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"what she did not expect was to see a disheveled, nervous young woman sitting on stephen's stairs

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"what she did not expect was to see a disheveled, nervous young woman sitting on stephen's stairs."

THE MEETING ROOM IS DEAFENINGLY SILENT, the air thick with tension of unspoken words. Everyone knows why this meeting was called, but no one wants to be the first to bridge the subject. They would much rather ignore it and hope the problem will disappear on its own.

"Well, someone's got to acknowledge the elephant in the room," Tony eventually sighs with a sigh. "Blitzen looks like he was pummeled by a shit-ton of bowling balls, and then some. We didn't rough him up that bad, did we?"

"Well, I... perhaps did slam him into a mountain," Thor says apologetically, face stoic.

"Doesn't explain the scars," Steve responds. "I think it has to have been intentional - no one ends up that scarred unless someone wants them to be."

"Yeah, but who would want him that hurt?" Bruce asks.

"Oh, I can think of a few several hundred people."

"Tony, this isn't funny.  If he's being forced into doing this somehow, then that means we could be punishing an innocent man. That's something I won't stand for."

"Innocent is a stretch, Rogers. Nat, remind us how many people he slaughtered in Germany?"

"Eighty," Natasha says emotionlessly.

"Eighty. Now, I don't know about you, Cap, but I won't stand for a man who killed eighty people getting away scot-free."

"Scot-free?" Amara erupts up from her chair. "Scot-free? Did you see what I saw? How could you look at him and say he got off scot-free from anything? How could you look at him and think that he deserves more punishment?!"

"It's not when I look at him that I think that, princess. It's when I look at the families of the people he killed, and as a son of parents that were murdered, I think I understand that pain better than anybody else. Those families deserve their justice."

"And so does the person who did that to him."

Tony lets out a loud sigh, about to rebuttal Amara once again. Before he can though, the ringing of a cellphone stops him.

Still angry from Tony's arrogance, Amara huffs as she yanks her phone from her pocket. She doesn't look at the name before answering the call and putting the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"Amara, I think we're going to be able to call ourselves even for good after this... I've found a way."

Amara's eyes instantly widen, her heart filling with a hope that she wishes she will not have to forfeit.

VILLAINY - L.LAUFEYSONWhere stories live. Discover now