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"what in hel are you doing down there?!"

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"what in hel are you doing down there?!"

   IN ALL HER YEARS, Amara has never even seen inside of her mother's prophecy room. It is the one room in the house that Freya has always kept private and solely to herself.

   Today, that privacy will be invaded for the first time.

   Amara's heartbeat feels thunderous as she stands in front of the door. At this moment, she is the closest she has ever been to the prophecy room; it is almost unbelievable to her that she now must venture inside. She feels scandalous even thinking about it, but she wills herself to be brave. She will not allow her mother to hide this secret from anyone else and watch as people die at the hands of the Jotuns.

   With a trembling hand, she reaches out and turns the doorknob, creaking open the door. As soon as she steps inside, the temperature drops greatly, sending a chill down her spine. The room has no source of natural light and is lit only by the shining mist of a crystal ball that sits on a table at the room's center. The walls are lined with shelves upon shelves of binders, each containing different prophecies her mother has discovered over the years.

   Swallowing down her fear, Amara ventures forward into the darkness, feeling oddly drawn toward the mist of the crystal ball.

   Four steps into the room, she hears a click beneath her feet. Seconds later, she is falling.

   Amara screams as she falls, her body eventually landing on a cushioning surface only a couple of seconds later. She frantically looks around, seeing that she has landed in a small cell of a room, thankfully landing on the frameless bed as opposed to the concrete of the floor. The cell has only a bed, a dull-burning lantern, and a pitiful amount of old food rations.

   "Oh, no," Amara mutters, practically a whimper. "No!"

   She scrambles off the bed and looks up, only to see that whatever hole she fell down in the prophecy room has now closed. The hole is a straight drop, bordered on all sides with slick concrete. She couldn't have climbed out even if the way to the surface was still open.

   "Shit!" She kicks at the small bed simply because she feels as if steam is about to start hurtling out of her ears from anger. "Shit, shit!"

   Not only is she trapped down here until her mother is able to come home, which will be more than several hours from now, but upon her arrival, her mother will also instantly know that Amara was trying to access the prophecy room, the one room that she knows she is never, under any circumstances, allowed inside of.

   Amara realizes that it might benefit her to practice saying sane when physically confined to a small room, because when her mother finds out about her betrayal, she thinks she will definitely be needing that skill.

VILLAINY - L.LAUFEYSONWhere stories live. Discover now