Chapter 5: Craziness

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Here's another chapter!

Pervious Chapter

"Because soon we well have our boys bad." Amy smirked. Niesha grinned evilly...

(Normal Pov) (With Sonic)

Sonic stood in his room. He was shocked, confused, and sad. Shocked about Niesha wanting to hang out tomorrow, confused about why Niesha apologized knowing she doesn't apologize much, and sad that 1) Shadow and Amy hugged and 2) Shadow walked in on him when he and Niesha were on his bed hugging each other. Sonic gave off a shaky sigh and walked out of his room. He went into the kitchen and began to prepare dinner...

(With Shadow)

Shadow was laying on his back on his bed. His hands were behind his head. He sighed and continued to think

"Maybe I shouldn't have accepted Rose's apologize." Shadow thought

"But then again, I wonder why she apologized." Shadow continued to ponder on the situation. He then smelt something good. He got out of bed and walked downstairs. He walked into the kitchen and seen Sonic fixing dinner. He smiled softly and went to help Sonic, but Sonic stopped him

"You don't have to help me you know." Sonic stated. He looked up and gave Shadow a small smile. He then went back to cooking. Shadow sat at the kitchen table and sighed

"What are you cooking anyway?" Shadow questioned

"I was thinking about just doing salad, but instead I'm gonna do the salad and some chicken." Sonic replied. Shadow opened his mouth, but Sonic stopped him again

"No, I'm not doing fried chicken. Its gonna be baked chicken so be quiet." Sonic stated. Shadow groaned and Sonic laughed half heartedly

"Should I do a fruit salad or a regular salad?" Sonic pondered mostly to himself

"Fruit salad." Shadow replied and walked into the living room. Sonic shrugged and put the uncooked chicken into the oven and grabbed a big purple bowl. He then grabbed some fruits and began preparing the fruit salad....


"Shadow, dinners ready!" Sonic shouted. Shadow got off of his couch and walked into the kitchen. He sat at the kitchen table and Sonic sat a plate in front of him. Sonic then sat a cup of water on the table beside Shadow's plate. Sonic sat across from Shadow at the table and began to eat...

(The Next Day)

Sonic jumped out of the shower and quickly dried himself off. He ran over to his closet and put on a gray shirt, blue jeans, and some gray hightops. He then grabbed his black hoodie and put it on. He grabbed his dog chain and put it around his neck. He picked up his wallet and his phone and ran out into the kitchen, where he seen Shadow eating the breakfast he made earlier. Sonic grabbed an apple and began to walk, but Shadow stopped him.

"Where are you going at 11:07 in the morning?" Shadow questioned as he put his dirty plate in the sink. Sonic laughed nervously

"Just going to the park that's all." Sonic replied. He rubbed the back of his neck. Shadow sighed and ran his hand through his quills. Sonic's heart flipped as he blushed

"To meet who?" Shadow asked as he smirked. Sonic smiled nervously. The blushed still on his cheeks

"N-Niesha wanted to meet up at the park today." Sonic replied. Shadow's smirk fell

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