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My dearest daughter,

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My dearest daughter,

I do not expect this letter to fix all of the misfortunes that have occurred to you, however, I do hope it will give you an explanation of my actions. My hope for you is that by the end of this letter, you will have just a fraction of the understanding as to why I had to do what I did. I know it feels like I betrayed you, my darling, but please realize that all I have ever yearned for is your happiness and safety. I will never abandon you nor betray you, Amara.

The events that led us to our present circumstances began with your birth. Well, I suppose if I am being honest, it was even before then.

It is no secret that Odin wished me to marry an Asgardian so our kingdoms could become united. As you know, I have always been opposed to that idea, especially because of my age, but due to the perfect alignment of some dreadful circumstances, he was able to persuade me into it. However, I had tricks of my own up my sleeve.

I bedded the man of Odin's choice before marrying him, and that is when I fell pregnant with you. It is also around that time that I received the prophecy of the Stolen Son.

With everything that I then knew, I realized I had the power to do to Odin as he had done to me. I informed him of the prophecy and gave him an ultimatum: I would keep Loki from going down the wrong path via you, as long as he got rid of my suitor and any future plans of wedding me into his lineage.

It is, of course, obvious which decision he made.

I do not know what happened to your father - it is the only regret I have because he was a kind man, and would have made a great husband to someone. However, I did what I had to do.

I know you would rather have died than been banished, my daughter - you did not want to give the Jotuns the chance to turn Loki against you. But I must tell you, it was necessary for you to remain alive, for that way there is still a chance for you to bring Loki back from what the future holds.

There will come a time, Amara, when you are the only thing left that can save him. Every other method will be exhausted, and you will be all that is left. My faith in you is strong, for we both know that Loki is no villain. He deserves the world to know that, not just you and I.

I will always be here for you, my dearest daughter. I will watch over you always in every step of your journey, and I am so sorry that this is how things have turned out.

I love you, always.

- Your mother, Freya

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