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Jungkook woke up somewhere in the middle of the night only to find out that his husband was gone.He got up from bed and checked the time from the beside clock.

"It's two in the morning"he mumbled

"Tae are you in the bathroom?"he yelled

No response came from the bathroom.Maybe he went downstairs to get himself water.When Jungkook was about to leave the room he found a water jug on their table.The water was there so  where could he have gone at such an ungodly hour.He willed himself not to panic but that was what he was going to do in exactly ten minutes from now.He was puzzled because he didn't hear the door of their room being opened.He wasn't a heavy sleeper so if the door had been opened once he would have heard it.

Shit.A lot of strange thoughts were going through inside his head.Abduction maybe.Yet again who would even want to abduct him.

Jungkook face palmed when he looked at himself.He realized that he was only in a over sized t shirt and a pair of socks.What was going to happen if he bumps into his mother in law like that.When he went to pick up his pants from the carpet near the bed he noticed that the sliding door to the balcony was slightly open.He wondered what his husband would be doing out there in such a freezing weather.Was it really his husband or an intruder?

He carefully  and slowly opened it and saw Taehyung's figure standing by the rails of the balcony.He walked to him without even realized it

"Tae why are you wake?"he asked as he stood besides the alpha.

"I'm sorry.I didn't mean to wake you up"

"No you didn't wake me.I suffer from insomnia remember.It shouldn't be surprising to see me awake at this hour.I don't know about you though"

"I couldn't sleep either."

"Why?Are you having migraines again?"Jungkook asked softly

"My head is spinning non stop and my mind is foggy.It's just all sorts of craziness"

"You are probably straining your brain by trying to recall stuff .Don't do that.Your brain might overheat and you know what happens after that.Just take it easy.Your memories will come back when the time is right.No one will kill you because you don't remember stuff"Jungkook smiled at his husband in assurance and squeezed his forearm.

"What do i have to take for the pain to stop.I don't think my meds are strong enough to kill the pain"

"You should have plenty of water.I have always told you that"

"That is what I was doing for the past two hours and there hasn't been any improvement"the alpha sounded frustrated .

"You have been awake for that long?'


"No wonder you are grumpy.I can help you get some sleep but you have to promise me that you won't tell your brother about this.It has to be our little secret"

"I promise .Just do something to deliver me from this pain"Taehyung said

"I can give you my sleeping pills.Just for tonight.It's dangerous to consume unprescribed medicine.I don't want to get into trouble"the smaller said

"I won't tell him"

"But when you go for your routine check up just tell hyung that the meds aren't effective as they used to be.I'm sure he will find a solution for you"

"I got it"

"Do you know the best cure for headaches and insomnia though?"the omega asked

Taehyung really didn't get why Jungkook was looking at him so mischievously.It wasn't at all like him to be this playful.

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