Chapter Six

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I was in my room getting ready for the gala, which Five was only allowing me to attend so that he didn't look strange being the only young person there, and only if I had one of Diego's knives on me at all times in case of trouble.

There was a soft knock on my door.

"Come in." I shouted as I was just trying to zip up the back of my dress. The door opened and it was Five. He came in and closed the door behind him.

"Hey, you don't seem yourself. Is everything alright?" It warmed my heart a little that the great stern Five worried if I was okay and I smiled softly at him.

"Yeah, just had a long night. Did you hear about the riot?" He noticed me struggling with my zip and came over to help me, pushing my hair over my shoulder.

"I did. You didn't start it did you?" I chuckled at his teasing.

"There was this woman and her husband getting arrested, I just hope that they're okay."

I looked down for a second then looked back into the mirror, watching as Five's hands grabbed the zip and slowly started to pull it up. I could feel his soft fingers caressing my spine as they went and it made me shiver. He looked over my shoulder at me in the mirror, his frame only being slightly taller than my own.

I smoothed out my dress. It was pink with a white belt at the waist and a white collar. I paired it with some white kitten heels and simple pearls.

"You look beautiful." He whispered in my ear and slowly stroked his hand down my shoulder and to my hand then bringing it up to make me twirl around.

I was starting to feel a little better and giggled at his acts, giving him a sweet smile when I faced him again and he brought his hand to my hip. I would have never thought that Five could be this sweet and gentle.

"I know there is work to do tonight... but I do hope you'll save me a dance." I nodded at him then froze as his face came closer and closer to mine. I could feel his breath on my skin and the shivers returned throughout my entire body. He kissed my cheek softly then turned and left my room.

I fell back on my bed in delight. Five just kissed my cheek!

///Author's note///

Okay I know this is really short but I just felt like this needed it's own moment. It's the first time Five has properly shown a romantic interest in Y/N. So yeah. I hope you like it.

Kait xx

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