They weren't ridin' in the car when we both fell

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Hi Everyone,
I hope you like this story so far. Warning: this chapter is quite a long one (compared to the previous two) and it will be covering/ discussing internalised homophobia so if that might trigger you, feel free to skip it (I will put a short summary at the end of the chapter)
Also it's too late at night to proofread so please ignore any mistakes/typos,

I will always regret the way I treated you at first - with such hostility. In truth, I think it was due to fact that spending a large amount of with another girl my age reopened the wounds left behind from years ago, from Barbs death - though that is not an excuse, simply an explanation. The next stage of self-hatred began to emerge when I started to feel... a certain way about you, back at Pennhurst.

Awkwardly beside Robin Buckley, sat Nancy, doing her best to hold up a polite smile - as if that would make up for the discomfort waving out of the other, much more nervous girl. Though she must admit, she kind of wished she could punch that smug warden's irritating face as he waffled on about 'qualifications' and 'the board'.
Unexpectedly, Robin stood up out of her chair, seemingly to forget that she was wearing very uncomfortable, pearly, pink high heels as she wobbled slightly. Unsure of what the hell she could possibly be doing, Nancy desperately attempted to stop her, before she ruining their entire plan! However, as Nancy soon discovered, when Robin Freaking Buckley had her mind set on something, she was past the point of no return. As Robin began to do what she does best and ranted about a... summer camp? In truth , the elder girl was not entirely sure of what she was saying, as she slowly sunk into the uncomfortable oak seat in utter defeat as she declared in her mind that 'this entire idea is now ruined by this Band Girl's rambling' and questioning her choice of not bringing Steve instead. But then something... unexpected happened. Warden Hatch looked down at his cluttered desk and up once more at the two women before him, took a deep, menacing breath and hesitantly rose and lead them down to the cells.
Nancy wouldn't have been surprised if her mouth was wide open in shock as she processed what just had happened. She thought back, remembering the passionate tone of her companion and the slight wavering of her voice, the way a small lock of copper-brown hair fell across her face, not enough to take away her attention from the trance she seemed to be in. As she picked apart every detail of Robin, she felt a slightly painful and entirely mesmerising feeling appear in her heart like an almost sickly sweet cake with a salty aftertaste or a raging fire during the darkness of December. She couldn't breath. She couldn't move. She couldn't do anything! She was just stuck. Confused.Compelled to do something reckless, something right, something important. It was like she was being dragged by the force of a magnet but not in a ... bad way. The only time she had felt like this was with...! That couldn't be right. She shouldn't, no she couldn't feel this way towards her. So she shut those thoughts and promised her self that this, whatever it was, would never happen again,under no circumstances.
"Nance" Whispered a timid voice "Hey Nance, are you ok?"

She nodded hesitantly and continued down the hall, the sounds of their synchronised footsteps echoing down the hall.
To her relief, her mind quietened down for a while. Around ten excruciating minutes later, they had found out all the information they needed and were being escorted out of the premises by a furious Warden Hatch as he scolded them. Suddenly, they looked at each other and in a silent agreement decided to run.
" Just warning you, I have horrible co-ordination," Murmured Robin "Like it took me two months longer to learn to walk than all the other babies!"

It was an incredibly peculiar sight. Two girls, one sprinting effortlessly and the other trailing behind her, even flinging off her shoes in an attempt to increase her speed. As the practically fell into the car,Robin began screaming "DRIVE" at the top her lungs, provoking a quiet laugh from her friend. As she pulled out of the parking lot, her eyes were dangerously glued to the girl siting in the passenger seat with a feeling of pure admiration (platonically of course, she tried to convince herself) and the attempt to hide her previous revelation failed as it began to resurface.

But, predictably, Nancy Wheeler did not voice her thoughts but instead smiled and shouted back " You do run really weird!"
- Nancy and Robin are at Pennhurst (this chapter follows the cannon scene from s4 vol1)
-Robin does her speech about how she was inspired by Vincent Creels mind and surprises Nancy by succeeding in getting them access to the cells
-Nancy starts to experience romantic feelings towards Robin but immediately buries them deep down
-It skips to the girls running back to the car
-Nancy again notices her growing feelings for Robin but doesn't mention them
End of summary

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