Your heart was glass I dropped it

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Nance wasn't surprised that she hadn't heard back for a few days, she didn't think too much of it - especially with Steve's constant reassurance that 'it would all work out in the end.'But as it quickly increased from five days, to a week and a half, to two months. In fact, it wasn't till the night before Nancy was due to leave Hawkins that she interacted with the girl.
Sitting in the park she had spent half her childhood in, she reminisced on the time she had spent in this town. Beside her was the graceful willow tree, which had dozen of teenager's initials carved into it along with uneven hearts. Across from her was the old fish pond, the same one she had contemplated shoving her (often) obnoxious brother into at least once every visit. As much as she hated this place, there would always be a part of here stuck forever and she knew it. But at the same time, it was clear that if she didn't get away from here, she would never be freed from those haunting memories which now overshadowed any traces of those more joyful ones that she had been desperately clinging onto for the past years.
"Hey, is now a good time to talk?" Interupted a quiet voice "If not I can go... sorry you looked all calm and focused and I might have ruined that damn it I have bad timing. But like don't feel pressured to -"

"Robin, it's fine."

The mesmerising girl sat down beside her. At that moment, Nancy wished so deeply that this meeting could have been in better circumstances.

"About the letter, I've read it... and I love you Nance, I really do but it just didn't work, it wasn't enough. It just wouldn't be fair, and you know it."

The blonde seemed to be almost pleading with Nancy to agree with her, to make this easy, but she couldn't.

"But it could, Robin. You are the only true thing in my life and you were always there, I know I made a stupid mistake but would we be able to move past it...please?"

"Nancy, I'm sorry. I swear you mean so much to me but I guess it just wasn't supposed to work,even if it weren't for Vickie"

"Yeah of course,Vickie"

Robin shuffled away slightly, sending a jolt of guilt through Nance.

"God sorry, I didn't mean to be so horrible." She hastily apologised.

"I know"

That's when it hit her. It was over. Truly and utterly. And that's when the barricades came crashing down with one heartbroken sob. Immediately,Robin pulled her once girlfriend into a tight hug, softly running a hand across her hair.

"We really could have been something" she whispered through tears.

All the other girl could say was "I know".

Once Nancy had calmed down, they said their goodbyes,not knowing it would be a good few years before they would see each other again, when they were brought back to Hawkins for the most horrific and unexpected reason.
Sorry to leave you all on such a depressing ending- but don't worry, there will be a new story following on from this one coming soon!
Please leave any thoughts if you get the chance :)

Update -
The sequel is also up on my profile and is called 'I wish that you would stay in my memories' ( as of 01.08.22 the first chapter has been published)

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