sprout through the cracks, twisting, turning and growing until they reached just above your head. Beads of colour started to sprout randomly, blossoming all colours of the rainbow. You couldn't tell what type of flowers they were... but they were beautiful.
"Guys, this is really really good, but we're not gonna defeat a monster with rainbows and butterflies!" Shouted Kali, seeming very frustrated. You glance over at Eddie - he throws a smirk your way. He winks at you and mouths "don't be scared". Uh oh. You watch as the flower's petals start to distort, turning black, wilting, dying and dropping to the floor. The dead petals started twitching... moving in a way that was so unnatural. You crouch closer to the ground to inspect and instantly jump back in fear. They had turned into millions of spiders. Each single petal had become a spider. You weren't normally scared of spiders but this was different. They started running at you and your friends at an alarming speed. You were stuck to the spot, too scared to move, too scared to speak.
"Stop, please" is all you managed to squeak out. You were heard.. as soon as you said those words the spiders stopped. The vision didn't disappear.. everything just seemed to be frozen in time.
"Y/N, come over here. We won't put you through this if you don't want us to!" Said Kali, "however, if the rest of you guys are still okay to go? Just remember.. it's not real, you can call quits at any time!"
You made your way over to Eddie, feeling slightly ashamed of being a coward. The other guys agreed to carry on... Dustin and Steve actually seemed to be enjoying it! Maybe because they knew it wasn't real they could differentiate reality and fantasy.

You sat down on the floor, feeling stupid and defeated, although Eddie and El consoled you and told you it was absolutely fine. After feeling sorry for yourself for a while you eventually managed to perk up. It was one thing being the receiver of those visions, another watching someone else. It was really fun to watch your friends run around screaming as 'spiders' were chasing them around the field. They were hopping over imaginary cracks in the ground and falling over nothing. Robin soon tapped out, more out of exhaustion than fear. She was a badass. The complete opposite to you. Opposites attract though.. that's why you were best friends.
Eddie, El and Kali gathered together to make another plan. They had the visions down, now it was time for something else. They decided this time that they were going to make themselves invisible to us all, and move around parts of the field as unnoticeable as possible. You all watched intently as they prepared themselves. It was a strange sight to see - one minute they were all standing there, and the next, gone. Just vanished into thin air. You and your friends sat in a circle with your backs to each other so that you could all have eyes on different parts of the field. Every now and then you could spot a glimmer of Eddie or El.. but after a few hours of practise they were completely invisible to the naked eye. It worked. It really worked. You actually have a chance!
You all sat around together, the 'Power3' collapsed down next to you all and just stayed there for a while. When everyone regained their energy and collected themselves, Kali made an announcement.
"I don't think we need an extra day guys. We have all the weapons, you two are ready. Tomorrow starts the beginning of the end."

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