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When the trio got back home,a guest awaited them.Kim Taehyung was sitting in the living room

"What is he doing here?Did you tell him you were here?"Yoongi asked.

"No hyung.I didn't tell him.Please don't say mean things to my husband .I will take him home right away"Jungkook said

"No what's the rush.He is our guest"

"Hyung I think we should just go home.It would be best"the omega reasoned

"Come on Jungkook.I insist"Yoongi flashed his gummy smile

Jungkook rushed to his husband.He felt apprehensive after listening to his cousin's words.He didn't know if he didn't have any ulterior motive behind his instistance.

"Hey"Taehyung smiled

"What are you doing here?"Jungkook asked calmly

"Mom and Nayeon are waiting back home.For you"

"You have already come back home?"the younger asked

"Yeah.Our daughter is missing you.Let's hurry back home"

"Let me go take a shower first"

"You can do that at home can't you?"

"You really cant wait can you?I haven't had breakfast yet"the smaller said

"We will get something on our way"

"No Taehyung.My cousin isn't going anywhere without having breakfast.You should eat too.Please don't say no"Yoongi said

"Let's have breakfast  here Taehyung.Hyung is insisting"Jungkook told his husband

"If you say so"

Jungkook led his husband to the dinning room.Yoongi followed after them with Jiwoon.Jimin was already seated on the table.

"Jungkook I have already asked your husband to have breakfast with me when he arrived but he turned me down"Jimin said

"Your husband insisted and he couldn't refuse"Jungkook said with a smile

"So he is afraid of your cousin?"Jimin asked

"Yeah he is"

"Hey I'm not the villain here"Yoongi exclaimed

"So who is?"

"Definitely not me"

"Eat lots Taehyung"Jimin smiled

"Thank you"

After fifteen minutes everyone was done eating.Jungkook and Taehyung had to leave.

"Thank you for the wonderful breakfast"

"You are welcome.Visit more often"Jimin smiled gleefully.

"Why are the two of you being so formal.You are the same age"Jungkook said

"Really I didn't know"Taehyung said

"Doesn't it look like it?"Jimin asked

"Taehyung doesn't even know how old he is at the moment so don't mind me"

"Come on kookie.You can't tease me in front of your cousin.He will lose respect for me"Taehyung whispered.

"It's not a big deal.You need to loosen up,big guy"Jungkook held his husband's forearm and squeezed it softly

"Jungkook have you visited the doctor yet?"Jimin asked out of the blue

Jungkook looked down instead of answering.Taehyung who had been watching his every move got concerned when the omega remained quite .

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