robins bed

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— Third person —

Once they got back up stairs into Robins room they changed because they were sopping wet. At this point they were both sitting on Robins bed, not saying a word until-

" Hey Rob. " Nancy said.

The nickname still made her blush, but she tried to cover it up. " Hm ? " Robin said.

" Sorry if it's a little awkward.. Ya'know.. Us sharing a bed. " Nancy said hesitantly.

" Ah nah it's fine, plus Ive shared my bed with women before " Robin said with a smirk that Nancy could see.

Nancy turned to her, eyes widened, completely shocked by what Robin had just said, " Pardon? " She said.

" Hm? " " Oh yeah, like with my mom and my friends! Nancy... " Robin said still with that same smirk on her face. " What were you thinking ? " They said laughing uncontrollably.

" Fuck you " Nancy said flipping her off and laughing with her.

A little bit after that they actually got tucked into the bed, and there was a movie playing on Robins TV.

Nancy started to move closer to Robin, so close that by now Nancy was laying on Robins chest.

Robin was cherry red at the sight of Nancy Wheeler, the girl she used to hate, was now laying on her chest. " Nance what are you doing? " Robin stammered.

Nancy looked up at Robin " I'm sorry. If this makes you uncomfortable i'll mo- " Nancy was cut off by the feel of Robin Buckleys lips on hers. She slowly sat up now sitting on Robins thigh.

They both broke away from the kiss, in desperate need of air.

" IM SO SOR- " Robin started but then got cut off.

" Robin. " Nancy said still sitting in her thigh.

" Yeah..? " Robin said hesitantly.

" Stop talking. " Nancy said.

Nancy dove right back onto Robins lips. That kiss quickly turned into them making out.


Nancy quickly went from Robins lips to her neck making Robin gasp at the contact. Nancy then stopped and looked at Robin.

" You okay with this? " Nancy asked.

" I've never been more sure about anything in my life. " Robin breathes.

Nancy then dives right back into Robins neck. Robins breathing becomes more rapid as Nancy moves down to her collarbone.

" Fuck " Robin moans in a whisper.

Nancy smiles in Robins neck at the sound of Robin. It was still raining, so the only things heard was Robin being a slut for Nancy, the movie they were once watching, and the faint sound of rain.

Nancy then, had accidentally found Robins sweet spot. Once Nancy got there Robin went absolutely berserk.

" Nance- ah-.. Fuck ! " Robin moaned not in a whisper this time.

Nancy stopped and looked at Robin with a smirk.

" Shhh we don't wanna wake your mommy now do we? " Nancy said with dominant facial expression. " Be a good girl for me, okay? "

" Mhm " Robin said tilting her head back.

Nancy grabbed her face and pulled her into a kiss. Then Nancy went back to work on Robins sweet spot.

" Mph- " Robin moaned in a whisper, obeying Nancy.

The movie had stopped so now it was Robin (Nancys slut) and rain padding the pavement being heard.

Nancy had put her knee in between Robins legs making Robin gasp.

Robin continued being Nancys bitch for about 20 more minutes, then they had decided it was best if they both go to sleep, or else it would've escalated to something that would definitely wake Robins mom up considering that Robin couldn't hold her sounds in.


After they both got re-tucked into their spots they laid there trying to process what had happened.

" Goodnight Wheeler " Robin said, her voice raspier than normal (ill let you figure out why).

" Night Robin " Nancy said with a smirk on her face.

a/n: did u guys expect that 🤭? this is making up for the last chapter, and maybe even the next chapter (idk yet) but yeah that's it, bye!! stay safe <33

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