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Jungkook was up before the sun could rise.He sat in front of his dresser in the dark and twirled his wedding ring around his finger.He can't recall ever having a good night's sleep in all five years.His dreams are all the same.He sees his husband whenever he closes his eyes.It feels as if he was being haunted by the alpha but you can only be haunted by a dead person right.Then why couldn't he get any sleep?

Today marked the fifth year since his husband slipped into a comma.The trauma must have been so huge for him not to wake up.According to the witness of the accident his husband had ran into a speeding car.This was a major hint that he intended to end his life.But why?Jungkook couldn't understand the real reason.He didn't think it was because he had sent his husband a divorce notice that very same day.Taehyung didn't love him so why would he kill himself because the omega wanted to leave him.It didn't add up.

Up until this day Jungkook had never told his family that he had been planning to divorce his husband.He feared he would be blamed for the state Taehyung was currently in.Whenever he thought about the possibility of him being the reason,his gut wrenched.

Jungkook had received the call that his husband had been rushed to the hospital only two hours after he had refused to meet up with him.

Everyday Jungkook wondered if and when his husband would wake up.He wanted them to sort things out.Maybe Taehyung wanted to leave him so guilt would eat him day and night whenever his daughter looks at him and asks him when her daddy was going to come home.Was she ever going to meet her father whom she didn't know anything about.

The sun eventually rose and Jungkook stopped crying silently and wiped his tears.He needed to get his day started so he could go to work.He went to take a shower and changed into something warm and comfortable.He was the editor in chief of Vogue Korea so he had to look the part.

It's funny how the promotion had come to him at the lowest moment of his life.He was no longer confident about his performance.Just when he least expected it.

The main reason why he was promoted to this post was because he had enough working experience as well as the necessary qualifications.In college he had majored in both photography and literature.That was why he was hired at Vogue.He worked in both the editorial department as well as the photography department.He was an important asset and after ten years of working he saw himself getting the biggest promotion of the year.Most of his collegues agreed that he was worth the position while some claimed that he had slept his way up to the top.However he never cared about what they had to say about him.He had much bigger problems in his life to deal with.

When he got to the dinning room he found his mother dealing with preparations for breakfast.

"Morning mom"he chirped

"Morning my love".

"Is Yeonie up yet".

"Not yet.She slept late last night"his mother replied

"I will go get her"Jungkook said excitedly

"Kookie let her sleep.She will have her breakfast later when she wakes up.Don't wake her up"Mrs Jeon said softly

"I wanna have breakfast with her.I cant go to work without seeing her beautiful eyes".he smiled dreamily

Mrs Jeon sighed in defeat and then smiled"If you say so Nayeon's mom"

Jungkook hugged her and got on his way to his daughter.The omega was so lucky to be surrounded by so many supportive people.Both from his family and his husband's family.His mother was his greatest support.When Jungkook announced his pregnancy a week after his husband slipped in a comma his mother left everything and moved in with him.She left her husband as well as her job.Just for him.

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