Chapter Four

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We arrived at D.S.Umbrella Manufacturing Company late at night to make sure we were not disturbed. Five seemed hesitant to go inside.

"You okay?" Diego asked him.

"Just..." He couldn't find the words to explain.

"How long's it been since you've seen the old man?"

"45 years." That concept still confused me as I stood back and watched them.

"That's a trip."

"No kidding." Five leaned his back against the door with his hands in his pockets, staring at the ground like he was thinking hard. "You know, when I was stuck out there, in the apocalypse, there wasn't a day that went by where I didn't hear his voice in my head."

"What was he saying?" Diego was working on picking the lock.

"I told you so." Five spoke slowly and I felt bad for him. It was obvious to me he just wanted to impress his father by exceeding his expectations. I walked closer to him and placed my hand on his shoulder, smiling sadly at him.

"Well, if your dad is here, he has never met you before, so he can't say 'I told you so.'" I finally spoke, trying to help him feel better, but he just looked at me with eyes filled with sorrow and pain.

"I'm sure he'll find a way." He finally realised what Diego was doing and just teleported into the building, unlocking the door from the inside. He was back to his serious self.

"Right," Diego huffed and cleared his throat, "Gotta remember that."

Five turned on a lamp near the wall as we entered but it merely flickered and turned back off again. The room, as much as I could see in the dim moonlight, was pretty barren and there was not a lot of furniture around.

"Guess dad wasn't much for home decor." Diego mumbled as we all looked around the room.

"Feels more like a front." Five said, swiping his finger across a seat and picking up a ton of dust as he did it.

"A front for what." I questioned. What was their dad up to?

"I don't know." He admitted.

"Well I'll take the left. Yell if you, uh... get in trouble." Diego muttered then left through a door to the left.

"Such a hero." I pretended to be in awe of him as Five began walking towards the door on the right and I followed him.

We checked the doors as we went along the hallway, most were locked, except one of the right that was set out like a living room. There was a mural of a neighbourhood as if it were a window and there was a family of manikins set out around the sofas.

"Creepy." I shuddered.

"What are you up to?" Five questioned to himself quietly.

We continued down the hallway and found more rooms similar to that one that had manikins set out like a real family. Five began rummaging through any papers he could find and I just slowly made my way around the rooms, looking for anything... suspicious I guess.

Suddenly there was a loud clattering sound and we both turned to look towards the corner that it came from. We saw a small shadow coming out from behind a cage and it appeared to be a little monkey wearing kids' pyjama bottoms.

"Pogo." Five whispered as he crouched down to greet him. "It's alright, little buddy." As the monkey came closer, Five began to reach out to him. "Pogo, it's good to see you."

"You know him?" I spoke quietly so that I didn't alarm the poor thing.

"Old friends, or I suppose we will be." He told me, reaching out to touch Pogo's face. This startled the monkey and he screeched, scratching Five on the neck in the process, then leapt out of the window smashing the glass.

"Oh no! Five!" I ran to his side quickly and took off my cardigan to hold on his neck. "Diego! Diego help!" I shouted but we didn't hear him coming so I helped Five up and we headed towards the exit being careful to keep the cardigan held to his wounds.


Five teleported us back to my house and we saw Diego lying practically naked on the sofa with Lila straddling him and seemingly cauterising a wound on his abdomen.

"Oh. He isn't dead." Five sighed.

"Disappointed." Lila asked him."

"Oh to see you, always."

"So much hostility in such a tiny package." I rolled my eyes at her and went over to make a pot of coffee. Five exchanged my cardigan for some tissue. "Did you cut yourself shaving? I could teach you to shave like a big boy." She was really starting to get on my nerves, something wasn't right about her.

"No, I just ran into an old family friend." He huffed out, checking if his wound was still bleeding.

I looked over at my dad still tied up in his dentistry chair, fast asleep. Five must have noticed the same thing.

"You didn't untie him?" He asked Lila.

"Was I supposed to?" She looked up at us.

I shrugged and grabbed my coffee and book, settling down to read.

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