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Jungkook had set up a five am alarm.He woke up and replaced himself with a pikkachu so his daughter wouldn't find out that he was gone.He wore active wear and then went to wake his husband.

Jungkook didn't even think about knocking on his husband's door.He just pushed his way through like it was an everyday thing.Just as he expected Taehyung was fast asleep.

"Mr man get up.I don't have all day.We have a lot to do so get up"

"Kookie"Taehyung uttered in his sleep

"Me?One nickname from your daughter is enough.Stop being cute Taehyung.Do you think I will forget about the morning run if you butter me up with a cute nickname"Jungkook said

Taehyung groaned and kicked the blanket away from his body.

Jungkook immediately looked away from his husband"Do you have to sleep shirtless even in this cold winter?"

"I can't sleep with a shirt on.Even if I sleep with it I will wake up in the middle of the night to get rid of it.It makes me somewhat comfortable"he said sounding extra sleepy

"Old habits die hard don't they?"Jungkook chuckled,his hands on his hips.

Taehyung rubbed his eyes and sat on the edge of the bed"How was your night?"

"Great and yours"

"I couldn't sleep much"Taehyung said

"Were the migraines that bad?Did you keep a bottle of water besides your bed.If they were severe then you should have woken me up.I would have made you ginger tea"Jungkook was blabbering at this point.It was all out of concern for the man he loved.

"I didn't want to bother you"

"Next time wake me up.I'm asking you to bother me okay.No matter how our relationship was like in the past I'm your spouse and I have certain duties towards you.Allow me to help you with whatever I can"Jungkook said

Taehyung didn't say anything but looked at Jungkook fondly.He wondered why he could never like someone like someone like Jungkook.What was there not to like about him.He couldn't ever imagine breaking the heart of such a person.

Taehyung felt his heart aching so badly.He got off the bed and went to the bathroom.After doing his business  he came back into the room and found Jungkook taking out his active wear.Even the socks and the trainers he was going to wear.

"Get dressed and meet me downstairs in five"Jungkook ordered

"Yes sir"

When Taehyung was done he passed through Jungkook's room and found the door open.He couldn't walk away seeing his daughter just laying there on the bed.She was just too irresistible that he tip toed into the room only to kiss her cheek.He made sure not to wake her in the process.

He then went to see Jungkook in the living room.

"Is that a timer around your neck?"Taehyung asked incrediously


"I guess that it's more serious than I thought x"

"Relax.Nayeon still needs a father so I won't run you to death"Jungkook winked

"Are we going to leave her alone?"the alpha asked

"Yeah.We can't take her with us because it's cold.She isn't even awake either"

"Are you sure she is going to be okay on her own"

"We will lock her in.I'm sure we will be back by the time she realizes that we are gone"the omega said

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