thirty-two: TEN MINUTES

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"they are doing their job to protect the citizens of new york

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"they are doing their job to protect the citizens of new york. now, it is time for amara to do hers."

THOR IS ABLE TO STOP HIMSELF AND AMARA before they hit the ground with his hammer, swirling it and bringing them safely to the ground.

"Lady Amara, are you alright?" be immediately says, reaching for her stab wound.

"Fine," she manages, clutching at her abdomen. Blood slowly pools from it, staining her hands a velvet red. "We-we need to get back up there, he can't find out where the stone is, he-"

"My lady, you are in no condition to fight. You need to see a healer and get off the battlefield."

"No," she musters, trying not to let her voice portray her pain. "Stephen needs all the time he can get. I have to get back up there."

Writhing her arms out of Thor's hands, she stumbles back toward the tower entrance, still holding onto her abdomen. Before she can get too far, though, she sees an intricate series of orange sparkles off to her left. She pauses, panting as a head-sized portal into the Sanctum Sanctorum opens. Stephen steps into the frame, eyes slightly panicked.

"Amara, how are things out there?" he asks quickly, words fumbled.

"Not great," she says evasively. "We are trying to keep Loki distracted, but that's easier said than done. I really hope you're close to destroying that stone."

"Close, yes, but not finished," he huffs. "Wanda isn't nearly as strong enough as she needs to be, but we're making it work. She has to take breaks every so often, but we're over halfway done."

"How much more time?"

Stephen sighs. "Maybe... Maybe ten minutes, fifteen at most."

Amara sighs heavily. "It has to be ten, and it better be the fastest ten minutes of your life. We'll keep him distracted for as long as we can."

She doesn't mention that ten minutes is plenty of time for Loki to find the stone, and that there is no way she can last in a battle with him for that long in this state.

Stephen nods and then waves the portal away, bringing Amara's awareness back to the streets. The Chitauri are now attacking in full swing, some harming innocent citizens, but most picking a fight with the Avengers. Tony, Steve, Natasha, the Hulk, Thor, and some man with a bow and arrow fight valiantly, mowing the creatures down one by one.

They are doing their job to protect the citizens of New York. Now, it is time for Amara to do hers.

Still clutching her abdomen, she frantically looks around for any sign of Loki. She no longer sees him on the helicopter pad atop Stark Tower, which only deepens her worry. He could be on his way to the Sanctum right now, already having sensed the location of the stone.

Thankfully, she spots him in the street, looking around pointedly. He is trying to sense the stone, Amara knows it, and she also knows that that means she doesn't have much time.

Taking in a deep breath, she makes her way towards Loki, hobbling due to her injury. She weaves through panicked New Yorkers and Chitauri carcasses, her sole focus on the man ahead of her.

It is going to take a lot of magic to make an illusion that will convince him, and a lot of magic is something she does not currently possess. It will have to be enough, though - it is not an option for it not to be enough.

Once close enough, Amara casts the illusion, immediately feeling the weight of it bear down of her. She pushes through, determined not to show her weakness.

"Looking for this?!" she yells to Loki. An illusionary mind stone is held between her fingers - it takes so much strength from her because she is able to make it give off the same magic auras as the actual stone.

Loki's gaze snaps to her and he smirks once he sees the stone. "I certainly am."

Amara pockets the stone, raising her eyebrows. "You're going to have to go through me to get it."

Loki chuckles as he strides forward, using a cane both to walk and as his weapon of choice. "If you think I won't kill you because we have a past-" He warms up his magic in his hand unoccupied by the cane, "you're wrong."

And then it begins.

A/N: Sorry for the short filler chapter, but I wanted the next events of this story to be in their own chapter! Remember to vote and comment if you are enjoying! <3

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