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"loki looks at her pointedly, expectantly

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"loki looks at her pointedly, expectantly."

   NOSTALGIA OVERWHELMS AMARA as she climbs the ladder to Loki's secret hideaway spot atop the library roof. During their youth, this was his number one spot to go if he was feeling stressed, angry, sad, or anything in between. Many heartfelt conversations have occurred atop this roof, and as Amara reaches the top of the ladder and climbs through the open window, she is hit with memories of several of them.

   She hears Loki scoff as she emerges from the window, settling herself on the slanted roof. "I suppose I can never find solitude when you're around, can I?"

   Amara sighs as she comes to sit next to Loki, smoothing out her long dress and brushing off the dirt from the ladder. "Please, Loki. The only reason you still frequent this spot is because you know it is the first place I will come to look for you."

   He lets out a hum in lieu of a verbal response, a long-time indicator that Amara is right, but he won't dare admit it.

   After a moment's silence, Amara smirks at him. "Are you jealous?" she asks impishly, raising her eyebrows.

   The god scoffs once again. "No, I'm not jealous," he quickly responds. "I just don't see why Thor has to be the one to go to Vanaheim and I have to be the one to remain here."

   "Well, Thor is a little more..." - Loki looks at her pointedly, expectantly - "Battle-equipped, than you, I would say..."

   Loki simply stares. "So it's because I am weak, that's what you're saying?"

   "When did those words ever leave my lips?"

   "They did not have to, it was implied."

   Amara bumps her shoulder into his, rolling her eyes. "Cease your dramatics, Loki. You know as well as I do that you can hold your own in any battle. I just think that, if we're talking about the possibility of a war, then Thor is the more equipped of the two of you, that's all."

   Loki rolls his eyes now, huffing out a dramatic sigh.

   "Oh, so I can't say anything good about your brother in your presence, is that it?" Amara questions, grinning a bit.

   "Preferably not, no."

   She reaches over and digs her fingers into his side then, tickling him a bit just to break his stubborn facade. He exclaims in surprise, curling in on himself before grabbing her hand to stop her. He's grinning now, whether he wants to or not. "Stop with your childish antics, woman," he says, still unable to prevent his smile.

   "Well, then you stop behaving like a child," Amara says, taking his hand and holding it in hers. "It doesn't matter that Thor will be stationed at Vanaheim and you will be here. We'll simply go about as we always have, no difference will be made. Besides, it'll only be until the situation with the Jotuns is resolved."

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