Chapter Seven

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We were crouched down behind a car in front of a very fancy looking building where all the guests of the gala were making their entrance.

"So, what's the plan?" I whispered to the group.

"We infiltrate, we identify, we extract. Double time." Diego was talking like some sort of spy.

"What the hell's he talking about?" Lila asked Five.

"Find the old man and get out fast." He explained.

"That's what I said." Diego looked back at us like we were stupid and I simply rolled my eyes. "On me." And we crouched behind the next car, getting slightly closer to the door. Then one more car and we were able to rush to a side door and enter the building.

Five grabbed a couple of glasses of champagne and handed one to me as we tried to blend in.

"I don't see dad anywhere." Diego said, scanning the room.

"Yeah, well we only just walked in dude." I scoffed and took a sip of champagne but immediately spat it back out and put the glass on the table behind me, it was absolutely disgusting.

"Just keep an eye out for the Majestic Twelve. We got the upstairs." Five grabbed my hand gently. "Diego, try not to do anything stupid." This made Lila and I giggle, then I was being led away and towards a set of stairs.

We reached the top and saw a bunch of men in fancy suits entering a room down the hallway. We lingered waiting for the coast to be clear then Five, having never let go of my hand, teleported us into a closet.

Through the slits we could see the men surrounding a big meeting table. We listened to their conversation, being as quiet as possible.

"The president is continuing to make inquiries into Roswell and other crash sites, gentlemen. and , as you know, we cannot allow him to get his nose into our business." One of the men began speaking. "I've confirmed the motorcade will indeed be turning left on Elm Street. We'll have our people in place."

"Gentlemen, this plan of yours seems ill-timed." Another said.

"It's going to be a turkey shoot." Spoke a different man.

Were they actually planning to shoot the president? Was Diego right? I gasped and accidentally tripped on something, bumping into Five and making a small sound. I held my breath as Five had a grip on my arms to stop me from tumbling anymore, but it seemed that one of the men had heard us.

"Dad?" Five whispered. Just as he did the man came towards us and stabbed his cane in between the slits, but before it could hit either one of us, Five teleported us back into the hallway.

I exhaled, thinking that was a close one, however, as we turned to leave, a man in a waiter's suit was staring down at us.

"Shit!" Five mumbled.

The man grabbed him by his blazer and threw him against the wall, but he teleported behind the man and kicked him in the knee, sending him to the floor. I squealed and backed up against the wall with my heart beating out of my chest.

Five jumped onto the man's back and wrapped one arm around his neck, using the other to try to snap it but he wasn't strong enough and the man flipped Five over his shoulder, smashing him into the floor. He teleported again so he was behind the assailant but his hands flashed blue when he tried once more.

I guess he had ran out of power.

The man started to punch Five and he tried to fight back but there was quite a disadvantage so I took off one of my shoes and flung it at the man, hitting him in the back of the head. He turned to me and I threw the other, hitting him in the nose. While he was distracted by me, Five got a few good hits in and the man was on his knees again.

I heard a strangled cry from the other end of the hallway and saw that Diego had his own fight happening too with another man dressed as a waiter. Something told me though that they were not really waiters.

I became distracted watching as another man with a knuckle duster started to punch Diego in the stomach and was suddenly thrown to the floor, my back in serious pain as I was kicked. I couldn't get up so I pulled out the knife I was borrowing off Diego and attempted to throw it but it just hit the wall and no one even noticed.

Lila came trotting up the stairs at this moment and looked like she was going to help Diego but she suddenly stopped and ran towards us, jumped on a table and swung from a light fixture. She grabbed the man fighting Five and wrapped her legs around his neck which gave Five a bit of time.

He came and helped me up off the floor and dusted off my dress then looked at Lila suspiciously.

"You're welcome." She said sarcastically and Five saw an opportunity while the man was hurt to run at him and push him out of the window. He turned back around as something outside caught his eye and he quickly teleported away. Lila looked outside and saw what Five saw and ran out after him.

"What the hell was that about?" I said aloud as she just ran past Diego who was struggling with the two other guys.

I was about to jump in to help him when he kicked the man in front of him and slammed the one who was still trying to strangle him into the wall, knocking him out. He continued to fight with the last remaining assailant as they made their way towards me, breaking windows and possibly bones.

Diego eventually took the guy down and came to me rushing me down the stairs. We made it outside to find Five standing and watching as a car left the parking lot.

"Was that him?" Diego asked him.

"Yeah." He put his hands in his pockets and looked down at the floor frustrated. "You know, I'm starting to get the feeling dad's avoiding us."

"Hate to be the boring one guys but, uh, it's time to get the hell out of here." Lila said.

"When you say 'we,' who exactly are you referring to?" Five suddenly burst out.

"Not a lot of ambiguity in that sentence." She answered, sarcastically.

"Listen, I don't know who you are, or where you came from, but whatever it is, I'd advise you return posthaste."

"She's right, Five. We gotta get outta here." Diego attempted to gain his attention but I could see the anger in his eyes.

"I just saved your life, you kinder-shit." She shouted back. "If I hadn't stepped in, all that would be left of you and Y/N is a string of pearls, a blazer and some bloody socks." I rolled my eyes as I moved to hold onto Five's arm.

"And that's the problem. You're too good, you ask too many questions. You know too much." He had a point. "And you fight like you know what you're doing."

"He's got a point." Diego butted in again.

"So I know how to handle myself, and that makes me the bad guy?"

"Whoever you are, you're in my way. If I see you again, I will kill you." Then he grabbed my hand and we were leaving.

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