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"he smirks a smirk that has become so notorious for him by now, a knowing, proud smirk that allures only to mischief

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"he smirks a smirk that has become so notorious for him by now, a knowing, proud smirk that allures only to mischief."

IT IS NOT UNTIL THREE WEEKS LATER that Freya and Amara finally make the discussed trip to Asgard. It has been so long since Amara has been in the city that she has almost forgotten how beautiful it truly is. So regally luxurious and wealthy, a near opposite of her and her mother's simpler lifestyle in Vanaheim.

   Each time she visits Asgard, she is nostalgically reminded of her childhood days spent here, where she and Loki used to explore and read and play without a care in the world. Now, trips to Asgard are almost strictly for business, but usually, she and Loki will still find some way to sprinkle some fun in with the dull.

   "Freya, Amara! It has been too long!" Odin greets as she and her mother enter the palace. Her eyes immediately find Loki, standing off to the left of the throne. They exchange small smiles, both trying to contain their excitement for the sake of professionalism.

   "Yes, far too long, I do believe," Freya says as she curtsies in greeting. Amara follows suit, to which both Thor and Loki bow in response.

   "Well, as much as I would love to chat, I'm afraid we haven't much time to waste." Odin heaves himself off his throne, stepping down to the floor. "I have set aside a room for our meeting, where we may discuss the issue at hand. Young ones, I will send someone for you when necessary."

   With that, Odin, Frigga, and Freya are escorted out of the throne room, leaving the three heirs to themselves. Thor grins as he approaches Amara, taking her in a warm embrace. "How wonderful it is to see you, my lady!" he booms in that deep voice of his. "It has been far too long, indeed."

   "It certainly has," Amara agrees as she pulls away, turning her attention now to Loki. She cannot constrain her smile as she gazes at him, taking in his somewhat shy grin. "Hi, Loki," she says innocently.

   "Hello, Amara," he purrs in reply.

   Before going in to hug him, Amara looks around anxiously, her eyes eventually landing on Thor, who is peering out the palace door. A moment later, he turns to her, giving her a nod and a wink. Now that she knows it's safe, she nearly flings herself into Loki's arms; he immediately reciprocates, holding her close and with warmth.

   "I've missed you," she whispers, smiling.

   "And I, you."

   They separate a moment later, gathering their professional composure once more. For some reason, as time has gone on, it has gotten harder and harder to pretend that there isn't a special connection between her and Loki. As their friendship grows stronger, the need to conceal it does as well, it seems.

   "Well, I suppose I shall leave you two to catch up," Thor says, smiling at them. "I've got some business of my own to attend to. I'll be seeing you soon enough." He nods in acknowledgment before turning and leaving the palace through the back door, heading in the direction of the training grounds. It is Amara's belief that Thor has always known that she and Loki share a special connection, which he respects enough to not disrupt. Thor is the oldest son, after all, so she has no doubt that he is aware of the perks he receives that Loki does not - perhaps Thor decided long ago to let Loki have her favor without any argument.

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