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Jungkook's eyes shot open.He sat up and checked the clock.He was horrified to see that it was half seven in the morning.He was supposed to start work by eight and here he was.Yesterday he had gotten carried away and forgotten to set up the alarm.Taehyung was usually awake by this time and Jungkook didn't understand why he didn't wake up early today of all days.He jumped out of bed

"Fuck ,fuck.Im screwed"he cussed all the way to the bathroom

Jungkook took a quick shower without waking up his two angels.All the time he moved about their room butt naked he didn't realize that Taehyung was awake and watching him.

Taehyung pretended to be asleep until Jungkook was done.He didn't want to get caught gawking at his husband.

"Taehyung I know you are awake."

"How would you know?"

"Forget that.I'm running late for work.Take care of Yeonie.I actually wanted to make breakfast before I leave but as you can see I'm super late."

"Don't worry I will make breakfast for us.What about you though?"

"I will figure something out.Don't worry about me.Just take care of yourself and our daughter.Remember what I told you"

"Don't worry baby.I will handle everything.Be rest assured"

"You can order something for lunch.I'm sure I will be back in time to make dinner for us"


"Next time please wake me up.It's a request Taehyung"

"When do you usually get up?"the alpha asked

"At six"

"Sure.I will be your body alarm"

"Actually it's the first time I have been late for work"

"First time in a decade?"Taehyung asked in surprise."You are just the perfect employee"

"It was also the case at school.I was never late.Not even by mistake.I had nothing else going on in my life at that time.It was just college"

"I find that hard to believe"

"Yeah and I know some of my colleagues are going to make fun of me for this"


"They can come up with a thousand reasons why I would be late for work now when I have never been late before"

"You look great by the way.I can hardly recognize you every time you dress up to leave the house"

"Don't you start having weird thoughts Taehyung"

"I'm not saying that you don't look attractive in baggy clothes I'm just saying you look even better ..."

Jungkook placed two fingers onto his husband's lips"Please say no more.I'm leaving"

"No good bye kiss"

"Maybe for Yeonie.Baby bear gets non"

"That's not fair.If you don't give it to me I will take it "

Jungkook realized that if he doesn't give Taehyung what he wants then he would be more late than he already is.

"Okay fine.Just one peck"

"I guess I can settle"

After pecking his husband's lips he went to peck his daughter's forehead.

"I'm off"

"Take care"Taehyung said

"Better take great care of my daughter,Kim"Jungkook said

"Will try"

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