eight: ATTACK

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"and with that, the Bifrost sweeps them away into an array of color and light

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"and with that, the Bifrost sweeps them away into an array of color and light."

   THE PLAN IS SIMPLE: Meet Loki on the Bifrost at three, then wander around Asgard with the amulet in search of a Frost Giant. A little too simple, a voice somewhere in Amara's mind whispers, but she adamantly chooses to ignore it. They have come too far to give up now, not when they are so close and the Jotun's attack is even closer.

   While Amara waits for three o'clock, she tests out how the amulet works, trying to get a feel for its power. She casts simple illusions, such as changing the color of an object, without wearing the amulet, and then puts it on to see the illusion has disappeared before her very eyes. She comes to realize that it is quite an amusing way to pass the time.

   By around two, however, she is too anxious to concentrate on hardly anything. She settles for pacing about her room, cradling the amulet in her palm as it rests around her neck. It goes without saying that the plan has its risks. If Freya found out Amara has stolen her amulet, there would surely be Hel to pay, and not only for her but for Loki, as well. If Odin were to find out that Loki helped her steal something from Freya, the consequences would be outrageous.

   As Amara is pacing and weighing the risks of what she is about to do, her attention drifts to pounding footsteps heading up the stairs to her room. She turns to face her door just as Thor appears, frantic and slightly out of breath.

   "Lady Amara, the Jotuns have launched an attack on Asgard. I must go, now."

   The princess's mind doesn't even have time to process what Thor has just said before she hears herself speak.

   "I'm coming with you."

   Thor does not dispute her, as she thought he would. Instead, he simply nods and begins down the stairs once more, Amara following closely behind.

   "Has Laufey died?" Amara huffs as they exit the castle, running across the front yard toward a place where they can safely use the Bifrost.

   "I do not know, I just received word that they launched an attack, nothing more. Come, now." Thor pulls her against him, thrusting his hammer into the air. "Hold on tight."

   And with that, the Bifrost sweeps them away into an array of color and light.

* * * *

   ASGARD IS IN A STATE of panic and disarray. Citizens are running and screaming everywhere, old buildings are crumbling, and in the distance, warriors are taking on an army of around twenty Frost Giants, all of them displaying savage warfare and brutality.

   Upon seeing this, Thor immediately goes into battle mode. "Alright, my lady. I shall make my way to the palace, you stay here and protect the citizens." Not waiting for a response, the god swirls his hammer and soars away, leaving Amara to her lonesome on the Bifrost. As much as she wishes to follow Thor to the palace, mainly to ensure Loki is safe, she knows there are bigger priorities at hand right now.

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