Chapter Five

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My dad was eating his cereal, Five was pacing around the room with his hands in his pockets, and I was reading a book, when all of a sudden a red flashing alarm started buzzing.

"Hey, we got one. One of those machines you asked for is going crazy." My dad told Five who had moved to join him.

"What machines?" I asked as I too joined them, but was ignored.

"Which one?" Five questioned.

"It's the, uh, atmospheric radar."

"Good." He whispered.

"I don't get it. What are you tracking?" I looked over at Five while he examined the radar.

"Sound waves." He told us.

"Sound waves." Then he was gone. "Wait, where are you going?" I asked with a sigh, knowing he was already gone and receiving a pat on the shoulder from my dad.


"You hungry?" I heard Lila ask Diego as she went to check on him. "Elliot's made mouldy tuna." I giggled at that.

"It's a tuna mould." My dad corrected with a huff. Then Lila entered the room with Diego and I could no longer hear their conversation.

"It's okay dad, I'll have some of your mouldy tuna." I grinned widely at him while he gave me an 'are you serious?' look.

I sat down at the table sighing as my dad plated some food and set it in front of me. He then did some for himself and sat down next to me, knowing something was up.

"What's happening kiddo?" He asked me.

"I don't know." I mumbled, stabbing at my food with my fork.

"I'm sure he will be back soon. I know you like him."

"What?!" My head shot up. "N-no I... I don't know what you're talking about dad."

"Come on, I know my own daughter, Y/N." I shut my mouth, not wanting to talk about this subject any longer. We then heard a few muffled screams from my dad's bedroom where Diego and Lila were. Then the most mortifying thing in the world happened, they started to have sex, very loudly.

I jumped up from my chair in a hurry and looked at my dad. Without saying a word, I nodded and left the apartment, deciding to go to Stadtler's across the street instead.


I'd been at Stadtler's for a couple hours now just drinking coffee and reading when suddenly there were audible gasps from around the cafe. I looked up to see a beautiful coloured woman entering the cafe with so much confidence. I was worried for her safety, Stadtler's wasn't known for their kindness, but I silently applauded her bravery and continued to read, deciding to sit around to see what happens.

More coloured people entered the cafe and all took seats across the bar. It was a protest. However, it was not long before the whole thing became aggressive, not on their part I might add, they simply sat and kept their mouths closed. All of the white people, excluding me of course, were shouting and ordering them to leave.

This lasted for a few hours before the police were called and things began to get violent. The horrid man behind the counter pushed a hot coffee onto the lap of the woman who first entered which caused her to jump up and knock into a police officer.

They began to grab the woman and pushed her onto the counter whilst handcuffing her along with her husband. Then fighting broke out and I knew it was time to leave. I got up and ran out after the woman and the police officer.

"Hey!" I shouted at him. "Let her go, she didn't do anything wrong."

This distracted the police officer for a second and the women managed to get away. The cop looked at me with fury and I quickly ran the other way to hide behind a car. He didn't come after me and I ran home as fast as I possibly could.


The next morning I was completely exhausted. I couldn't believe what had happened last night. Lila was rebandaging Diego's wound and Five was pacing around the living room again. I couldn't keep track of the conversation entirely but it was something about their sister. I just sat on the couch curled up into a ball.

My dad brought coffee over for everyone and I quietly took mine. He looked at me concerned but decided not to ask as he had heard about the events of last night. Lila's laughing brought me back into the room.

"Good thing I know where Dad's gonna be tonight." Five said, not sounding slightly amused. He handed Diego an invitation.

"Where'd you get this?" He asked.

"Found it at his office, while he was busy stabbing you." This made me snort unattractively and everyone turned to look at me for the first time.

"Wow, you look like shit. What happened to you?" Lila annoyingly pointed out.

I just smiled sarcastically at her and looked at Diego to read the invitation.

"Hoyt Hillenkoetter and the Consulate General of Mexico in Dallas cordially invite you to a gala."

"Woah, wait. Hoyt Hillenkoetter?" My dad questioned, making sure to pronounce his name correctly. "Are you serious?" He seemed worried about this.

"You know him?" Five asked then looked at me but I just shrugged, having no idea.

"We should go." Lila said to Diego. "Says there's gonna be a seafood tower."

"No, Hillenkoetter is one of the Majestic Twelve."

"The hell is the Majestic Twelve?" Diego muttered.

"What? It's a secret committee. Scientists, military, uh, deep state. No one knows what they really do." He ran over to his desk and started rifling through papers, looking for something.

"Wait, so they're government?" Diego grunted as he tried to sit up but was still in pain.

"Shadow government." My dad explained. "Yeah, Kennedy was the first president to try to push 'em into the light, but these guys are not to be trifled with. Oh... oh, here we go, right here."

He finally found the picture he wanted and placed it on the table, pointing out Hillenkoetter.

"I only count 11." Lila stated.

"Well, that's because they've only identified 11 so far."

"Who's the twelfth?" Diego pondered, but I'm pretty sure that we were all thinking the same thing. Their dad.

///Author's note///

Hey guys, I just wanted to say that it is so awesome that we have reached 100 reads so quickly I honestly didn't think that many people would read this, so thank you. 

Also let me know your thoughts on the protest scene, I wasn't originally going to include it, but it is an important topic and I was glad that this issue was brought up in the show, so I tried to do it some justice here. 

Thank you for reading my fanfic. 

Kait xx

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