Chapter Four: -_-

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Sorry I couldn't think of a name for this chapter. Anyway Enjoy!

Previous Chapter

"Who's the other on-" Shadow stopped talking once he felt Sonic's lips agasint his. Shadow closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Sonic's waist, bringing Sonic closer to himself...

(Normal Pov)

Shadow softly pushed Sonic on his back on the couch. He crawled on top of Sonic and kissed him. Sonic wrapped his arms around Shadow's neck, deepening the kiss. Shadow wrapped Sonic's legs around his waist, making him moan. Shadow grabbed Sonic's waist and squeezed them. Sonic groaned and squeezed his eyes closed....


Shadow and Sonic igorned it, continuing what they were doing


Shadow growled and got up. Sonic sat up on the couch, watching Shadow walk to the door. Shadow opened it to see Amy. She had a sad look on her face

"Hey Shadow, can we talk in private please?" Amy asked. Shadow shrugged and followed Amy outside, closing the door behind him, and leaving Sonic by himself

"Okay what do you want, Amy? Shadow crossed his arms. He and Amy had walked a good distance from the house, but what they didn't know was that Sonic was looking through the window at them and the window was up, so he could hear what they were saying

"I just wanted to say sorry for cheating on you. I was just so confused an-" Shadow cut her off

"Confused about what Amy?" Shadow asked

"Well for the two weeks we were going out, you were barely affectionate to me. So I just thought that you didn't love me anymore. So my stupid self, instead of asking you why, I cheated on you with Scourge." Amy began to cry "I was just so stupid! I lost the most important thing in my life and that was you!" Shadow sighed and hugged Amy. Amy cried into his chest. Sonic just watched. He knew he was becoming a little jealous.

"Shhh Amy its okay." Shadow rubbed Amy behind her ear. Oh how she missed that feeling. She looked up at him. Her eyes big and shimmering with tears

"Do you forgive me?" Amy sniffed

"Yeah I forgive you." Amy threw her arms around Shadow's neck, hugging him tightly. Shadow hugged her just as tight. Sonic looked away from the scene. He ran upstairs to his room and jumped into his bed. He put his face into his pillow and let a few tears fall.

Slow motion

We can take, we can take, we can take our time, baby

In slow motion

We can take, we can take, we can take our time, stay here

In slow motion

Sonic grabbed his phone and sat at the edge of his bed. He soon answered his phone


"Hey Sonic, its Niesha." She sounded sad

"What do you want?" He questioned

"Well I wanted to say sorry for breaking up with you. I guess I'm to much of a clean freak and went off for nothing. I just didn't want the house to be dirty. Can you forgive me?" Niesha asked

"Sure." Sonic replied. Niesha chaos controlled into Sonic's room. She jumped on him, causing him to fall on his back on his bed

"Thanks so much Sonikku." Niesha hugged him tightly. Both of her legs were on each side of Sonic's. He blushed and hugged her back

"Y-your welcome." He replied. Shadow walked into the room to see them

"Oops sorry." Shadow's eyes were a little wide. He closed the door and walked away from it. Sonic pushed Niesha off him softly and stood up

"Hey Sonic, do you think we could go to the park tomorrow?" Niesha questioned

"Sure. I'll meet you there." Sonic replied. Niesha hugged him one more time. He hugged her back

"Bye Sonic!" Niesha chaos controlled away....


"Yes, the plan is going into action." A voice stated. It grinned

"In a few weeks, they won't even remember they liked each other." Another voice replied. The two voices laughed

"Because soon we well have our boys back." Amy smirked. Niesha grinned evilly...
And this is exactly why I barely accept apologizes. See you next time!

Sonadow: Love Is Hard {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now