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Jungkook got home around six .He had left work earlier than usual.He had to make dinner for his husband and daughter.

"I'm home"he said as soon as he stepped inside the house.Soon enough an excited Nayeon appeared in the hall.Behind her was Taehyung dressed into a black shirt as well as black shorts.His hands were tucked in his pocket.

"Mommy"Nayeon jumped onto her mother who hugged her tenderly and gave her evening dose of pecks.

"What did you do all afternoon baby"the omega asked

"We watched a movie,ate a lot of chocolate and popcorn.Daddy got noodles for Yeonie"

"My Yeonie had a lot of fun right?"


Jungkook let Nayeon down and then walked to his husband.

"Hey"the older started

"I missed you"Jungkook said and hugged his husband's waist.He was disappointed that the alpha didn't hug him back.It was as if his hands were glued into his pockets

Jungkook pulled away and glared at his husband.His feet were tapping the floor.His tongue was poking his tongue in anger.Of course Taehyung noticed.

"I know that look.What did I do?"the older asked

"I should be asking you that.What did I do to deserve this cold attitude.I hugged you and I expected you to hug me back."Jungkook turned away from his husband just so he could know how upset he was.Taehyung could tell that the omega's mood had turned sour.He was in a good mood when he got home and Taehyung was the reason he was pouting angrily and sulking like a mad girlfriend


"Kookoo baby bear cut his finger"Nayeon talked over her father.It was a good thing that she did because Taehyung didn't plan on telling Jungkook about the accident.

"What?"Jungkook exclaimed

"Its not a big deal.Just relax"Taehyung said

"What were you even doing with a knife in the first place"Jungkook was slowly losing his cool.He never wanted his husband near knives because he knew something like this would happen.

"I was making dinner.I cut my finger by accident.I'm sorry for being reckless"

"But I told you to wait for me Taehyung.I said I would come back home and make dinner didn't I?"Jungkook asked softly.

"You can't expect me to wait for you to cook after a long day at work"

"Don't be a smarty pants.Let me see your hand .Did you treat it properly.You might get an infection if you only wrap a bandaid around it without applying anything"


"Taehyung ...go and sit on the counter.I will be back.Don't even dare try argue with me.How do you even expect me to eat the food happily when I know you cut your finger for it"

"Baby I will do what you said.Don't get upset with me"Taehyung said

Jungkook went to the nearest bathroom and grabbed a first aid box.The cut on his husband's index finger was deeper than he had imagined.Taehyung had only managed to stop the bleeding and did nothing else.He could get an infection but not on Jungkook's watch.

He didn't even say a word while attending to his husband.He was upset with him and the alpha noticed.Taehyung didn't know what to do to make the younger talk to him.

"Baby how will I gain experience if I don't work.I mean everyone gets their fingers  cut once in a while.Didn't you also get cuts when you started working in the kitchen for the first time"

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