Do You Want To Go On A Date

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Sumire's P.O.V

After everyone starts to leave, Kawaki tells Boruto he's going to walk me home.

Boruto leaves with Sarada, walking toward Saradas' house, and Kawaki and I leave walking toward my house.

"So, did you have fun?" I ask, saying like a mom whose son just come back from a party.

"Yeah, my favorite part was the closet," Kawaki says, looking to me. I blush and look away.

"Hey, I'm just messing with you," Kawaki says, grabbing my hand. I smile and hold his.

We get to my house. We're standing outside my door, still holding hands. "So, I was wondering," Kawaki says, playing with my hands.

"Yeah," I say, watching as we wave our hands around.

"Do you want to go on a date tomorrow?" Kawaki asks, blushing nervously. I smile and blush. 

"Yeah, I would love to," I say. Kawaki smiles. He moves his hand to the side of my face before leaning in and kissing me, I kiss back.

We both pull away. "I should get going," Kawaki says.

"Yeah," I say, getting him one more peek on lips before we let go of each hand. I watch as Kawaki walks back home.

I unlock my door and walk into the living room. I smile and blush as I go to the bathroom and unbraid my hair.

I walk into my room and change my clothes. After I lay in bed, the bed feels so cold without Kawaki.

I haven't slept in my bed for the past couple of days. I miss Kawaki's warmth.

I close my eyes, still cold. Before I knew it, I felt my both drifting away. Then I was asleep.

Sumire's P.O.V

I wake up early in the morning. I get dressed and do my hair quickly. I don't know what Kawaki wants to do so I don't eat.

I left my house and smiled as I walked to Kawaki's.

When I get to Kawakis, I knock on the door. Mrs. Uzumaki opens the door.

"Hello, dear," she says, smiling.

"Hello, is Kawaki awake?" I ask.

"Yes, he be right down, please come inside," she says, walking into the kitchen. I walk in and shut the door.

I walk into the kitchen and see Himawari sitting down eating. "Hello, Class Rup," she says.

"How are you doing?" I asked, sitting next to her.

"I'm doing fine, thanks," She says, smiling.

"Are you and Kawaki meeting up?" Himawari asks.

"Yes, we are," I say, blushing.

"Are you ready?" Kawaki asks, coming downstairs. I get off the chair and nod.

"We're leaving!" Kawaki yells throughout the house as we walk to the door.

"Ok," we hear Mrs. Uzumaki says from the living room.

I follow Kawaki as we walk. We get to a large lake. There's a picnic set up, "when did you have time to do this?" I ask as we sit down.

"This morning, before the sun came up," Kawaki says as I realize it's still really early.

"Plus, I had some help," he says, sitting down next to me.

Kawaki and I laugh, eat, and talk as we eat our food and stare at the water.

"You have something on your face," Kawaki says as he rubs something off my cheek. I blush as he smiles.

"Hey, look," Kawaki says exactly, as he stands up and goes to the river. I stand up and go to him.

I look at the river, and I see fish jumping out of the water. "So pretty," I say as I look at them.

Kawaki and I watch as the fish swims away. Kawaki leans forwards towards the river a little more.

I watch as Kawaki's foot slips, and Kawaki goes crashing into the water.

"Are you ok?" I ask, laughing. Kawaki laughs as he puts his hand out for me to help him. I grab his hand and pull him up.

Kawaki pulls down, pulling me into my water. "Ahh," I yell as I fall into the water.

"You jerk," I laugh, splashing water at him. He laughs as he swims closer to me and wraps his hands around my waist, and I wrap mine around his neck.

I laugh before I climb up the side and back to land. I help Kawaki up, and as soon as he gets halfway up, I let go, and Kawaki falls back into my water.

"Ahh," he says, falling back. I laugh,

"Sorry, slipped," I say, laughing.

"Um, uh," he says, claiming up by himself.

I go over and sit back down on the blankie, soaking wet. Kawaki sits next to me. He leans in and kisses me, I kiss him back.

"Sumire," Kawaki says, facing away from me.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I- I love you," Kawaki says, blushing and looking at me from the side of his eyes.

"I love you too," I smile and exactly laugh. He smiles and kisses me again.

Words: 822

The Invisible Ninja : Sumire x Kawaki Where stories live. Discover now