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"freya suddenly becomes stiff as the possibility is laid out, for some reason unable to meet Amara's eyes

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"freya suddenly becomes stiff as the possibility is laid out, for some reason unable to meet Amara's eyes."


   I cannot speak for Vanaheim, but things are getting quite messy in Asgard. The citizens are stricken with fear of a possible war, which, of course, causes enough chaos in and of itself. Moreso, the Frost Giants have begun sending their threats: falling ice, freezing temperatures, the lot. I am under the impression that they believe the stolen child resides on Asgard, even though the possibility is purely ridiculous.
   I hope things are better in Vanaheim than here. As always, I implore you to stay safe. I send my love.
   - Loki

Amara frowns as she reads the letter telling of Asgard's struggles. It has been only a week since she and her mother visited Asgard, but since then the situation with the Jotuns has become drastically worse. According to what she has heard, Laufey has only days to live, and as soon as he dies, the Jotuns will resort to war, and a savage one, at that.

It must be true that the Jotuns believe their heir resides on Asgard, as Vanaheim has received none of the threats Loki told of in his letter. However, on very quiet, very clear nights, it is possible to hear the Frost Giants all the way in Jotunheim, yelling and screaming in anger. Amara is not sure which of the impending messages is worse.

If Amara is being honest with herself, she is getting frustrated with the situation. All week, she has watched her mother run errands in the city and lock herself away in her room to speak with Odin, but overall nothing is really being done about the issue at hand. She has had lots of time to think recently, and she has found herself wondering if it would really be that difficult to find the son of Laufey. By the way she figures it, the son would have to have some sort of spell on him to make him appear normal, otherwise, he would immediately be recognized, and if her assumption is true, then her mother should easily be able to pick him out. She has never met someone as adept at recognizing magic as her mother is.

On the day Loki's letter arrives, she decides to bring this idea to her mother. She is able to catch her in her room just after speaking with Odin and just before she is to leave for town.

"Mother, can you spare a moment? I'd like to ask something of you."

Freya does not pause as she rummages through her drawers, searching for something. "Oh, sure, dear, but only a moment. I'm due to be in town and I cannot seem to find my amulet..."

Amara fights back a smile. "Ah, mother?"

Freya looks up, her eyes showing her frantic mood, and Amara shyly gestures to her mother's chest. The queen looks down to see the aforementioned amulet already around her neck; she lets out a tired laugh.

"Oh, good grief... I need a day off." She breathes out a sigh of relief and takes a quick seat on the edge of her bed. "Go ahead, love. Quickly, if you are able."

VILLAINY - L.LAUFEYSONWhere stories live. Discover now