Chapter Eleven

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We stood behind a building, peeking around the corner and watched as Lila ran towards an old abandoned warehouse. She proceeded to pick up something heavy and smash the window on the door then let herself inside. We quickly followed her, ducking to keep out of view, stopping at the door to look in through the window and make sure the coast is clear.

Five nodded at me then teleported inside and I slowly creaked the door open following him in but keeping a safe distance and hiding behind some old crates and boxes. I could see Five and Lila standing about 8 feet ahead of me.

"What's your game, crazy lady?" Five questioned with that smug smirk.

"Who cares? You said if you saw me again, you'd kill me." She challenges him.

"Oh, I remember."

"Well, come on, big talker. Let's get this done."

"All right."

Five suddenly teleports behind Lila and attempts to swipe at her legs but she's too quick and sends a spinning kick to his face. She runs in the opposite direction, heading my way, I jump back out of view and she rushes past without seeing me. Five quickly chases after her.

"Stay here!" He shouts to me as he passes by. Yeah, like that's happening.

I follow after them, watching as Five teleports again, disappearing for a few seconds causing Lila to look back over her shoulder. She smirks at me as she finally notices I'm there, but as she turns back again Five appears in front of her. He jumps high and sends a flying kick, but Lila dodges and steps back as he tries again to hit her. They begin a punching battle, some hits landing and some missing from both sides. Lila jumps over a table and as Five comes round to get her, she's disappeared. We hear her voice 5 feet away to the right.

"I'm waiting." How did she do that?

Five seems confused but then rushes over to continue fighting, teleporting to where she was standing but when he lands, she's disappeared again. She's teleporting!

"Fed up yet, Five?" She laughs as Five looks back at her, exasperated.

"Five, she can teleport!" I shout to him, but I think he already knows that. He searches around on the floor and finds a heavy metal pipe. Gripping it in both hands and with a look of rage he teleports to her again swinging the pipe but she's already gone and he ends up hitting an old machine switch.

He drops the pipe, turning to find her again, only to be faced with her foot flying at his face, but this time he's quicker than her and ducks down, swiping at her legs and knocking her to the ground. He steps over to her and puts his foot on her neck slowly pressing on her throat.

"You're better than I thought." She croaks out.

"And you are entirely average." He presses his foot down harder. "You can come out now." He shouts. I think he's talking about me so I rush to his side and grab his arm, but out of nowhere, I hear the sound of high heels clicking on the old stone floor.

A woman in a big golden coat with a leopard print collar, brown hair that's curled at the ends, and a lit smoking pipe in her mouth, walks out from behind a wall.

"Well done." She says as she comes closer. "You figured it out."

"Well it wasn't very hard." Five replies, his foot still on Lila's throat. "She fights like every one of you commission drones."

"Five who is this?" I whisper to him, but he ignores me, staring the woman down.

"Hmm, no matter, here we are, together again. And who's this little thing clinging to your arm, Five? Isn't she a little young for you?" She says as she peeps over his shoulder at me. But when she looks at me I see a slight recognition in her eyes, and she seems familiar to me but I don't recall ever meeting her before.

"It doesn't matter who she is." He tells her. He moves his arm to cross over my body and gently pushes me back a step.

"I gotta ask," She takes a few steps closer, pulling the pipe out of her mouth, "did you miss me, you little shit?"

///Author's note///

So, I'm back. This is a very short chapter for now, and this is the moment where I start introducing the storyline that I am working out for Y/N. I am a little rusty so excuse the bad writing, but as always let me know your thoughts and if you have any suggestions leave me a comment.

Kait xx

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