Talk to Me

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Steve woke up sober but his head throbbed. He made his way downstairs and saw Eddie sitting on his couch.
"What are you doing here?" Steve questioned in a groggy voice. Eddie looked up at him and smiled.
"Steve you were drunk I came here because you didn't show up to school so I wanted to check on you," Eddie admitted. "When I got here you answered the door and I found beer cans sprawled out around your house and you were drunk and I don't think you had slept." Steve stared at Eddie for awhile then spoke up.
"What did I say to you?" Steve questioned. "Whatever I said it didn't mean anything, I swear." Tears started to well in his eyes. What if he told Eddie everything.
"Steve, I love you. That's all I want to say so maybe when you're sober we can have an actual conversation about this...about us," Eddie suggested. Steve looked at him then nodded he plopped down on the couch next to Eddie and placed his head on his shoulder. Steve could hear the erratic beat of Eddie's heart. Steve's face was still wet from the tears that had fell from his face minutes before. Steve didn't want to talk about what him and Eddie were, Steve wanted to forget this ever happened and ignore the fact he ever felt this way for a guy. Steve looked up at the older boy with his umber eyes.
"Eddie can you go? I need time to process what's happening." Steve said as he lifted his head off Eddie's shoulder.
"Oh, okay, whatever you need, Harrington." Eddie responded.
Eddie got up off the couch and started for the front door. Munson left slamming the door behind him.
"Why would he have me leave, I though we would figure it out together," Eddie mumbled to himself as he started to walk back to his trailer. Steve watched Eddie leave and after he was gone he got off the sofa and ran towards the phone. RING! RiNg! The phone was blaring as Steve tried to contact Robin. Finally the girl on the other end of the call picked up.
"Steve what's wrong," Robin said in an annoyed manor not catching on to Steve's frantic breaths.
"Robin, I need help," Steve stated.
Robin breathed in sharply, "what's wrong? Do I need to come over there?"
Steve's breath was beginning to steady out, "yeah if you have time please come by," Steve said solemnly.
Robin heard the sharp beep of Steve hanging up the phone. Robin grabbed a jacket and hauled ass for the door to get to Steve. When she finally arrived she barged into Steve's house and found him sitting on the couch with tears rolling down his cheeks. She sat down next to him and enveloped him into a hug.
"Steve it's gonna be okay, I promise," Robin reassured.
Steve was trying to breath rhythmically, "Robin, h-how did you kn-know?" Steve asked.
Robin rubbed circles into the small of Steve's back, "know what, dingus," Robin said trying to get Steve to laugh.
Steve looked at her in the most painful way, "how did you know that you, well... liked girls?" He finally uttered out.
Robin stared at him in awe, "well I just knew, I didn't see boys how the other girls did, instead of getting lost in a guys eyes I was staring at a girls. Instead of getting butterflies around an attractive guy I would get them when I was around a pretty girl I guess that's how I knew," Robin tried to explain.
Steve blinked and a small tear feel from his eye, "Well there is a guy and I feel those things for him but I also feel those things around girls. Just this guy is an exception, he is so perfect," Steve admitted.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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