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"You mean through the window.Are you guys teenagers"Mr Jeon laughed outright.The family had sat down for breakfast.

"Ask your son in law not me dad"Jungkook said

"That was epic.You should tell this story to your grandkids in the future"Mrs Jeon told Jungkook


"Taehyung you shouldn't let Jungkook visit for too long like he did last time.Five years ago.
We were starting to get worried"Mr Jeon spoke lowly

"You are right honey.Who visits his parents for two months straight while being married.We were starting to think that you two weren't on good terms or had broken up."Mrs Jeon said

"I had missed home.You never let  me visit since marrying me off and I had to make up for it"Jungkook said

"Didn't Taehyung mind staying away from you for that long?"Jungkook's mother asked

"Taehyung was never the type of husband to tell me what to do"the omega said

"Aren't you lucky"

"At times I wished he would act  like a typical husband so I could know that he cares about me even a little bit"Jungkook whispered

"You want tough love?"Mr Jeon asked

"I do dad"

"I don't think you would be able to handle it though"Mrs Jeon laughed lightly

"Just try me"

"Kookie I think the reason why you were home sick was because you were already dealing with pregnancy hormones without realizing it.Don't you think so?"Mrs Jeon asked

"Yeah.Maybe you are right mom"Jungkook agreed even though that was never the reason why he had to come back home.

"Taehyung why are so quite.Won't you say something?"Mrs Jeon questioned

"He is observing a vow of silence"Jungkook said


"I don't know much about this game they are playing with Yeonie"Jungkook said

"Your daughter was born to call the shots.Just like you"

"Really?Even Taehyung thinks I'm controlling"Jungkook said with a slight frown.

"No I never said that "Taehyung was quick to say

"Daddy ,you talked now you have to get punished"Nayeon chirped

"How many forehead flicks?"

"Ten"Nayeon showed all her fingers.

"Jungkook you wanted this.You set me up"Taehyung said

"Mom what did I do.I didn't know you were going to react to my words.How is that my fault?"Jungkook asked while giggling

"Baby bear come and get it."Nayeon stretched her fingers getting ready for action.

"Make his forehead bleed"Jungkook joked

"Don't teach my daughter violence,Jungkook.It's not nice"Taehyung pouted

"He doesn't have to teach her anything.It's all in her blood.Jungkook was an evil child"Mrs Jeon said

"Mom you are lying"

"We can argue about this all day"his father said

And they did argue about it all day.Mrs Jeon had all the points to support her claims while Jungkook could only whine and claim that he was being set up.

Taehyung and Jungkook had to go back home after dinner because the younger had work the following day.Nayeon wanted to stay behind with her grandparents so they let her.

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